The Eternal Family

Chapter 45 Stage 1 – Lustful Absorbtion

Chapter 45 Stage 1 – Lustful Absorbtion

His heart skipped a beat as Harry looked towards the dark screen displaying the features of his abilities. He was at a loss for words. What was this ability? It was so overpowered!

With this newfound power, he didn't even need the system to rule the world. A hesitant chuckle escaped his mind, laden with awkwardness.

Of course, without the system, he can't increase his soul limit, barring him to always having a single ability.

Reading the details once more, Harry delved into a fresh stream of thoughts, observing and contemplating the implications. It was a necessary exercise to maintain his sanity, though he couldn't help but wonder if he was already slipping past that.

Refocusing his attention on the system screen, he sought final confirmation. And there it was, unchanged:

[Lustful Absorption]

[Obvious Add-ons: ...]

"Oh! 'Obvious Add-ons' means that what the world says is true. All abilities, at all stages, have infinite possibilities for use. It all depends on the creativity of the host," he realized.

The list unfurled, revealing the enhancements:

[Obvious Add-ons:

1) Emotion Sight: The host gains the passive ability to see the emotions of the opposite sex. All kinds of emotions are visible to his eyes, and no emotion can remain hidden.

"So, I can directly perceive the emotional states of the opposite sex. That's quite useful..." the host thought, acknowledging the advantages.

2) Self Control: The host gains mastery over his own lust, rendering Stage 2 or weaker enchanting abilities ineffective.

"Nice, I suppose," he mused, appreciating the benefits it offered.

3) Lust Absorbtion: The host can absorb and utilize lust, employing it as an aphrodisiac or a charming aura around himself.

"Heh, this is the best one yet," the host chuckled, relishing the enticing possibilities.

But of course, he was joking with what he said, Reading emotions was the best part

How can something borderline mind-reading be compared with this shit?

4) Dual Ability Usage: The host gains the ability to simultaneously keep two abilities active at a time, maximizing their potential.

"Ah, so there was a limit to the number of active abilities at a time. And It's only now that I confirm it? after I have all these abilities to choose from, just giving me trouble." the host grumbled.

5) Enhanced Touches: The host's hands become capable of incredible feats, whether in delivering powerful punches or exploring the realms of sensuality. They possess increased effectiveness, control, and influence.

"Ah, that's rather surprising!" he exclaimed, intrigued by the newfound capabilities of his hands.

Taking a calm breath, Harry, the host, smiled. The ability surpassed his expectations. It was even better than he had hoped.

But he had a feeling that stage 2 still had another huge surprise waiting for him, but he kept the feeling aside,

The system didn't say anything after all.And he will regret ever thinking like that soon enough.

Then, a shadow passed over his eyes, dimming his elation. The realization hit him once again—he could only absorb abilities from his family for now. A pang of disappointment resonated within him as he hoped for a change in the next stage.

Without it, he feared his path would be limited in this short life.

He didn'thave unlimited Family members to fuck after all, and birthing children, letting them grow and become old enough to get abilities, then absorbing it,

...the whole thing was too time consuming.

But still, he hoped for that in the next upgrade.

with a better feeling, Harry looked at the active ability bar and pondered for a second before finally deciding to look at his other abilities, and looked at his wavy dark screen:

[ Lustful Absorbtion (S1).

Clone (-Dead-)

Enhanced Self Healing

Enhanced Hearing

Enhanced Vision

Enhanced breath

World Of Mind

Rainbow's Beauty

Wings of Freedom

Wood manipulation


What were they worth exactly?

The enhancing abilities were fairly obvious, but what about the rest?

And which 2 Abilities should he keep active?

Lustful Absorbtion didn't count, so he still had 2 slots remaining,

And he wanted the best for battle at that slot, so that he can always be ready,

So which one of these, was, really dangerous?

Keeping the enhance type abilities to the side, Harry clicked [World of the mind]

[World Of the Mind: Create your own avatar inside your mind, store knowledge inside it and make it do its work.

(Passive Ability)]

Eh? What?

Explain clearly.

