The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 316: Central Palace of Ashen Grove

"Rest well, Oscar." Celestina lifted the tent entrance and came outside. She placed her hand over her chest and heaved a sigh. Thank goodness Oscar and the others were alright. The past three were so tiring, and seeing everyone released the tension from her shoulders.

For the first time, the suffocating air of the inner region seemed to lessen. Celestina closed her eyes to feel the nice wind, tucking her silver hair behind with her hand. With her eyes unobstructed by her whipping hair, she stared around at the tents and the gathering area as she went over to the largest tent, the strategic headquarters for their efforts here.

Reaching the entrance, Celestina clenched her rapier at her side and tucked her chin in. The familiar pressure bore down on her again. Straightening her back, she entered the tent and was greeted by the enthusiastic Charles. Seeing her brother made her feel slightly better.

"Welcome back, sister. How are the people outside?" Charles put down a jug of water and two cups. He poured water into each one and passed a cup to her. He drank his, downing it in one gulp. Celestina took a small sip from her cup. The waters were cool and refreshing as she swirled for a moment before drinking.

"We came in here with 500 Elite Exalts, Charles. But now, in total, there are only around 350." Celestina found her hands trembling, and water overflowing from the cup spilled down her wrist. She placed the cup down and wiped her hand with a towel. She noticed Charles looking at her with worry and forced herself to smile. "I hope we can make right by their deaths. No one should sacrifice themselves for nothing."

"I agree. Though, I would prefer if no one had to make such sacrifices with their lives." Charles frowned. His level of emotional control was not on par with hers, needing better lessons. He unfurled the map of the inner region with the large temple marked in the center. "I do not believe any faction will waste their manpower and effort to deter us from going inside."

"Everyone's focused on the inside of the temple. We can't let ourselves be spread too thin. Your assessment is correct, Charles. We have an entire week to explore the temple. The fighting will start inside." Celestina tapped on the map.

"Gilbert went on ahead to the temple grounds with Eleanor and Phillip. They should be able to secure an area for us to enter."

"....Lockwood." Celestina's stomach churned at the name. Thinking of his face, Celestina resisted the urge to vomit. The entire time, his insufferable attitude never failed to make her almost lose control. Making use of this time as an excuse to keep trying to get close to her. If it weren't for his results and grade nine exolsia, she would have told him off long ago.

"Sorry for mentioning him." Charles pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit down and rest. "I don't enjoy his company either. Why couldn't he have a better personality with all that power? If only someone like Oscar had a grade nine exolsia."

"That sounds far better. Though, I wonder if he'd be the same Oscar if he did have a grade nine exolsia." Celestina recalled Oscar's tired yet smiling expression. Her fellow bibliophile had matured even more during this time. Thinking about the people he's rescued and saved, Celestina leaned back in her chair, smiling. "I think he's alright the way he is. Let's rest for now, Charles."

"Alright, sister. Rest well." Charles cracked his back several times and sat by the entrance to give Celestina space.

"May this last week bear well for the Pavilion and for my Empire," Celestina whispered to the air.


After a peaceful nap, Oscar woke up. He shuffled under the sheet and escaped its alluring grasp, snapping to his feet and stretching his arms wide. Such a peaceful, deep sleep was rare to come by in this place, but he had a job to do. Oscar exited his tent. He froze. Serena had come out at the same time.

"Good afternoon, Serena," Oscar said.

"Good afternoon, Oscar." Serena smiled as friendly as before.

Not knowing how to continue the conversation, Oscar walked alongside Serena in silence. She did not make a move on him as before. It was what he had wanted all the time, but he felt a sense of loss, knowing the change was because of his actions in the past.

This story has been stolen from Royal Road. If you read it on Amazon, please report it

Oscar paused. Serena turned to him. He breathed in and said, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry? What are you sorry about?"

"I'm sorry for not telling you everything. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just don't want anyone else to needlessly worry about me. There's something strange happening to me."

"But you're not willing to tell me…did you tell anyone else?"

Oscar sighed. Serena's eyes twitched. "I didn't tell anyone else."

"That's the problem…." Serena turned around and continued walking.


"Nothing…" Serena smiled weakly again. "You're truly like a rock at times. But you know, Oscar? Sometimes it's better to open up about your problems. I hope you can learn that."

Oscar stopped again. Serena did not stop to turn this time and continued walking. He watched her figure grow smaller and enter the central gathering area where all the others were. Oscar rubbed his forehead. His apology failed. Should he tell her everything or not?

