The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 188: An Assassination; The Girl’s Thoughts

Chapter 188: An Assassination; The Girl’s Thoughts

An Assassination; The Girl's Thoughts . . .

Responding to Su Ye-Yue's persistent requests, Cha-Eun Xiao decided to spend some time with her. He disguised himself as a guard to avoid drawing attention, as the public believed he was seriously ill and undergoing treatment by Cha Nan-Tian. To preserve the secrecy of the plan, he couldn't risk being seen in public.

Accompanied by four other guards, Cha-Eun Xiao and Su Ye-Yue embarked on a hike to the top of the ice mountain. It offered them a breathtaking view of the world, despite the ongoing war below. The sight of so many people excitedly traveling despite the turmoil struck Cha-Eun Xiao as peculiar.

As they gazed upon the southern horizon, Su Ye-Yue couldn't help but express her concerns. "I wonder how my father is faring in the south," she murmured, her face clouded with sorrow. These had been some of the most trying days of her life.

When Cha-Eun Xiao had found himself in grave danger shortly after her father's departure from the city, Su Ye-Yue, initially unaware of the truth, had been deeply saddened. Only her mother's constant care had prevented her from descending into despair. Thus, Cha-Eun Xiao had felt compelled to share the truth with her as soon as possible.

Although she now knew that Cha-Eun Xiao was safe, her father's perilous location still weighed heavily on her heart. Even in the company of Cha-Eun Xiao, she couldn't shake off her worries.

"Rest assured, everything will be fine," Cha-Eun Xiao reassured her. "Your father is a formidable man—a true warrior. Such individuals are often blessed with good fortune. Besides, he possesses immense strength. Whether facing a direct confrontation or devious traps, he will always emerge victorious. What is there to worry about? I believe your anxieties stem from overthinking."

Su Ye-Yue managed a smile, her spirits lifting slightly. "I know my father is a formidable warrior. I'm certain he will return safely. But I can't help but worry."

Cha-Eun Xiao smiled warmly. "It's only natural to worry about loved ones, even when we know they're capable. I thought you'd forgotten just how strong he is."

Suddenly, a cold voice pierced the air, sneering, "Even a war god can meet his end. A war god? Hahaha. Is this war god immortal?"

In an instant, a volley of arrows rained down upon them, catching them all by surprise, including Cha-Eun Xiao.

For a brief moment, Cha-Eun Xiao was caught off guard as a flurry of arrows rained down upon them. Without hesitation, he acted swiftly, clutching Su Ye-Yue's waist and rolling them both away from the deadly projectiles. He executed a rapid change in direction, skillfully maneuvering behind a large rock as the arrows continued to pelt the area around them.

The relentless barrage of arrows filled the air with a cacophony of noise.

Amid the chaos, several agonized screams pierced the tumultuous scene. The four guards who had accompanied them were now stricken, their bodies pierced through by the deadly arrows. Remarkably, the arrows suspended their lifeless forms in the air, preventing them from falling to the ground.

Despite their desperate attempts to react, the guards had succumbed quickly and silently.

This sudden turn of events had caught them entirely off guard. It was evident that this was a meticulously planned assassination attempt, targeting Su Ye-Yue. The sheer number of tourists present on the ice mountain, even amidst a war, had concealed the true identities of these visitors—they were assassins.

Now, a formidable group of over a hundred men, each bearing a ruthless and bloodthirsty countenance, was closing in on them.

Clearly, this was a well-coordinated and thought-out operation.

Cha-Eun Xiao surveyed the situation, realizing that the majority of these assailants possessed a golden aura, signifying their martial prowess to be beyond the eighth level of the Grade of Diyuan. Such a force could only be mustered by formidable organizations, even the most influential sects of the Land of Han-Yang.

Yet, this grand operation was focused on a single target—Su Ye-Yue.

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but find this puzzling and suspicious. Although the initial onslaught of arrows was fierce, it appeared to be directed primarily at the guards. Only two arrows had come close to striking Su Ye-Yue, both of which had aimed at her lower limbs. It was evident that the true objective was to capture her alive.

