The Exalt [Cultivation Fantasy]

Act 1: Blue Ocean Pavilion - Chapter 100: Marshal Exalt, Abraham Raeven

"A Marshal Exalt."

Oscar stared in awe at the newcomer. Only a Marshal Exalt was powerful enough to ignore the unique restrictions of the Floating Islands of Edin that even Knight Exalts could not overcome.

"Grandfather!" Phillip shouted out, unlike his usual self. He was happy and would be dancing if not for his legs' bad condition.

The others looked at Phillip, then to the Marshal Exalt, noticing a resemblance. This person should be the head of the Raeven Family, Duke Abraham Raeven.

While Oscar and the others were near crying at their savior, Doyle looked fearfully at this powerful foe.

"A Marshal Exalt comes all the way here. May I know the reason?" Doyle tried to talk to find a way out of this.

Abraham Raeven looked coldly at Doyle and let out a scoff. Immediately, the pressure on Oscar and the others was gone as they felt their shoulders getting lighter. On the other side, Doyle's face was planted on the floor; his veins popped out as he strained to resist.

However, it only ended up with him groveling on the ground against his will, trembling like a rat caught before a snake.

"What have I done? I don't think the Blue Ocean Pavilion would have sent out a Marshal Exalt for these students!" Doyle cried out in fear.

"You're right. Often the Pavilion would launch an investigation after the incident. However, I am not a part of the Blue Ocean Pavilion, just a guardian." Abraham came down onto the island and walked slowly to Doyle.

"You're a guardian? Ridiculous, who the hell has a Marshal Exalt as a guardian?!" Doyle screamed under immense pressure.

"The princess."


"Yes, that very same girl you said you would do horrific acts to. She's the princess in disguise. Now, do you understand your foolish actions?"

The one fact stunned Doyle to his core. In all the years since he became a wanderer after leaving his school, he made sure never to offend anyone he could not afford to offend. If he had to kill someone, he made sure he had a surefire way of doing it and escaping after.

In his long 100 years of life, he survived and was so close to the Knight Exalt realm. How can he allow himself to perish here? All his years of work to be wasted like that?

Doyle strained, wanting to say something, but Abraham did not give him any more time.

In a single instant, Doyle's body was cleaved into two. His tough Elite Exalt body was nothing before Abraham's broadsword. However, the cut from the broadsword continued to split the ground further into the island, almost several kilometers.

A fire started to catch on Doyle's body. He burnt into ashes amongst the rubble. The several shrunken heads evaporated into ashes, blown away by the wind.

The shockwave from this single swing nearly blew Oscar and the others away. The Exalt Beasts on the island made a huge commotion, leaving all their homes to the other edge of the island.

'What incredible power. He treated Doyle like a child.' Oscar dropped his buckler and knelt down from the fatigue. The damage and tiredness of the battle crashed down on him, making him vomit.

"Grandfather." Phillip weakly bowed to the family head. "I am sorry. I failed in my duties to help the princess."

The burly, bearded man instantly appeared in front of everyone, right before Celestina's unconscious body. He took out a glowing gold elixir and poured its contents into her mouth.

Her weary body completely cleared up of any wounds as her complexion became better. But she did not awaken.

"To overdo it like this. The princess was reckless." Abraham took out a floating pad and laid Celestina down on it. "It was good that I came in time."

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He threw out other elixirs to Oscar and the others. "All of you must have struggled and fought hard. Drink and recover." His voice, however, was not comforting.

Oscar drank the elixir and felt a surge of a refreshing feeling encompass his whole body. The poison was neutralized, and his wounds began to repair themselves.

"Grandfather…." Phillip's legs were also healed. He had a face of shame.

"We can discuss what happened later. Our priority right now is the princess."

"Is she in danger?" Oscar asked in haste, forgetting he was talking to a Marshal Exalt.

Abraham eyed the young boy. "Her life is not in danger. But her mind and core are in critical condition. If we wait for her to recover normally, it can take months. That cannot be allowed."

He raised his hands, forcing Oscar and the others up in the air. "I will be taking all of you to the Raeven Duchy. We can heal her there and listen to all your accounts of the events that unfolded."

