The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 127: A Wonder Of All Ages

Chapter 127: A Wonder Of All Ages

A Wonder Of All Ages . . .

The news of the remarkable ice mountain that had appeared on the outskirts of Chen-Xing City spread like wildfire. It was an event of historical significance, and everyone was eager to witness this extraordinary wonder with their own eyes. Those who arrived early would have the best chance to take in the breathtaking spectacle, and no one wanted to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Within the opulent confines of the Royal Palace, the king received a report from one of his officers. The officer's voice was filled with excitement as he conveyed the astonishing news to his majesty. "Your highness, an incredible phenomenon has occurred. Despite the sweltering summer heat, an enormous ice mountain has materialized just outside the capital. Its icy grip extends over a hundred miles, and it shows no sign of melting. This is truly a marvel, a blessing from the gods upon our kingdom. It signifies their favor and protection," the officer proclaimed.

The king's courtiers joined in the chorus of praise, lauding their sovereign's benevolence and wisdom. "Indeed, it is a divine reward for our beloved king, whose dedication to his people knows no bounds. He is the true and just ruler of our time," they declared in unison.

"Long live the king!"

"What a wise and noble monarch we are blessed to have!"

"With our king at the helm, our kingdom will unite and flourish for all eternity."

The king, swayed by the adulation of his courtiers and intrigued by the extraordinary phenomenon, wasted no time. He issued an immediate order for preparations to be made for his journey to witness the ice mountain personally. He was determined to see this miraculous gift from the gods with his own eyes.

In the wake of the royal command, the entire Royal Palace bustled with activity. Servants, courtiers, and officials scurried about, ensuring that all was in readiness for the king's journey.

News of the king's imminent departure from the palace unleashed a flurry of activity throughout the kingdom. People from every corner of the land sent letters and reports praising their benevolent king for his tireless efforts to improve their lives.

Meanwhile, in the icy aftermath of his showdown with Gu Jin-Long, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't have foreseen the consequences of his actions. What was intended as a trap to eliminate his foe had inadvertently bestowed an extraordinary boon upon the Kingdom of Chen.

The ice mountain remained impervious to the scorching summer heat, defying the laws of nature. It had become an enduring symbol of divine favor, destined to be revered as a wonder of the Land of Han-Yang.

The ice mountain's formation was a result of the frigid energy emitted by the agitated Cosmic Hades merging with the surrounding mountain. Although the Cosmic Hades had been roused by the influx of spiritual jades, the gelid qi it emitted exceeded the boundaries of the Land of Han-Yang, rendering it immune to the region's weather patterns. Thus, the ice mountain would stand as an eternal testament to this supernatural occurrence, unyielding to the changing seasons.

Fortunately, the gelid qi was contained and ceased its expansion as the Cosmic Hades gradually calmed. Had there been an unending supply of spiritual jades to keep it agitated, the gelid qi could have posed a dire threat to the Land of Han-Yang.

Cha-Eun Xiao, possessing the East-rising Purple Qi, possessed the means to address the issue if the gelid qi were to spread uncontrollably. However, he had no intention of doing so.

For him, the cosmic anomaly served as a reminder of his triumph over Gu Jin-Long, a symbol of his newfound strength and resolve. It was a testament to his ability to face even the most formidable adversaries and emerge victorious.

As the king made preparations to visit the ice mountain, unaware of the true origin of this marvel, Cha-Eun Xiao watched from afar, content in the knowledge that he had unwittingly left his mark on history.

The creation of the colossal ice mountain had already been a spectacle of such magnitude that Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but marvel at the wonder he had unintentionally brought into existence. However, the thought of making the ice mountain disappear was a notion too audacious even for him. The repercussions of being discovered tampering with this mystical phenomenon could be dire.

With a deep sigh of admiration for the breathtaking view before him, Cha-Eun Xiao finally decided to make his way back home. The events of the day had left him thoroughly exhausted, and he longed for the comfort of his own abode. As he began his descent down the mountain, he encountered a surprising sight—groups of people converging on the location from all directions.

"Goodness gracious! Why are there so many people?" Cha-Eun Xiao exclaimed, taken aback by the unexpected crowd.

Some of these individuals had realized that appropriate attire was necessary for a visit to the ice mountain, and as such, they were either returning home to fetch suitable clothing or purchasing garments from nearby vendors. Savvy businessmen had seized the opportunity to sell off their surplus winter clothing, which was in high demand. These vendors quickly sold out their wares, profiting handsomely from the situation.

