The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 116: The Second Grand Gathering

A familiar sight occurred in the great stadium in the Outer Hall. Everyone from the Outer Hall had gathered, crowding around the many platforms spread over the grounds. It was a far greater number than last year with the addition of those promoted from the Minor Hall.

Oscar walked in this sea of faces, looking for the one he desperately wished to see. But there were too many around him for Oscar to see all.

He wanted to go to the seating above; however, students had to be on the ground for the announcements. With a sigh, Oscar patiently waited for the Grand Gathering to start.

'I'll have to finish my matches early and look around for Fred on the platforms.' Oscar closed his eyes in meditation, scanning his body for any discomfort and then absorbing Ein.

In the past few months, he had yet to progress far as a Greater Apprentice Exalt. The distributed Ein Amassing elixirs were stored away in his room for later use. His focus had been getting as much Adamasreis and Prinstyct training as possible before tackling the Elite Exalt realm.

He opened his eyes once Emily arrived. "Did you find him?"

"I looked around, but there were too many people." Emily sighed disappointedly. "How about you? Can your Prinstyct catch anything?"

"Prinstyct is mainly for the foresight of a person's movements. Maybe there is such a form of Prinstyct that can allow me to see everything. That would be interesting to master." Oscar remembered some details that Celestina told him earlier about the Prinstyct. Different variations, such as Feye's eyes, can occur to see the emotions hidden in the heart.

However, Oscar did not think he had anything similar. His Prinstyct appeared to have normal abilities and nothing extraordinary.

"That's too bad. I can't believe it's this hard to find that green-haired dolt." Emily cursed. "Don't worry; I won't let this bother me in the battles." She said after seeing Oscar's worried look.


The loud shout reverberated through the stadium. Everyone stared above to see the large floating platform containing an entourage of elders. Last year, Grand Command Margaret Ward oversaw the Grand Gathering, but she was not here this time.

A person walked up to the front and addressed all the students below. He wore a pair of round spectacles in front of his clear yellow-brown upturned eyes with brownish hair extending down his waist. His handsome countenance made some of the female elders behind him and students below look on in infatuation.

"I am Austell Jones, Director of the Record Hall." Austell Jones's voice was monotone but carried a weight of authority that intimidated all the students. "Since we have so many today in attendance besides the Elite Exalts, the Pavilion shall reward the top 64 of each division."

Everyone grew excited at the news. There was a better chance of getting a reward. Unlike last year when Margaret shut down any ruckuses, Austell just continued talking.

"There is also important news. Everyone must have been wondering why there has been an increase in the elixirs distributed. Also, why has there not been any competition between the Pavilion and the other schools."

This quickly quieted the crowd as they waited with bated breath. Oscar looked especially interested in these words. This was most likely related to the new military academy and the big wave that his master, Draven, mentioned.

"In the coming years, the Ashen Grove will open soon."

However, contrary to their usual reactions, the crowd listened with confused looks. From what they knew, the Ashen Grove was a secret realm that opened a long time ago. Why did the Pavilion regard it so highly?

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"The full details will be posted when it's time. But Ashen Grove's opening is determined to happen after a few years. We have done more to bolster you, students, because there is a restriction. Only Elite Exalts can enter."

Austell took off his spectacles and wiped them with a clean cloth. The action would have enamored many. But the subject at hand was too heavy for them to appreciate this handsome scene.

"We have already asked some in the Inner Hall not to make the final step to the Knight Exalt for certain compensation. There is too much at stake here. Everyone. Know that the Ashen Grove contains the future of our Pavilion and Empire!"

Austell's voice became more forceful and resolute. "Work hard to climb to the Elite Exalt realm so that you may help in this important time. For the Blue Ocean Pavilion!"

"For the Blue Ocean Pavilion!" The students below shouted with a new fire of determination blazing from their eyes. They were all excited to enter Ashen Grove.

'So this is what master must have referred to. All the other schools will be there as well. But what about the military academy?' Oscar pondered quietly among the crowd's cheering. 'I shouldn't think too hard on that. The priority now is to reach the Elite Exalt realm.'

Oscar had been setting that aside, but now he would have to accelerate his plans. It was a pity for his Adamasreis. But he had to enter the Elite Exalt realm as fast as possible so that he could survive better in the Ashen Grove.


In the Inner Hall, the same announcement was made to the students by Great Elder Robert.

The faces of the peak Elite Exalts of the Inner Hall looked resigned as they sighed helplessly. But the compensation was very good, and the Ashen Grove sounded very interesting, so it wasn't a total loss.

Celestina scrunched her brows as she thought about the situation as Oscar did. She was out of the loop regarding this but had more knowledge about other factors. She thought about the military academy as her eyes gleamed with understanding.

'That's why we have the military academy set up. We truly are gambling everything on this. Father, I understand, but the future looks bleak and full of blood. Can we survive?' She thought of the troubles her father must be experiencing as the emperor. If she were older, she could help, but her focus had to be on getting stronger.

Her eyes turned to Gilbert for a moment and quickly returned before the perceptive fool noticed.

'Do I count it as a blessing that a Grade Nine Exolsia Core appeared in our Empire with such perfect timing?' Celestina was worried. This was the perfect time for Gilbert to achieve heroic deeds and accolades that may propel this position in the hearts of the people and nobles. If he grew stronger and more influential, wouldn't her family's position be in danger?

However, it was also idiotic to attack Gilbert based on mere suspicion.

'It's not like I can accuse him of any crimes. The matter with Frederick was private, and he did not kill Teresa. He doesn't do anything drastically bad at the moment. His downside is that he's a self-righteous prick with a sense of entitlement.'

Celestina looked even more indifferent, stewing with anger, noticing Gilbert staring at her with a 'leave it to me' look in his eyes.

'I would prefer not to leave it to you.'

"Princess." A girl was beside Celestina. "Want me to try something?" She was referring to Gilbert's unrestrained gaze. To stare at the princess like that was uncouth.

She was Eleanor Shaw. A daughter of the Shaw Duchy in the southern region and a relative of Celestina.

Her bright chestnut brown hair was twirled into a side bun. A vein popped across her forehead. She was Celestina's distant relative, as noted by her greenish eyes.

"Don't. You are not Lockwood's opponent. Focus on getting stronger." Celestina stopped her cousin. Eleanor was a good but very stringent person who believed heavily in maintaining principles and manners. She made several others cry when they were young.

"I wonder how Oscar, Emily, and George are doing." Phillip was also on her other side. He relaxed his killing intent and changed the topic to something Celestina may enjoy.

"Hopefully, they are having a good time." Celestina showed a small, almost undiscernible smile on her face.

Eleanor noticed this with a look of interest and tried to tease Celestina for more details. She was curious about the friends this detached cousin of hers made.

Gilbert noticed this smile and looked darkly at Phillip, who simply remained neutral and ignored Gilbert's piercing gaze.



After Austell's speech, the crowd was invigorated and itching to fight for the rewards. The better rewards, the faster they could enter the Elite Exalt realm.

Oscar waited for his name to be called as the elders started naming off the students. He also waited to hear Fred's name, if possible.

"Oscar Terr."

His name was called first. Oscar nodded to Emily and departed for the platform designated for his match. The number 34 hovered over the platform.

Oscar was the first to arrive at this platform, but soon, someone else stepped on the platform. He turned to the newcomer; his eyes opened wide from shock as his mouth trembled in an attempt to form a sentence.


Before him stood a young man with green hair and yellow eyes.

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