And the system replied, [ Store information like books and scrolls into your brain by just scrolling through it and the avatar inside your mind will analyse it and store the information into a hidden part of your brain, whenever the information might be useful, it will come to you naturally like you always knew it ]

The system seems to have gained some basic features, like the ability to reply to his questions,

But only things regarding what is written on the system work that way

Not all problems can be fixed with a dumb Ai's help,

But he didn't care for that now, as the ability he just read was just too uncanny

'And this is at what stage? In the base stage? No way..' He can only copy abilities at the base stage, right?

so why is this ability so overpowered?

As far as he knew, this was Evis's ability, but it was not this strong at the base stage, he was pretty sure of that,

Gulping, he asked the system, "What stage are the abilities that I have copied?"

[It's in a pseudo-stage 1 state]

"What stage is that!?"

[ No information stored on that particular question ]

'Did lustful Absorbtion's evolution allow me to copy abilities and get every ability I copy at a higher stage than the base? But what is pseudo Stage 1? It seems weaker than stage 1...'

Anyway, this Gift had a lot of potential, he could already see how much of a golden ability this was.

Frowning, Harry moved on from this question for now and looked at the next ability, Rainbow's beauty,

'What a weird name for an ability'

[Rainbow's Beauty: You are like a chameleon, you can change your colours and you can change your clothes,]

[Copy other's clothes just by touching it once.]

'And what stage is this ridiculous ability at?'

[Pseudo Stage 1]

hmm...I see

Looking at the next ability, it came into his vision: [Wings of freedom: You can grow a unique type of wings on your back, and move faster on land.]

"Can I fly?"

[Don't have information on that particular question.]


"Wood manipulation," He said... somewhat happy at receiving his first world manipulation type of Abilities [Wood manipulation: Grow plants out of seeds within just a day]

'Only that much?'

[ All abilities can be used in infinite ways, Stages are only limitations and guidelines, not true barriers. The abilities are as good as how the user uses them.]

'Is that like a recorded answer for this kind of question...?'


[Self Inspection: Know yourself well, know your strengths and know your weaknesses.]

'Basically the system's feature of showing my attributes, So as I guessed, this ability was useless till I make it reach Stage 3, huh?'

At stage 3, Self-inspection can help him know other's secrets with just a glance, even their abilities...

This was Mivva's ability, but she was still just early on her path and was not stage 3, so no one knew its potential yet

But when it was revealed in the future, it made quite a stir, as many had things they wanted to hide yet they couldn't no more

hoo...He heaved a breath and looked at the enhanced section,

and asked for clarification,

[Enhanced Self-healing: Regeneration of small wounds and prevention of bloodloss]

"At pseudo stage 1?"


[Enhanced Hearing: Hearing enhanced to the levels of cats]

Good enough.

[Enhanced breath: Increased stamina and self-control]


[Enhanced Vision: Vision like a hawk]

He nodded, so these were his new addition...

But then he looked towards the side, A bar stood there

Active ability: 0/2

"Explain." He muttered, his voice wavy like darkness

[ Only abilities added in this tab and passive Abilities can be used by the host,

It can be changed anytime, but it takes 30 seconds to change.]

'Too much time in a deadly battle..."

'And so that's the reason I don't feel much difference

"Put Enhanced Vision and Hearing as active-

Wait a moment, can I merge these abilities, system?"

And get an Enhanced senses ability, like Anna's?

[No information on that particular question]

clearing his throat awkwardly, he looked around at the sleeping woman and shook his head with a chuckle, saying in his mind

"Add vision and hearing as active abilities"

the bar 0/2 changed to 2/2 and his body trembles as his hearing increased to unheard-of levels,

The even breathing of the aroused woman sleeping around him seemed like people talking loudly and directly into his ears, like a bunch of screaming kids,

he felt dizzy as hell but held on

Yet, his vision increasing alongside only made matters worse,

He suddenly could see the skin of his woman clearly from their dripping womanly parts to their blemishless skin,

But the information was too sudden for his brain to accept,

Moving with his hardest, he reached into the bathroom, and leaning in, He puked...

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