The Eunuch is Pregnant

Chapter 73: The King of Hell was human

Chapter 73: The King of Hell was human

She didn't dare to resist too hard, because she was afraid she would wake the King of Hell up.

But was the King of Hell really asleep? Wasn't he normally very alert? Why was he acting so oddly tonight? He was like a different person.

At this moment, the King of Hell suddenly turned over so Le Yao Yao naturally leaned over.

Originally, she thought the King of Hell would let go after he turned over.then, she would have an opportunity to escape. But after the King of Hell turned to his side, he put his long leg over her body like a shackle.

His action and posturedid he think she was a pillow?

Thinking of this, Le Yao Yao wanted to cry but had no tears.

Currently, Prince Rui had his strong leg squishing her butt. He wasnt light. At this rate, she was really worried that her cute butt will be deformed tomorrow!

Thinking of this, the corner of Le Yao Yao's mouth twitched. This was unacceptable! He cannot always have his way even if he was the King of Hell! She must shove him off!

But just as she was about to do so, suddenly, there was another *hong long* sound from the thunder outside. The black room suddenly lit up like the day, before turning dark again.

At the same time, the arms around her waist tightened, and the King of Hell's voice was filled with fear as he cried.

"Don't kick me out, mu fei (a mother term that is for an imperial concubine)! It is thunderstorming outside. Yu'er is very scared. Wuwu. Mu fei."


Hearing this, Le Yao Yao was bewildered.

Because currently, the King of Hell was acting like a scared and abandoned child. It made her heart feel sour on the inside.

Le Yao Yao lightly lifted her head. Although she wasn't holding on a lamp, the continuous flashes from the thunder allowed her to see the King of Hell's facial expressions very clearly.

This was the first time Le Ya Yao realized a man could look so handsome when he cries.

This was also the first time Le Yao Yao realized the cold and ruthless King of Hell could cry. He was a normal human being. He had feelings, fears, and times where he felt helpless.

On a daily basis, he uses a cold and vicious mask to disguise himself.

In addition, from the way he was holding on her, it subconsciously reminded Le Yao Yao of the time she read a psychology book. In the book, it mentioned that those who lacked a sense of security tend to enjoy hugging things to sleep.

Although the King of Hell had a respectable position, supreme power, and high status, he didn't have any sense of security

The more Le Yao Yao ponder on this, the softer her gaze became.

Seeing how the King of Hell had his brows crinkled, she really wanted to help him erase the grief and pain that he had endured.

Thinking of this, it was as if Le Yao Yao's little hand had a mind of its own as it reached towards the middle of his forehead.

She slowly and gently helped him unwrinkled the fold.

Perhaps the King of Hell could sense the kindness, because his tears gradually came to a halt. However, he wouldn't release the warm bundle in his arms.

Because although he was asleep, his unconscious mind didn't want to let go.

The person was so petite and warm. Maybe, it was all a dream. But right now, he wanted to tightly wrap himself in the dream so that this dream could warm his frozen heart

Le Yao Yao's plan was to patiently wait for Prince Rui to release her. Then, she will leave. Unexpectedly, Le Yao Yao couldn't withstand the sleepiness and fell asleep.

There was a violent rainstorm the entire night. It finally stopped early morning.

The black looming clouds had scattered, and now the sky was an azure colour. The splendid charming Sun was slowly cutting through the horizon. It was issuing a glittery warmth.

Le Yao Yao slept peacefully the entire night and felt extremely well rested when she woke up. It was as if she went for a sauna massage last night.

The corner of her mouth curved into a smile as she stretched her lazy waist in her usual manner. Her action made her look like a lazy little kitten. So cute!

"Mmm..I feel great!"

Unexpectedly, when Le Yao Yao stretched out her two arms, she struck something firm and bufflike a man's chest?!

At that instant, all the things that happened last night rushed through her brain. Le Yao Yao immediately realized what was going on. Her first thought was, "I must escape before the King of Hell wakes up!"

Unfortunately, although she had that intention, the Heavens did not give her that opportunity.

A soft nasal sound was heard, and Le Yao Yao turned to look at the handsome sound asleep face. But then, Prince Rui's eyelashes began to tremble, and his long and narrow cold pupils slowly fluttered open.

The seconds ticked away, and the room was dead silent. No one said a word. In fact, it was so quiet that if a needle had fallen, it would have been heard.

The cold pupils made contact with the pretty pupils. At once, there were sparks flying in all direction. Electric lights were fleeing in disarray.

The atmosphere was turning very strange.

Le Yao Yao could definitely feel this uncomfortable atmosphere, and her face was depressed.

Oh God! Was she stupid?! She should have left when the King of Hell released her last night. How could she foolishly allowed herself to fall asleep?

If the King of Hell asked her why she was here, what was she supposed to say? Should she tell the truth?

While Le Yao Yao was feeling unstable, Leng Jun Yu slowly rummaged through his memories.

Last night, after he had returned to his room, he recalled feeling very tipsy. He had drank too much, and his mind was spinning. So the moment after Xiao Mu Zi finished serving him, he went to bed.

What happened afterwards?!

He remembered he had a dream. In the dream, it was his childhood memory.

At the time, there was howling wind and a thunderstorm outside. But mu fei was furious that his Father Emperor had went to sleep with the Empress instead of her, so she shoved him outside since his face reminded her of her husband's

His mother loved and hated him at the same time.

This nightmare had always lingered around him. Whenever there was a storm, he would dream of his painful childhood. Last night was no exception!

But the weird thing was, based on his past experiences, the nightmare would torment him the whole night. Usually, by the time he woke up the next day, his whole body would feel very worn out. Yet, surprisingly, today was different.

Last night, he had the best sleep he had in years. Although it was a bit rough at the beginning, later on, he slept straight through until morning. To him, that was unfathomable!

Could it be because of this little eunuch?!

But why was "he" here? And in his arms?!?

No wonder his arm felt a bit heavy. It turned out there was someone on top of it.

Le Yao Yao could clearly see the shock running through Leng Jun Yu's eyes. She was so scared that her entire body jumped like a spring.

After all, she had lived for 18 years and this was the first time she had ever been so intimate with a man. And this was a person who doesn't blink when he kills!

"Why are you here?"


Wuwu, oh God! The King of Hell was angry!?!? What should I do? Daddy, come save me!!!

Wuwu, she was so scared.

Le Yao Yao howled from the inside. Her face was covered in fear, and she lowered her head because she was too chicken to look at the King of Hell's face.

The King of Hell's voice sounded so terrifying. She was a timid person! If she saw his coffin-like face, she was going to die from fright!

So, Le Yao Yao was spineless and acted like an ostrich.

"Prince Rui, uh.."

What should she say? Should she tell the truth? But the King of Hell was too scary.

If she told him she heard him cry, so she came over, and then his body landed on hers and she couldn't escape so she fell asleep.would the arrogant King of Hell be so furious that she had witnessed his weakness and silence her forever?

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