The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 105: Greater Apprentice Exalt

Robert threw several knives into the ground in a large circular formation surrounding them. He stabbed his claymore into the ground. It began to glow as Ein flowed from it and streamed in lines toward the knives, finishing off with a circle of Ein.

"This will suppress the sword intent and stop it from attacking. It won't be productive if you're attacked by them every moment."

Oscar looked around at the formation. The Ein of the circle formation was similar to the circle surrounding the entire True Sword Peak. It was wavy like an upside-down waterfall.

'Is this barrier based on the one outside?'


Oscar snapped out of his thoughts and caught five vials that Robert had thrown at him. They were blue and pulsing with large amounts of Ein.

"These are Ein Amassing Elixirs!"Oscar's hands were trembling, holding the blue vials.

"First step, I'll get you to Greater Apprentice Exalt. As a Grade Four, these should help tremendously." Robert sat down. His indigo hair shined in contrast to the bleak snow around him.

"Is it alright for the Raeven Family to favor someone like this? I'm not even employed here."

"You're already training on True Sword Peak, which is normally exclusive to Raevens. Besides, these elixirs come from me, not the family. So don't worry about it and advance."

Oscar grasped the vials in his hand. Their glasses clinked against each other, swishing the liquid inside. He did not drink it right away but turned back to Robert.

"Thank you." Oscar bowed. "I was a rude brat earlier."

"You're Grade Four, right?" Robert scratched his head as his shoulders dropped. "I understand how you feel. That feeling of inferiority seeps into your mind. It is like a sweet poison that makes one reckless and overly pompous by the slightest boon. The worst part is you do not even notice."

"However, be careful." Robert said.

"Careful?" Oscar was confused.

"Typically, you intake elixirs at a certain rate to allow the Ein to solidify and acclimate to you. Then once enough Ein is properly adapted, you will feel the call to advance. Only when advancing would you require a vast amount of it. But you are not near the point of advancing."

"Is that bad?" Oscar eyed the vials in his hands with more apprehension.

"Perhaps. You will be unstable for a while after. Do not think of this as a good method to advance, but the situation calls for it."

He sat back down with a pensive look, almost as if he was tired. "Hurry up and drink. Enter the Greater Apprentice Exalt realm." Robert shut his eyes to indicate the conversation was over. Now was the time for action.


Oscar popped the cork out of his vials and downed them in one gulp. He trusted that this was the right way for him; he trusted Robert. The Ein surged forth like hot magma flooding his core.

The geometric outlines around the core had finally been filled to the brim. The core began to shine brilliantly in the dark inner space.

Steam hissed out of the pores in his skin as sweat overflowed like heavy rain, only to instantly evaporate. He strained himself to stop from screaming out in pain.

This was the moment of advancement!

He had to endure and hold on until his core finished its next transformation.


The geometric outlines on the core began to break, tearing themselves apart from the core. This process was slow as the cracks grew at a snail's pace. But each splinter, each split, caused shockwaves of bone-shattering pain across Oscar's body and mind.

'Goddammit, Emily! You made it seem like a cakewalk!' Oscar screamed internally at Emily. The image of her with a wide smile irked Oscar.


Unauthorized reproduction: this story has been taken without approval. Report sightings.

A geometric shape finally parted from the core, making Oscar breathe an air of relief, but soon after, another outline began to crack.

Oscar nearly despaired, realizing there were fifteen geometric shapes in total. But there was no backing down here. He needed to preserve. Onward to the Greater Apprentice Exalt realm!

Time passed.

Oscar was soaking in a puddle of his own sweat and tears. Blood flowed down his chin from biting his lips too hard due to the excessive pain. Same for his palms from digging his nails into them.


Only one more geometric shape remained. Cracks started to show on its edges as Oscar watched on with great focus and anticipation. All of his sufferings were about to be rewarded.


As the final geometric shape broke off, a vast amount of Ein escaped from his core through the new openings and flooded every fiber of his being. A surge of bright blue Ein exploded out of Oscar.

"Looks like he did it." Robert watched the vast Ein enveloping Oscar with a nod.

Inside Oscar's inner space, the core shrank to half its size as the gaps closed. Around it was the geometric shapes, floating like celestial bodies around the two suns. His deer anima was nestled under the floating core.

Oscar, at this moment, was delighted. He felt incredible power flowing and embedded in him. It was a rush he hadn't felt before. His eyes glinted as he smiled widely.