His eyes stared at everyone, including Phillip, with a cold gaze. The princess was supposed to have a competent guard following along while she was outside, but for some reason, he was alerted to come here by her distress signal.

As far as he was concerned, everyone here could be the cause of her sudden disappearance.

"We will follow along. Thank you for saving our lives." Oscar bowed, followed by Emily and George. They were glad to be out of this place and in the safe hands of a Marshal Exalt. Phillip, however, was still feeling ashamed.

Abraham hoisted them by invisible means through the air. He flew incredibly fast, like a hawk, across the great divide and the islands. Within a few moments, Windroc City came into view.

To Oscar's directions, they arrived right at the black airship that ferried them here.

The crew was stunned and nervous in the presence of a Marshal Exalt, except the captain. The captain respectfully addressed Abraham and prepared a place for the princess to rest.

"We shall be heading to the Raeven Duchy, Captain." Abraham spoke roughly through his beard.

"By your orders, my lord. It will take a few days." The captain directed his crew to begin departing procedures.

Abraham stared sternly at the captain and said, "Do it in two days. I will help fasten the ship's speed. The princess must be healed quickly."

After ordering the captain of the new schedule, Abraham turned his attention to Oscar and the others. They tensed up like deers caught in headlights, audibly gulping from the power radiating from his eyes.

"Tell me. Why was the princess here? What were you up to? Let's start with you, Phillip." Abraham focused on Phillip.

Phillip immediately dropped to his knees and explained everything. From the team's forming to their battles at the Floating Islands of Edin.

As he spoke, Abraham's attention turned to Oscar, the one responsible for this mission and have a strange relationship with the princess.

Each one of them took their turns to talk.

Abraham let out a deep breath and asked, "This Elder Saul? I do not know who he is, but to be in the Pavilion. I will investigate….Boy!" He called out to Oscar.

Oscar clenched his fist and looked resigned to whatever punishment Abraham might give him, putting the princess in danger. He stared straight ahead, ready to pay his dues. It would be counter to his principles to look away.

"Hoh. You have stubbornness engraved down to your bones. Don't worry; I will not be punishing you." Abraham said.

"?" Oscar and the others felt some relief but were amazed at getting off scot-free.

"The princess became like this from her own doing. She should be punished for slipping away from her protector. The main cause of this is this Elder Saul. I will settle accounts with him later."

Before Oscar could fully relax, he was taken aback by a powerful stomp that caused the ship to quake. The crew was flustered and were wondering what had happened.

Abraham stomped hard on the airship deck. A sharp killing intent made Oscar go pale. "There is something to be said about your sheer recklessness—all of you. Having the princess as your only Elite Exalt in a hunt for an Elite Exalt is foolhardy. You step onto a battlefield beyond your capabilities, and your weakness only aggravated the situation."

He stepped in front of Phillip, who quivered with sweat pouring down his handsome face. "You took so long to handle a mere centipede. Is your sword that dull? As a Raeven, your sword is your life. If you can't cut through what you need to, your life is forfeit."

Phillip did not reply.

"As for you three, especially the Middle Apprentice Exalt. None of you were prepared enough for this mission. You were mostly able to pull through thanks to the princess's power."

Oscar, Emily, and George were silent. Abraham's words cut deep into the feeling of helplessness and powerlessness that they felt while watching Celestina fight.

"When we return to the Raeven Duchy, I'll put you through the dirt while the princess recovers."

"Sir?" "Grandfather?"

"I can't allow my grandson to exhibit such weakness, and the rest of you will be trained as well. Count yourselves lucky for being here. The Raeven family training will not be a breeze." Abraham concluded his business with everyone and went to attend to the princess.

Everyone glanced at each other, wondering what was going on. However, the fatigue of the long mission started to hit hard, so they decided to return to rest, leaving Abraham's statement for another time.

Oscar took one final look at the Floating Islands of Edin. Those Islands looked majestic and otherworldly but held horrible terrors within.

'It's my fault.' He bit his lips in frustration. 'Even though everyone said it didn't matter, it's still my fault. Lord Raeven is right; I'm still just a Middle Apprentice Exalt. I misjudged what can happen on a mission.'

If he were a Greater Apprentice Exalt, he wouldn't have been a burden in several fights. He clenched his fists with a fiery determination.

'I have to become stronger.'

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