Chapter 462: Money!

Money! . . .

In the midst of the turmoil, the realization dawned upon Cha Eun Xiao: a Sky Origin Stage cultivator, of equivalent power to Zhao Pingtian in their skirmish, was but a pawn on someone else's chessboard. This revelation left him contemplating the true extent of the House of the Chaotic Storms' power and influence. How many concealed forces lurked in the shadows, ready to be summoned at their beck and call?

Yet, no matter the enigmatic forces at play, Cha Eun Xiao's mission for the night had been singular in its focus: to keep Zhao Pingtian at bay, away from Feng Monarch, and in this, he had succeeded.

Perplexed by the absence of the nobles from the five clans, he voiced his confusion, "Where are the men from the five noble clans?"

Long Tianyun, admiring the astute maneuvering of Feng Monarch in the dire circumstances, couldn't help but express his genuine appreciation. "Feng Monarch truly exhibits wisdom and acumen. In just a few conversations, he resolved a massive crisis. We are all deeply impressed."

These words were heartfelt, devoid of flattery. The events of this fateful night had indeed showcased Feng Monarch's astuteness, his ability to foresee and account for every potential reaction and outcome, allowing him to seize control of the situation. His tactical brilliance was undeniable.

Cha Eun Xiao, humble and slightly flustered by the praise, replied, "I am honored."

Recognizing Cha Eun Xiao's internal musings, Long Tianyun offered an explanation. "As you instructed, we remained concealed. However, Boss Wan was concerned that our appearance might draw the attention of the great sects and exacerbate the situation, which is why he refrained from deploying us."

Cha Eun Xiao accepted this reasoning. Money could indeed be a formidable tool when dealing with assassins, given their predilection for material wealth. However, the same principle might not hold true when dealing with the formidable sects; their motivations differed significantly from those of assassins.

Yet, comprehension alone was insufficient. Cha Eun Xiao's mind remained focused on the unfolding circumstances, and he conveyed a solemn directive. "The crisis at Ling-Bao Hall has come to an end, but for you, it is yet to commence. Maintain your vigilance. Master Long, bear this in mind."

Long Tianyun affirmed his understanding, "We will remain vigilant."

Cha Eun Xiao further instructed, "Ning, Zhao Pingtian, Liu Changjun, the three of you, along with your teams, should proceed to the royal house. If conflict still ensues there, lend your assistance and work towards restoring order swiftly."

The discussion turned to the ongoing turmoil, and Wan Zhenghao raised a pertinent question. "Monarch, the Crown Prince's Palace, the various departments, and the National Treasury are all under attack. How should we proceed in these instances?"

Cha Eun Xiao considered the situation carefully and outlined his plan. "Ning, your team shall head to the royal house. Zhao Pingtian, focus on the National Treasury. Liu Changjun, direct your efforts toward the House of Minister Zuo. There is a likelihood that the Boundless Lake's people have taken refuge there. Avoid direct confrontation with them. As for General Lan's residence, you may dispatch a scout, but I believe there should be no immediate concerns. Prince Hua-Yang's palace should also be visited by a group of our men. For the other locations, there is no time to waste."

Cha Eun Xiao harbored no inclination to extend assistance to the Crown Prince's Palace or the other princes' domains. His personal sentiments wished ill upon them all, and he couldn't fathom offering aid to such parties.

With a sense of relief, he finally felt the weight of the night's burden beginning to lift.

Cha Eun Xiao had orchestrated the night's intricate dance of power, seemingly in control of every move, yet only he understood the emotional and physical toll it had exacted. His mental and physical reserves had been drained, and the weight of the tumultuous events pressed down on him, making it a Herculean effort to remain standing.

As chaos engulfed the city, Cha Eun Xiao grappled with the limitations of his abilities in the face of such widespread turmoil. It was at this moment that a tantalizing idea flirted with his thoughts – the allure of wielding great power within the country. However, he swiftly dismissed this notion as an attractive but unfeasible fantasy. With a resigned sigh, he settled into a chair, seeking respite and a chance to recuperate his inner qi.

In the aftermath of the harrowing night, the remaining assassins within Ling-Bao Hall commenced the gruesome task of cleaning up the aftermath. The scene was one of horror, with corpses strewn about like grotesque monuments, blood staining the very ground, and the stench of death permeating the air. It was a nightmarish landscape that would haunt the memories of those who had witnessed it.

As the night's darkness gradually gave way to the soft glow of morning fog, Cha Eun Xiao found himself in contemplation, reflecting on the harrowing journey he had undertaken.

Long Tianyun, ever the astute observer, had quietly positioned himself beside Cha Eun Xiao, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Feng Monarch, I presume... you have found a way to resolve this situation?"

Cha Eun Xiao, his eyes still closed, offered a simple response, "Half of it."

Sensing that there might be more to the story, Long Tianyun cautiously ventured, "Not merely half. I believe you possess a comprehensive solution."

Cha Eun Xiao, intrigued by this statement, inquired, "Oh? What leads you to think so?"

Opening his eyes to regard Long Tianyun, he was met with a solemn and hushed declaration, "Money!"

This single word sparked Cha Eun Xiao's contemplation, and he assumed a thoughtful expression as he mulled over the notion. Long Tianyun continued, explaining how money held the power to sway both ordinary men and even great figures when it amassed to a certain extent. Chaotic storms could be stirred by this force, and he asserted that no one was more adept in wielding this weapon than Feng Monarch.

In agreement, Cha Eun Xiao nodded slowly, recognizing the truth in Long Tianyun's words. The role of money had been a recurring theme throughout this tumultuous night. On his journey to Ling-Bao Hall, he had pondered the fact that the crisis had been driven by the irresistible lure of a massive reward for his head. It was an issue rooted in the most mundane of human desires – wealth.

Cha Eun Xiao pondered the power and peril of wealth. His enemy possessed it, but so did Ling-Bao Hall, an institution that had accumulated riches over countless centuries. It dwarfed the wealth of the three kingdoms, and even if the entire world united to challenge it, their combined resources would fall short.

In light of this, he questioned the wisdom of allowing others to employ money as a weapon to dismantle Ling-Bao Hall. For, if the richest establishment in the world could be brought to its knees through financial means, it would become a laughingstock, a tragic fall from grace.

The night had unfolded as a testament to the complexity of power, wealth, and the fragility of security in a world ruled by money, and Cha Eun Xiao was left to navigate its treacherous currents.

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