The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 334: Structure

"Hold on a moment!" Oscar interrupted Gol-4's recounting of Isaac's past.

"What is it? I was getting into the good part!" Gol-4 said.

Oscar leaned in closer to Gol-4, his eyes shining with wonder. In the past, someone told him something existed beyond the King Exalt realm, but he didn't know much about it. Now, for the first time, he finally learned its name, the Primaere. The word made Oscar smile, knowing the world had so much more to it he didn't know.

"What is the Primaere realm? Why have I never heard of it?" Oscar asked.

"I'm not surprised you don't know because its existence is beyond your level. And the Farsky continent no longer has a Primaere, judging from what you told me about the current state of affairs. The other continents are pretty far away." Gol-4 hummed in thought. His blue eyes focused as his head began to float again.

"Primaere…no one knows how many are truly out there, but the main consensus has always been there are very few. They are the apex who stand at the top of our world, Talos. It is a big leap across the chasm. King Exalts have an increased life span of 500 years when they advance. But a Primaere can live for 5000 years."

Five thousand years! Overcome by the magnitude of this reveal, Oscar nearly lost his balance while sitting on the floor. King Exalts, like the Pavilion Master, was the subject of awe and worship for many people, including himself. Then what were the Primaeres? Oscar failed to grasp or imagine the scale of their power.

"Wait! If they live for so long and are the most powerful, why haven't they conquered everything? One Primaere should be able to rule the entire continent like you…." Oscar realized how fragile the existence of his home and school became before these enigmatic figures.

"Just because a Primaere is so powerful doesn't mean they'll conquer everything, at least not in the normal sense," Gol-4 responded.

"Not in a normal way?" Oscar mumbled.

"Just like how the Walsh Academy and my Divine Stone Clan had several empires, kingdoms, and other factions under our influence, they must rule over smaller factions without direct intervention. Your four empires are most likely under the sway of one or multiple Primaeres."

Oscar gave Gol-4 an incredulous expression of confusion, unable to understand. Gol-4 laughed at Oscar's dumbfoundedness.

"Your home probably pays tribute to a Primaere power. My reach only extended to a single large continent, but some Primaeres I knew in my time held sway over several. After my downfall and the Forest Heart Clan's strange disappearance, the other Primaeres must have discussed how to handle this continent."

"They work together?"

"Darn it! This was supposed to be my story! Instead, I have to give a whole history lesson. Though, it's not known to the common populace…ah well." Gol-4 let out a nonexistent breath of frustration. "Long ago, in ancient times, a group of Primaeres banded together to bring order and structure to the savage world. They became known as the Primal Council."

"How were they able to form a council?"

"The endless bloodshed of the previous era gave rise to Primaeres who were sick of the wars. They banded together to enact rules to which they adhered. They will use every method possible to avoid direct wars with each other. However, they also understood fighting and war were a natural part of Exalts, no, people as a whole."

"I'd prefer if everyone didn't have to fight…." Oscar sighed.

"A most admirable yearning, one the Primal Council knew to be impossible. So, they set up mock wars between each other with great contests and events. But the critical part is they allow the factions under them to fight wars, knowing it will satisfy the desire for battle and give rise to more powerful Exalts. The brewing conflict between your home and the other three factions is acceptable to the Primal Council."

"How did that help to lessen the wars? Also, what's preventing one from disrupting the order?" Oscar felt uncomfortable about the Primal Council's actions and indifference to the wars occurring under their noses.

"Because the Primaeres are not the ones fighting. You may realize in your later years…the true terror of their power. I was not born during the savage era, but I know our power." Gol-4 gulped without a throat. He looked down as if remembering something horrible. "Anyone who goes against the Primal Council and the order they created is branded as an outcast. They band together and destroy the rulebreaker. Rules must be upheld. That is their creed."

Oscar crossed his arms. He processed Gol-4's information as best as he could. One thing nagged at him, and he asked, "Then what about the war between you and the Forest Heart Clan? How was that not breaking the rules?"

"Let me get back to the story." Gol-4 began to narrate the rest of his memories.

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Isaac worked hard to prepare everything for his advancement to the Primaere realm. He reached the peak of the Greater King Exalt realm and went into seclusion atop an old mountain. When one reached the threshold, the slightest influx of Ein into the core would begin the advancement and call down the tribulation.

The tribulation came down with hostile intent to put down everyone who dared to encroach upon this higher realm of power. Isaac nearly died from the attempt. But he succeeded and became the Primaere. The rise of the new Primaere caught the attention of the Primal Council.

The Farsky continent used to be a part of another Primaere's sphere of influence. Following their rules, the Primal Council gave him two choices: join the other Primaere's faction and rule together or separate to form a faction. Isaac chose the latter, and the Primal Council gifted him the entire continent with the permission of the other Primaere.

The other Primaere was an old person near the end of her ropes, at 4800 years old, who had the Farsky continent under her influence. She hoped Isaac would take over her spot but still respected Isaac's decision to form an independent faction. So, Isaac respected the elder and provided as much assistance as possible.