"Os, what are you doing all alone here?" Frederick noticed him and came over with Emily.

"You seem down. What happened?" Emily tapped Oscar on the shoulder. Her concerned gaze fell upon him.

"I messed up," Oscar said. "I made a choice, and I hurt Serena. What do I do about that?"

Emily and Frederick glanced at each other. They gripped his shoulder. The warmth from their gazes and hands made him smile.

"It's your choice. I can understand Serena's feelings, but in the end, it's up to you. I can only respect your decision unless it was a truly idiotic one." Emily said.

"You can take your time to think it over. For now, we have to go join the others." Frederick added in.

Oscar nodded and went to the central gathering area. Everyone was gathered here, with the exception of the group sent ahead to the temple. He couldn't find Serena in the crowd. Stowing his thoughts about her aside, Oscar focused on Charles, who stepped up to address everyone.

"To everyone here. The temple will open in a few hours. From what we know so far, the temple is separated into two parts, the sanctum where the divine essence is located and the outer halls." His voice quieted the crowd.

"A barrier surrounds the temple, and once you enter, you'll be thrown somewhere in the outer halls. Everyone will be separated by their realms. The outer halls have their own batch of treasures, but the most important items are the entrance tokens."

"Those with tokens will be allowed to enter and explore the sanctum and join the fight for the divine essence. The battle will be fierce in each realm. Find the tokens and enter the sanctum. Lower, Middle, and Greater Elite Exalts will each fight for their share of the tokens."

"Once you win a token, you'll also be teleported into a random part of the sanctum. The treasures there are also better, but don't forget the main goal is the divine essence."

Celestina stepped up and took over from Charles. "Everyone, do your best to stay alive. Let's set out and make our families proud."

With her rousing words, Celestina leaped to the entrance. The crowd cheered and followed her. They exited the base camp except for a few who remained behind to secure the camp. The mass exodus of Elite Exalts shook the grounds of the inner region, and the air was rife with the roars of Exalt Beasts retreating away from them.

Oscar ran together with Frederick and Emily. For the next two hours, he focused and calmed himself, preparing for the great battle. On the horizon, he spotted a large palace surrounded by obelisks wrapped in vines and leaves. The palace easily surpassed the size of Triton Hold, the largest building in the already massive Blue Ocean Pavilion.

The ground changed from firm soil to hard paved roads of cobblestone. Hundreds of footsteps clanked louder upon its hard surfaces. Oscar gazed in wonder at the palace of stone. It gave off an immovable presence with its thick walls. Yet, it still fell to the might of the Forest Heart Clan.

'How on earth did such a fortress fall?' Oscar couldn't imagine the power of such a force to conquer such a palace. He stared at the barricaded entrances and noticed a thin barrier surrounding it along with the person of blue hair and blue eyes, Gilbert Lockwood.

To his side, Emily gripped Frederick's hand harder. Frederick smiled and patted her head. "I'm alright."

Celestina and Charles were discussing with Gilbert. Oscar could not hear, but he could see their solemn faces except for Gilbert, who had his iconic confident smile, one that instilled a sense of relief in many. To Gilbert's side were Aurora Bellwood and his once childhood friend, Isabella.

Whatever. Oscar didn't feel anything toward Isabella anymore. They cut off their friendship years ago. He waited with the others for several minutes. The time felt like it was passing slowly as the tension built. Oscar heard the uneven breathing from people around. Their waiting did not last long. The thin barrier began to pulse in rainbow colors.

"Everyone! Good fortune to you all!" Celestina shouted and passed through the barrier, disappearing into thin air. Oscar rushed in with everyone else.

"Good luck and stay alive, Os, Emily." Frederick hugged his two friends. They shared one last huddle.

"Find me on the inside, and don't be reckless," Emily brought their heads close and knocked her foreheads.

"Don't die," Oscar smacked his friends on the back. He jumped across the thin barrier. The scenery suddenly changed.

A hallway with high ceilings with chandeliers burning with a ghostly white flame. Lustrous black stones formed the walls, and marbled tiles lined the floors. Everything was oddly clean and well-maintained. How odd. This place did not seem as dangerous as mentioned, which made Oscar wary. He summoned his deer anima and kicked off with Silver Burst.

He had no idea what may be waiting for him, but no matter what, he had to find a token.

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