The Eternal Family

Chapter 144 Choosing Path

Everyone spent that day in deep thought. They did not have sex, they did not have anything special occur to them and they weren't especially doing anything.

But Harry and the Queen had a lengthy, lengthy conversation filled with thorns and horns. It was mainly about the King's death.

And after that conversation, Harry once again felt the bad side of women. No, the bad side of the world.

Not that he was from the good side but still, it made him have an extreme distaste for the queen. She had zero empathy for the dead king and throughout the interaction, Harry knew she was trying to make the Lust Family return to Mystry.

Harry had declared it as gone and he had established an Isiah Family on top of it. Even though it wasn't yet official, that was the route it was headed.

But the Queen was someone loyal to the Family and there was no way she would not attempt to bring it back to glory. Actually, Harry did not mind that very much.

Lust Family wasn't exactly his hated enemy or something. But the Queen's utter apathy disgusted him. It was her own family, her own brother.

Yet, she had no emotion. It was her usual cold face. Her usual cold eyes. Her usual self.

And in the end, Harry said, "I am not one bit sorry for your Brother, my supposed Father's death. If I had to, I would kill him again. And as for the Lust Family? You can consider it a sub-family of my Isiah Family. It has my blood after all. But it is and will be a subordinate for Eternity."

Had Harry been someone as weak as a week ago, She wouldn't have considered it. But now, she had no choice but to nod.


Then she vanished. But Hardy knew she would never try something that he might find distasteful. Never.

After that event, everything was back to sunshine and roses and Harry just spent the day reading some books. He had photographic memory-type gifts and his memory was absolutely perfect.

So he might as well add knowledge.

And in the due time. Lilly who was always beside him listening to him read out loud, chose the path that she wanted to tread, "I will choose Righteous, that sounds easy."

"No, choose something else, that's too binding. Kind of like a hypocrite." Harry didn't want her to choose that path.

"Then I will choose business. You better give me ideas Husband," Lilly replied.

Evis came out of the shadows and later gave her a cultivation technique related to [Business], the same one she herself cultivated.


Emma was in the garden with Anna and having a relaxing cup of coffee. "I will choose Learning, that sounds good."

"Harry!" she called out.

A telepathic link was connected with her and Harry's voice asked, "What happened Mom?"

"I choose Learning."

"Good choice. Just what I will expect from my Mom." Harry chuckled.

Evis came out with a pout. So much damn work.


At the top of the castle in the wind, her clothes kept flopping back and forth and her hair flew back in the wind. Valeria was seated with a flagon of alcohol in her hands.

She took a deep breath and gulped it down. A hot rush of water rushed into her stomach and she calmly breathed in.

"Harry, I choose..." she paused and then said, "I choose Teaching. I will teach your coming kids for the next part of my life."

Harry smiled while flipping the pages in his room. "Evis. Grandma, Teaching."

Evis who was casually enjoying some fruit juice and meditating in between froze. Then with another pout, flickered into Valeria's position.


Anna was extremely hesitant for a while before she decided. "Young master, I will choose Learning."

Harry's chuckle rang out in her mind. "Sure."

Evis moved out of the shadows. "Ahh! You guys should have chosen all at once! Motherfu– no! Sonfucqers!"

Anna just bashfully took the technique and Evis vanished with a harrumph.


"I will choose the Evil Path," said the Queen from her own room.

But there was no reply.

"I will choose the righteous path," she said. But there was still no reply.

Her cold heart didn't even flinch. She stood there, staring up at the ceiling.

She wasn't really that bad of a person. She just happened to hate that brother of hers.

After a moment of silence, Harry's sound rang out, "Learning Path. You walk on that path from now."

A shadowy hand threw a book into her hands from the void.

Harry sighed inside his room. He had his suspicions.


In the Academy, in Harry's private room.

He looked at the Path that Evis had sent. One of the Cultivation paths of his own choice.

He sighed exasperated at his daughter. But he couldn't blame her, he had indeed asked for it.

"Righteousness..." Harry cringed at the word.

"Evis, can you give me the Learning Path? This one seems like a stupid idea..." Harry asked with conviction.

"Dad, I say you choose that path or the Sloth one. I don't know, both of them seem suitable for your situation. Go with Sloth since even if you become unable to move, it's just a clone in the end."

Harry paused. He hadn't thought of that option.

'I indeed can earn points while lazily laying around somewhere... Wow! That's the best option.'

He didn't hesitate any longer and Evis smilingly sent the book about that path for him.

He looked at it with a smile too.

Then asked, "What do I have to do to cultivate it?"

"That book has the instructions. But I will tell you anyway. There is a pill in the book, take it and eat it." Rang a lazy voice. How envious, she wanted to cultivate that path too.

Harry opened it and saw a black pill. He unhesitantly ate it.

A warm rush filled his body and he felt as if something within him had changed.

In the royal room, Harry paused reading and looked up at the screen of his system.


Cultivation Path: Slothful Sin.

Be lazy to earn energy. The system can't convert that energy into points. So the clone will have to refine it itself. Or you can spend 1 million points to unlock a Path on the main body.]

At the same time, in the Academy, Harry's clone started to feel extremely lazy and unproductive. He just wanted to lie down and go to sleep.

He didn't resist the urge and his body was soon in the comfort of his bed. Falling asleep soon, he was in his dreams.

And at the same time, Harry could see the [Energy] tab under his clone slowly go up.

Merely 0.0001 per second.

And just like that, he went back to reading.

Lilly and the other women were checking out their new paths. And the world returned to its calmness.

Hours went by and soon, everyone was introduced to their Path and Lilly went out to start a business. Harry didn't interfere and continued his reading.

But as all of this was going on, he had a sneaking suspicion that when he became an Awakened. Everything as he knew would change and everything would come to clarity.


Day 3 of the start of Isiah Family's Cultivation.

Lilly wrote down on the new diary. And ended it with all the details.

Looking up at her brother, she said, "So nice, cultivation is so easy in comparison to Gifts. I started a business tycoon and it is now all over Mystry. Royal Family's connection and my Authority really are super powerful!"

Harry put down the book. "Don't underestimate it all, maybe it's just because it's the start. Ask such things to Evis."

Lilly humphed. No way was she going to ask that girl for help.

Shaking his head, Harry said, "She is not such a bad girl as you say. And if you really hated her, you would have told me to keep her out of the Harem."

Pouting, Lilly said, "No, I just don't tell you that because she is strong. What if she got mad? Hehe, let me become as strong as her and we will kick her out."

Harry smilingly hugged her and touched her stomach. "I guess it bulged a bit, Lill."

"No, it didn't."

Harry kissed her on the cheek. "What do you say we go on a trip of the world? Travel around?"

"After my baby is born only!"

"With Evis around, there is nothing that can harm us."

"Even still!"

Harry nodded. "What about we have sex in a dream? We can use your DreamWalker for that now, right?"

Lilly smiled. "I was thinking of that. Let's try that!"

Harry chucklingly caught her lips. And soon enough, they were on their bed, asleep and in dreams.

On the other hand, in the Academy, Harry opened his eyes and felt a very high amount of Energy in his body. He used the method said in the technique to refine that Energy.

Every hour of intense focus melted 1 point of Energy into his body and that in turn strengthened him.

And just like that, days passed, months passed...

The sun shined and the moon replaced it multiple times. And soon enough, 10 months had come to pass. And in those ten months, many small things accumulated, and big things happened.

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