She was the previous head of the Forest Heart Clan, and they became good friends. Isaac promised the elder he would care for the Forest Heart Clan and its subordinate factions if no one else stepped up to claim her Primaere seat of power. Once a faction no longer had a Primaere at the helm, it would be granted a grace period out of respect before being delegated to come under the sway of another Primaere.

During this time, he met the granddaughter of the old Primaere, the abhorrent wench, Silvia Evergreen. It was Isaac's foolishness. He fell in love with Silvia, who was a King Exalt. She had the best chance to become a Primaere for her clan, and he was their insurance if she failed.

Silvia refused his advances, expressing her hatred toward him. She had a dark jealousy stirring in her heart from seeing her grandmother favor an outsider and not rely on her. She held fierce pride in herself. Isaac tried his best to weave his way into her heart with no result.

Ultimately, she became a Primaere, and Isaac joined the festivities with everyone else. The elder was pleased and passed away shortly after. However, her last will and testament created the seed that sprouted this conflict. The elder stated that the continent closest to Farsky would go to Isaac.

Silvia was displeased. The Forest Heart Clan held three continents. To forfeit one whole continent made Silvia beyond infuriated. So, instead, she set out to disrupt it as much as possible. She stripped the continent of everything, laying waste to the lands and people, leaving behind only ruins. This was all still within their power as the transfer hadn't happened yet.

Isaac also became angry with Silvia and retaliated by not providing any services to her. The services of the Divine Stone Clan were highly praised for their production of armaments, golems, and ores. This led to a back-and-forth, which continued for around 2000 years until the conflict began.

The Primal Council saw the increasing conflicts between the two factions and wanted the two to sit down for negotiations. However, two thousand years of grudges, backstabbing, and assassinations had done their work to ruin any hope of peace. Isaac held some willingness to negotiate, but Silvia was too persistent. So, the Primal Council enacted a final action.

When it became clear that nothing would stop the two from falling into war to the point no mock wars would satisfy, the Primal Council allowed the Primaeres to fight it out, believing rebuilding from the ashes would be better. Restrictions were laid down to prevent the war from spreading outside to their areas, and the winner would take everything.

If it were found they crossed the line, the Primal Council would act.

The rest is as seen in Ashen Grove. The Divine Stone Clan had armies of golems and powerful Exalts, but the resources of the Forest Heart Clan were deep. Isaac fell in battle against Silvia, who reached a higher realm of power during this time, feeling anguish for everything that happened.


"So what you're saying is all of this fighting, and the bloodshed came from a grudge between you and Silvia over ownership of a continent." Oscar's brow twitched.

"Don't look at me like that. Even without my interference, Silvia's greed and desire for power would have put her at odds with another. Now that I remember Isaac's past, the most likely result was Silvia being hunted down by the forces of the Primal Council." Gol-4 talked in a low voice, a strange mix of hatred and sorrow which confused Oscar.

"She slaughtered your clan, and you still seem sad?" Oscar asked.

"Isaac's memories go to the last moments of the war and what he felt. He still loved her despite everything that happened between them." Gol-4 shook his head. "I can't expect you to understand. It is quite a foolish mindset, but love can do that."

"Gol-4…to be honest…that's beyond stupid. That doesn't sound at all like love but rather obsession." Oscar held nothing back.

"Oh? How about your precious princess? What if she decides to betray you or cast you aside? What if she hurts your friends? Would you suddenly lose your infatuation? Or will you continue to hold onto the flickering embers of hope she might turn around?"

Oscar felt a surge of electricity burst in his mind. He thought of someone who had experienced such events, Serena. She had been so clingy and passionate toward him, yet he hurt her more than once. His actions were irreversible and perhaps, finally, made her lose her love.

If Celestina did the same to him, how would he respond? What would he do? Oscar believed in Celestina, but Serena did the same for him, only to end up hurt by him. Absurd! Did he really have so little faith in Celestina?

"You can stew over that for a while. Your relationships seem so complicated. It would be easier just to marry both of them and be done with it." Gol-4 scoffed.

"I don't like that. My father always said he's only one man with one heart to give. How could he split it up like rations to numerous others when they all deserve his all?" Oscar stood up and dusted off his pants.

"Oh, you're one of those types. Hehe. I won't convince you of anything. Now can I ask this?" Gol-4 raised his voice. "I, Gol-4 of the Chronem series and a replica of Isaac Stonewell, offer my services to Oscar Terr. Will you take this rusty head in?"

Oscar laughed, picking up Gol-4 and strapping him to his waist. "Was it ever an option? You told me everything. Truthfully? Who knows? But I choose to believe in you."

"Alright, lad! Let's get out there and raise some hell in this central palace. I used to live here." Gol-4 seemed excited and eager.

Oscar stepped out of the room as the stone slab faded away. He wanted to do his best for the Blue Ocean Pavilion and Celestina, unwilling to fall behind.

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