The colossal rock that had been their refuge shattered into countless fragments as Cha Eun Xiao swiftly reacted to the encroaching danger. With resolute determination, he stamped his foot, propelling himself and Su Ye-Yue down the mountain with remarkable agility.

The astonishing speed of their descent left the assailants momentarily dumbfounded. They could hardly believe that Su Ye-Yue's seemingly ordinary guard possessed such incredible prowess.

In the blink of an eye, a figure soared through the air, landing on the ground like a bolt of lightning, his outstretched palm radiating a deadly intent. It was an unmistakable killing strike, aimed directly at Cha-Eun Xiao.

However, before the lethal attack could close in on its target, a series of swift and precise finger strikes intercepted it. Five simultaneous strikes, brimming with ferocity, exerted control over the assailant's body, halting his advance.

Cha-Eun Xiao came to an abrupt stop, executing a graceful backward roll, his feet expertly countering the five finger strikes. With a symphony of impacts, the strikes were shattered, and he resumed his breakneck descent down the mountain, propelled by his unrelenting momentum.

As they descended, the icy terrain became more treacherous. Cha-Eun Xiao capitalized on his surroundings, leveraging a combination of skillful footwork and physical prowess to navigate the slippery ice. He pushed himself faster down the mountain, determined to outpace their pursuers.

Suddenly, he widened his stance, and a powerful palm strike landed between his legs. In an instant, he retracted his legs and executed a forceful stamp, launching himself forward like a released arrow.

The assailant behind him let out an indignant humph and responded with a double-armed attack. Meanwhile, the other four Tianyuan cultivators swiftly closed the distance, closing in on Cha-Eun Xiao.

The overwhelming odds against him were becoming increasingly evident. With relentless pursuit from five Tianyuan cultivators and approximately eighty Diyuan cultivators, Cha-Eun Xiao had his work cut out for him. His mind raced, focused solely on devising a plan to escape this perilous situation.

The presence of Su Ye-Yue added complexity to his escape strategy. Alone, he could potentially overcome the assailants, particularly those at lower Tianyuan levels. However, with Su Ye-Yue in tow and the sheer numbers against him, their escape became a daunting challenge.

As they descended further into the ice mountain—a place originally designed to thwart Gu Jin-Long—Cha-Eun Xiao realized that the traps he had set were no longer in place, leaving him ill-equipped to confront this unexpected danger.

Cha-Eun Xiao had never found himself in such a dire predicament before, and the weight of responsibility bore heavily upon him as he navigated the treacherous terrain of the icy mountain.

Beside him, Su Ye-Yue's once-terrified expression had begun to soften. Initially filled with fear, she now watched Cha-Eun Xiao with an anxious yet strangely calmed demeanor. The trembling in her body gradually subsided, and she clung to him for both support and protection.

Amidst the chaos of their desperate escape, she whispered, her voice filled with vulnerability, "Xiao Xiao, do you think we will meet our end here?"

Cha-Eun Xiao's focus remained on their escape route as he deftly evaded each palm attack that rained down upon them. He pushed forward, determined to outpace their relentless pursuers. Despite the urgency of their situation, he managed to catch Su Ye-Yue's question.

Her words, imbued with fear and uncertainty, tugged at his heartstrings. In the midst of their life-or-death struggle, he realized the depth of her worry and concern for their safety.

As he continued to dodge attacks, Cha-Eun Xiao's eyes occasionally flicked towards Su Ye-Yue, who gazed at him with an ever-softening expression. Her eyes shimmered like pools of water, and her fear had given way to something more profound.

In a hushed and tender voice, she continued, "Xiao Xiao, do you think we will meet our end here?"

Despite the imminent danger, Su Ye-Yue felt a unique contentment during their escape. She understood that they might not survive the next moment, but in the face of adversity, she found solace in Cha-Eun Xiao's unwavering commitment to protect her.

She marveled at his determination and fortitude, finding a sense of completeness in knowing that he would not abandon her, even in the direst of circumstances. With every glance into his eyes, she was reassured that they shared a bond of profound love and trust.

In that perilous moment, Su Ye-Yue discovered a happiness akin to that of a young girl finally meeting her destined partner after eighteen years of solitude.

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