Cha-Eun Xiao was left in awe at the rapid transformation that had taken place in the city within the short span of six hours since the Cosmic Hades had emitted its gelid qi. He glanced back at the pristine white expanse of the ice mountain and couldn't help but ponder his own conspicuousness in his dark attire.

"I think I stand out a bit too much in these black clothes," he mused. Recognizing the need to blend in, he found a patch of ice and settled down.

With a playful smile, he decided on a novel mode of descent. Sitting down and stretching his legs, he began to slide down the mountain's surface, enjoying the novel sensation. However, it wasn't long before he experienced a bit of discomfort in his posterior.

"Ouch," he muttered as he descended, the friction against the ice causing a slight discomfort.

To his surprise, those who were closer to him appeared fascinated by his unique method of descent. "Look at that! Someone's sliding down the mountain!" they exclaimed.

Annoyed by the attention, Cha-Eun Xiao retorted, "You've got eagle eyes, don't you?"

Seeking a less conspicuous position, he rolled over onto his stomach, allowing his face to make contact with the ice. In doing so, he overheard someone remark, "Unbelievable! Now he's sliding face-first. His rear end was exposed earlier, and it looks so pale and tight."

Cha-Eun Xiao was thoroughly embarrassed and muttered to himself, "What a keen observer. People all have buttocks, and they look pretty much the same. The real difference is in their faces. As long as I keep my face hidden, nobody will recognize me. I doubt you could identify me by my rear end, no matter how sharp your eyes are."

Resigning himself to the situation, he continued his descent. However, as he neared the base of the mountain, an ice-covered tree suddenly loomed in his path, unbeknownst to him as his face remained in contact with the ice.

Then, with an unexpected twist of fate, the tree made an abrupt and intimate acquaintance with Cha-Eun Xiao's groin.

"Puff!" The collision was swift and jarring, leaving Cha-Eun Xiao reeling from the unforeseen encounter.

As Cha-Eun Xiao descended the ice mountain in an unconventional manner, he encountered an unexpected obstacle—a tree that snapped upon his collision. The pain that followed was nothing short of excruciating, causing him to grimace in agony. Nonetheless, he continued his descent, albeit with a heightened awareness of his surroundings.

However, the fates seemed to conspire against him as he collided with yet another tree, this time without the tree breaking. The successive impacts were beginning to take a toll on him, and he felt like a ragdoll being tossed about. Finally, after several rebounds, he reached the valley below, his body contorted in pain.

Huddled in a fetal position, his face contorted in anguish, Cha-Eun Xiao clutched his injured groin and attempted to alleviate the torment. With labored breaths, he gingerly moved away from the site of his ordeal.

Despite the searing pain, he remained determined to avoid detection. Being recognized in such an embarrassing state was not an option he could afford. He covered his face with his hands as he continued to move discreetly through the crowd. Along the way, he managed to snatch a robe from a merchant, rationalizing it as a "borrowing" rather than theft.

The scene unfolding nearby was a heated exchange between the robe seller and a customer. The customer had grown frustrated with the seller's exorbitant pricing, feeling that it was unfair given the summer season. Their argument escalated, with the customer accusing the seller of being shameless and lacking conscience.

The robe seller, an experienced businessman, responded coolly, asserting that the price was justified by the current weather and market demand. In his eyes, it was a matter of supply and demand influenced by the gods themselves.

Just as the argument reached a fever pitch, a sudden gust of wind swept through, and the robe seller was struck squarely in the face, sending him tumbling to the ground. The robe he had been holding vanished in the process. A stern voice echoed through the air, admonishing the seller for exploiting the situation for personal gain.

The voice, though distant, was unmistakable and resolute. Yet the speaker remained unseen. Cha-Eun Xiao, the culprit behind the intervention, felt somewhat embarrassed by the spectacle he had caused. He had been motivated to act due to the seller's unfair treatment of his customer, intending only to teach him a lesson.

In fact, he had shown remarkable restraint, for had he wished to inflict serious harm, that strike could have been lethal. Nevertheless, the robe seller was sufficiently terrified by the experience. After a period of bewilderment, he prostrated himself and begged for forgiveness, addressing Cha-Eun Xiao as a god.

Upon resuming his business, the robe seller had a change of heart. His prices became fair and reasonable, and he gained a reputation as an honest and compassionate vendor. His business flourished, and within a few years, he had amassed significant wealth. Throughout his life, he regarded his encounter with the god as a pivotal moment that had instilled integrity as his guiding principle in business.

In his spare moments, he shared the tale of his divine encounter, emphasizing that his success was the result of divine grace. He credited the god with transforming him into a better merchant, and he proudly upheld integrity as his business motto.

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