The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 133: The Tragedy Unfolds

Emily didn't know how much time had passed. The memories kept flowing into the next scene. Each time, it was something related to Teresa. Emily watched as Frederick grew brighter, happier, and more comfortable.

In all those times, Emily could not find a single hint of Frederick's true self. It was the same as he laughed and talked with Teresa. Although the young Frederick's face was lively and joyful, it was still an illusion.

"Where are you, Frederick…." Emily sighed as her hands cleaned the table in Frederick's room. As if answering her voice, the doors flung open to reveal young Frederick, who was humming to himself.

"Welcome back, young master," Emily said, still pretending to be a maid.

Frederick, now ten years old, responded to Emily's greeting with a cheerful smile and sat down on a chair. "Emily! I'm going to meet Teresa again today!"

"Is that so?" Emily spoke as she combed the young Frederick's hair, an action she's done a couple of times in other memories. "What is the occasion today, young master?"

"They said a person from the Raeven Family is coming down here. Everyone's gathered to welcome him." Frederick answered. "But who cares? I can meet Teresa."

"Raeven Family…." Emily stopped combing. Thinking about Elizabeth Raeven, her former instructor.

'Where are you, Frederick? We need to return to reality. People are waiting for us outside.'

"Why did you stop combing?" Frederick bobbed his head, confused.

"Sorry. I will continue." Emily resumed, but then the world distorted again, dragging her to the next scene. She opened her eyes to find herself in a grand ballroom; everyone was blurry or lacking features like their faces. The only clear one was Clarence Klein.

The illusion world wasn't perfect. It tried to fill in the details of different places outside where Frederick was currently in.

"If I remember, Frederick said he was at the garden when the visitor from the north came." She remembered every word Frederick said before he parted from their group.

Emily sprinted out and found herself in the gardens, looking for Frederick. She heard the sounds of laughter and went toward the source. Once there, she found Frederick and Teresa together.

"...." Emily stared at the two children, who were having a great time. Shaking her head to clear her mind, she followed the children around. They greeted another boy, who was sickly pale, skinny, and coughing, but one could tell he was quite handsome under all that.

The blue hair and eyes were a dead giveaway. Teresa called out his name endearingly, "Gilbert!"

Emily narrowed her eyes at the young Gilbert. Slowly her killing intent began to seep out. From her many talks with Celestina, she knew Gilbert was an arrogant prick who did not know about boundaries and was Frederick's hated enemy.

"Calm down. I can feel your emotions fluctuating," Albert warned. "Do not do anything drastic in the illusion world. We don't know what could happen."

Emily breathed in and out and looked at Frederick. She saw the sad expression he wore while watching Gilbert and Emily. It was the complete opposite of the joy he expressed earlier.

Emily felt like hugging this sad young Frederick but grounded herself to reality, knowing it was all an illusion.

Then someone intruded; a boy with blond hair and yellow eyes like a tiger. It was the younger version of the hateful Samuel Carter, who she gleefully hammered into madness.

Frederick slapped Samuel, knocking him senselessly and running him off.

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Emily smiled at this scene and secretly gave the young Frederick a thumbs up. The two others huddled with Frederick with smiles on their faces. Seeing this scene, Emily thought about herself, Oscar, and Frederick.

"I'll make sure to protect you, no matter what. We're friends!" Frederick loudly declared.

"You said that without hesitation. You cared for them so much. What about us?" Emily thought about how Frederick so easily left them to pursue his revenge. She didn't want to believe they were that easily discarded. He even saved Oscar back at the Floating Islands of Edin.

So why?

"Why did you leave?" Emily murmured.

The scene changed again, but this time, Emily was not hoisted back to the manor but ended up in front of a great palace with an open roof. She saw Teresa and Frederick in the front.

They seemed worried, talking about Gilbert and the rumors of his sudden change. Emily realized this was the place where their Exolsias were determined. The moment when Frederick and Teresa's descent into hell began while Gilbert ascended.

