The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 108: A Group Conversation

"You're alright?!"

Oscar, Emily, George, and Phillip were called back unexpectedly. In great haste, they rushed back to the main hall of the estate.

Once they saw the silver-haired girl relaxing comfortably on the chair, they could not contain their excitement. George and Phillip acted more reserved, but Oscar and Emily did not care.

At her request, they were the only ones in the main hall. So there was no need for pretenses.

"I'm only awake for now. But it'll take me some time to fully recover and absorb Ein again." Celestina drank a mixture of elixirs to keep her body and mind constantly recovering.

She scanned across everyone's faces and stopped on Oscar. "I'm glad…."

Her eyes were wet from her stubbornly trying to keep her tears from overflowing. It was almost adorable, like a child trying their hardest not to cry.

"I'm glad everyone is ok. I was so scared at that last moment. I knew I didn't pierce through that bastard, but I blacked out." Celestina wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, but she was continually on the brink of crying.

"I was so scared about what would happen to you!"

Oscar and the others put on kind smiles. She was the princess, but they forgot she was the same age as them. They put too much responsibility on her.

Oscar felt bad for embarking on this mission without getting stronger first. This was his mistake as a result of his arrogance and careless behavior.

"I'm sorry for being weak. I was too rushed in going that I did not think about all the dangers. We were hunting an Elite Exalt Beast. It was idiotic of me." Oscar bowed in apology.

"I was also at fault." Celestina looked at Oscar with caring eyes. "As your friend, I should have minded the dangers and watched out for you. But I was too excited to go on this mission."

"No, it was our fault; we have inconvenienced the princess too much." Phillip added on.

"That's right; I curse myself for being too weak at the time. You went far and beyond for us." Emily stated.

"No, it was my fault." Celestina affirmed. "As the leader, I should have made better efforts to buy time. As a princess, I should have informed my protector. It was foolish of me."

"No one can blame you for wanting to be free of such burdens for a little. You deserve to have a fun journey from time to time. I said I was at fault." Oscar declared.

Celestina looked mildly annoyed and launched into a tirade about how it was her responsibility and failure. The others, mainly Oscar, retorted and argued back that it was their fault.

Neither pushed the fault on the other but wanted to spare the other from the guilt.

"AS I SAID, IT WAS MY FAULT!" Celestina lost her composure and shouted.

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"NO, IT WASN'T!" Oscar shouted back. If it were before, he would be more reserved talking to her, but right now, he did not care. She almost lost her life because of his idiocy, as Robert put it.

"Ok, everyone is at fault. Is that fair?" George interjected. But Oscar and Celestina stared him down, making him stumble a little.


Emily's laughter rang through the main hall. Oscar and the others looked at her, confused.

"It's just so ridiculous. We're all alive now and arguing about how it was our own fault." Emily could not stop laughing.

The laughter was infectious as Phillip and George also laughed at the absurdity of the situation. Then Oscar and Celestina could not help but think how laughable it was and joined in.

Oscar said, "We all messed up, but we're alive now. Rather than arguing, we should be glad."

"Right, right." Celestina said with a bright smile. Then she quickly regained her usual composure.

"Let's focus on what we're doing with our rescued lives then." Celestina asked about what everyone was doing.

After a brief recap and mention of their training, Celestina's eyes brightened up more. "True Sword Peak? That's amazing. I never thought they would allow outsiders in it."

"My grandfather made an exception on account of me and you, princess." Phillip explained.

"True Sword Peak….Isn't it the origin of the Raeven Family?" Celestina asked. "I read about it in a book, but the information was vague and short."

"The origin?" Oscar remarked. "This True Sword Peak is how your Raeven Family began? Did your founder form it?"

Phillip shook his head and saw everyone's stares locked on him. They would not let him leave without an answer.

"Long ago, before the formation of the Brilliant Drake Empire, our founder was a man who lived by this mountain. He was said to be a Grade Five, possessing a sword anima."

"Grade Five?!" Oscar was shocked that the founder of the Raeven Family was only a grade five.

"Yes, however, his prowess in battle was unrivaled with the sword. He gained fame for being the best swordsman in the land. With his mastery of swords, he could defeat some higher grades. Many came to challenge and learn from him from all over. That is how the Raeven Family started." Phillip paused for a moment before resuming, "True Sword Peak is where he trained and learned the way of the sword. This mountain existed way before he did."

Stunned, Oscar posed a question, "Where did it come from? Who made it?"

Phillip shrugged his shoulder and said, "We don't know. We could never climb to the peak. Even Marshal Exalts, like my grandfather, could not step onto the top. Something on top restricted them. Perhaps only King Exalts could pass through."

This answer was unexpected and sent waves of astonishment through everyone. What kind of mountain was this that it suppressed even Marshal Exalts?

"Has any King Exalt tried to climb it like the Pavilion Master?" Celestina asked. She had never heard of the King Exalt of the Dragnar family attempting to climb it.

"In the records, we did ask the previous Pavilion Master, but they said that the peak is only meant for those with sword animas. That's the other reason I want to be a King Exalt. I want to be the one to climb to the tip and see what wonders lie there." Phillip looked up like a child reaching for the stars. His handsome face was filled with wonder and dreams. He remembered looking up at True Sword Peak, trying to see the top, but clouds always obscured it.

"I'm sure you will see it." Oscar lifted a cup of grape wine to Phillip.

"Thanks." Phillip clanked his cup, and they drank.

"Hey, don't leave me out." Celestina said.

"Me neither." Emily pouted.

"I suppose I will have to join as well." George sidestepped his way in.

The five clanked cups and drank to their good fortunes and future.

The party did not last long because everyone had to resume training and Celestina needed to focus on recovery.

Oscar found Robert waiting for him while meditating at his usual spot on True Sword Peak. "I've returned."

"You look like something good happened." Robert pointed at Oscar.

"Huh?" Oscar could not find a mirror to see himself. Was he smiling too much?

"Don't let it get in the way of your training."

Oscar clenched his hands without knowing and started meditating. "Let's begin training."

Robert sat down and began pouring his Ein into Oscar's forehead.

The same sensation of hot metal searing into his skull fried his mind.

The screams of pain started once again. It was practically a routine.

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