It was dangerous—this feeling of power that made him feel invincible. He had to stop before his mind fell into the same pitfall of arrogance he dug for himself. He had taken Robert's words to heart.

"You've held it in. It is good to see you haven't lost your senses. How does it feel to a Greater Apprentice Exalt?" Robert asked.

"If it feels like this, what are the subsequent realms like? However, I feel something lacking. Is it due to forcibly advancing?" Oscar mused over the possibilities.

"Don't dwell too much on that. Are you prepared for training?" Robert's Ein surged out imposingly. The power of a Greater Knight Exalt was awe-inspiring. He took up his claymore and held it ready to strike. "Ready yourself. I won't make it easy for you."

Spitting out some residual blood, Oscar stood and brandished his obsidian buckler. He had a serious expression, ready to face anything. "Please."

Robert's lips curled slightly, almost indiscernible from his regular stone face. Looking at this young boy before him, he knew he would enjoy training him.


On the other slopes of True Sword Peak, a man was wailing in pain and cursing loudly.

"You asshole!" George shot multiple 'Airstream' arrows, but they were all sliced apart straight down the middle.

A tremendous slash flew out at George, who revved his arrow with enough Ein to deflect it. The clash of the two forces created a deafening shockwave, but the ground was untouched.

"Calling your instructor an asshole. Tsk Tsk Tsk. I'll have to beat some manners into you as well."

"Screw you!" George shot more arrows, but they were easily cut.

A man yawned loudly.

He had lavender hair and blue eyes together in a handsome face with a chiseled jaw. His toothy smile flashed a clean white row of teeth.

He was one of the branch members of the Raeven Family, Suen Raeven.

He waved around his sword, the katana—a long blade with one edge and a sharp tip with wave patterns adorning across.

"It seems I have no choice but to continue. Endure it!" Suen looked delighted while George grimaced.


"Hah hah."

Emily supported herself to her feet with her staff. On her body were traces of cuts with lines of blood flowing down.

"Give up? Look at your poor state. I would hate to continue cutting such a cute girl like you." A woman chuckled in a mocking voice.

She had bright red eyes and plum hair tied back into a knot. Her back was straight, and she stood tall. Her pants were long and dark to her ankles, while the shirt was cut lower, exposing her flushed shoulders and areas below her neck.

Elizabeth Raeven. She often spent her time on the northern shores, piloting her airship to dive deep into the waters in search of relics and treasures. The call from the head, Abraham Raeven, forced her to return.

As a branch family member, she could not refuse the head's orders.

In her hands was a large cutlass. It was black, and the hilt was gilded gold. Its wide blade was intimidating to look at as she rested it on her shoulder.

"Come one, Em. Are you really going to give up?" She amusingly circled around Emily with provocation clear in each step.


Emily suddenly ambushed Elizabeth with her staff, but it failed! Elizabeth easily blocked her surprise attack.

"Cheeky!" Elizabeth stared dead into Emily like she had found a new toy. "But that's not enough."

Elizabeth twisted her cutlass as a flurry of slashes surrounded Emily, slicing barely on her skin.

But Emily ignored the stinging pain and forced herself forward to strike again. Her eyes glinted with the desire to bash this woman right now.

In response, Elizabeth lifted her cutlass and brought it down.




The sound of swords clashing echoed across the slopes. They were rapid with a unique ringing noise that pierced through ears.


"You withstood it? You have improved a lot in your time at the Pavilion."

"Last time you taught me, it was when I was not an Exalt." Phillip looked like he had gone on a thousand marathons, but his eyes were lively.

"No, that's not what I mean. Your sword has life in it. I wonder what you went through?" A soft, almost shy voice came from the woman brandishing a short estoc, a sword with no edges but a sharp tip.

She wore a purple gown, covering every part of her body, along with a yellow cloak that dropped down to the ground. Her round eyes were grey with flowing rose hair like Phillip's. Her entire body was skinny, but it did not lessen her beauty, even with her sunken cheeks.

She was also short, only reaching a head below Phillip.

She was Lena Raeven, the daughter of the head, Abraham, and Phillip's aunt.

"I went through some interesting battles." Phillip gripped his sword anima tightly, ready to strike.

"Don't push yourself that far. You can take a break." Lena was the more reserved person in the Raeven Family. She did not want to continue torturing her nephew.

"No need!" Phillip rushed ahead with his sword, making Lena sigh.

Everyone's training was progressing.

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