"Emily," Frederick spoke, not as enthusiastically as when he was young. The years passed as he matured and had some of his now handsome features; he was under the pressure of his family and worried about Gilbert. "Wait for me outside."

"Yes, young master." Emily bowed, but her shoulders trembled. If she could go back in time, she would stop Frederick and Teresa from going inside. She wondered what sort of sad expression Frederick would make when exiting.

Time passed.

Emily kicked at the ground, waiting for Frederick to return. Finally, the doors opened, and Emily's heart fell at the sight of Frederick, who was holding back tears. She watched as Frederick bolted to Teresa to reassure and comfort her.

'But what about you?' Emily looked at Frederick, who was barely keeping it together, trying to console the devastated Teresa. 'Who is there for you?'

She looked at Clarence Klein with great loathing. He wore a look of disappointment and cold anger directed at Frederick. What kind of father was this?

The world changed again.

Emily opened her eyes amid a campsite in a forest. It was daytime.

It's that day!

The day when Gilbert broke Teresa's heart, leading to her death. The day that haunted Frederick forever.

"Elder, this is the moment, the catalyst of his revenge. Can this be the moment?" Emily asked.

"It's the most probable. If this is the center of all of his darkness, then it stands to reason that he should be here." Albert answered with a strained voice. "Girl, you have to hurry! Kan's assault is getting stronger, and I don't think it's going well for your friend on the outside. He's incredible to hold his own, but he needs help."

"Emily!" Frederick's voice got her attention.

Emily looked at this version of Frederick. He had his feet on the table with messy clothing and ragged hair.

"Get me an apple." He said. The previous him who spoke cheerfully was gone. His attitude was also the worst because although he had issues, he was still somewhat respectful of others in the past.

"Yes, young master." Emily cleaned an apple and passed it to him.

Suddenly, Frederick shot to his feet and stomped toward Teresa, who had just arrived. Emily saw the poor state of the girl and felt sad for her.

"May you be happy in the next life." Emily silently prayed for Teresa's soul.

She continued to watch, walking behind Frederick as he brooded in sadness. The interactions with Gilbert and Teresa were no longer as happy or uplifting as before. There was only pain pouring into his heart.

Then the world distorted to nighttime. Frederick was gone.

She knew this was the moment.

Emily ran ahead in the forest; she searched all over for signs of Frederick, but he never mentioned which direction he went. Her Ein surged even in this world of illusions, quickening her steps.

She had never used it before because it was unnecessary, but now, she had to traverse through this place. Thankfully, the world was limited, and its edges prevented her from going too far.

She scaled across the forest in mere moments until she saw Frederick.

Frederick was yelling Teresa's name and looking around in the woods. He was worried and panicked, not caring about the scratches on his hands while rustling across bushes.

"Frederick…." Emily bit her lip and wanted to stop him, but she needed to let this play out. Her hands were clenched, knowing what was going to happen next.

Frederick found a piece of grey cloth and ran in that direction, with Emily stealthily following.

Finally, the moment was here.

Emily saw Teresa standing near the cliff. It was a very dangerous spot; any misstep would mean falling to their death.

The sequence of events began.

Emily's hands dug into the tree next to her. She saw Frederick approach slowly, trying to convince Teresa to come back. But Emily saw the look on Teresa's face.

Even in Frederick's memories, every single one of Teresa's expressions, especially this one, was so precise. Emily wondered how often Frederick thought about Teresa, feeling sad in her heart.

"TERESA!" Frederick screamed, his voice echoing through the ravine.

He screamed louder like a madman until suddenly, he fell silent, standing on the cliff's edge, staring straight into the ravine with vacant eyes.

Emily shuddered, seeing this. It was the same eyes that had said goodbye to her and Oscar. It was the true Frederick.

"Frederick!" Emily leaped out of the forest, her maid uniform floating about her body a little.

"Emily?" Frederick turned to see Emily.

She stood where Frederick was before and walked slowly toward him.

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