The Eternal Family

Chapter 116 A Hidden Concept From The World.

A Day and a half ago, in Valeria, Harry's grandmother's room.

"Harry, I have some important matters to discuss," said Valeria, interrupting Harry's final training time.

He had already learned how to make his skin entirely jade but he still felt as if he was missing something that his mother had.

But more than that, even after he learned to control this Gift, even using it on his whole skin, it didn't go from Pseudo-Stage 1 to Stage 1, that could only mean he was missing something.

Yesterday, he had sex with his mother a lot and accumulated some Pleasure Points, that many points, along with the points he will het after fucking Lilly were enough for him to reach the maximum strength of Stage 1 Body Gifted — Twenty Points.

Shaking his head off those thoughts, he focused on his grandmother, and asked, "What happened Grandma?"

"Yesterday I was too startled about your ability and I was still startled about it in the morning," Valeria's mature and fierce face was filled with seriousness as she said, "But I did some research on if there was something like your Gift in the history of Mystry, and I learned something that might change the whole dynamic of our world if everyone came to know of it."

Harry frowned, something that even had his fierce grandma stunned? That seemed like ink in his clean plans.

"Tell me about it," Harry said with a calm voice.

"Harry, there is a library in our Royal family that only the Stage 5's are allowed to enter, it is where we keep our most hidden and confidential secrets."

Harry nodded, even though it was a secret, he already knew of it since his sister had told him about this at some point in their youth.

She had some authority among the royals.

"I never bothered to read much there since I usually just come to learn of new things when I kill people and absorb their memories, but yesterday, I went in and checked around for something like your gift. And unexpectedly, I saw a whole section."


"Your type of Gift is not a first-time occurrence in Mystry, actually, there have been 3 of them since the Royal Reign began, and now, you are the fourth of such people – You are a Blasphemous Child, Harry."

Harry frowned heavily and said, his voice contemplative, "I had heard that name before..."

It was in the Disaster timeline, Verma and he was about to go chase someone she referred to as this generation's Blasphemous Child when suddenly, his thoughts grew clear and the eye in the sky appeared.

"What is a Blasphemous Child?" He asked.

Valeria took a deep breath and spoke: "In ancient times, there was a belief that our abilities were gifted by some God, that is the main reason why we still call it a Gift. And these Blasphemous Children, one in each generation, can copy or even outright steal from others their Gift."

Harry turned absolutely quiet. That was him...right?

As he thought, the system had told him that every 'World' will have someone like him with an abnormally strong gift. That all world will at least have one — But it never told him he was the first one in this world.

"What were these other people's Gifts like?"

"One of them was, killing to absorb others' gifts, one was eating others to get their gifts, and one was something like Slave Steal or something, using enslaving to get Gifts somehow."

They were too similar, except that he had to have sex with his own family members to get Gifts.

"Do the King, Queen, and the others know about them?"

Valeria's eyes flashed and she said, "I am one hundred percent sure they know. But only the Stage 5 old bums and the King and Queen. I am sure the ministers, concubines, and others don't know."

Then most of his plans were down the gutter.

Harry clenched his hands and turned them to jade, then unjaded, turned them to jade, and then unjaded.

So, these abnormally strong Gifted are called Blasphemous Children in this world.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm The system had called it an Abnormal gift, but Harry decided to go with this classification in his mind from now on.

He clenched his teeth, he was confused and his thoughts were roaming. So he forcefully focused himself.

'What is the most profitable way for me?' He deeply thought.

What was it?

Then, he suddenly asked, "What were these Blasphemous Children to the Lust Kingdom?"

Valeria said, her voice not hiding her approval, "Good, you noticed."

Harry looked at her for an answer and she gave it: "Each of them, all of these three were the Kingdom's hated enemies. And they were the start of all our troubles. They were only three people, only 1 in each generation, but still... Each one of them was strong, at Stage 4, they could fight the Stage 5 King."

Harry nodded, he could guess as much.

"And all our opposition, in a sense, rooted from them. Even Hooligan's academy's ancestor was one such person in the records, he was the one with the Eating Absorption type Gift."

"We have been ignorant..." Harry sighed, but then, his eyes brightened.

What was the Royal Family's biggest ambition?

It was to rule the Continent of Mystry.

If they know that he was the key to such a goal... Won't it all be alright?

Won't they help him voluntarily?

Even the king had to see priorities.

'If I can play my cards well, I can even get the King as my puppet.' Harry's heart skipped a beat.

He had up till now believed himself to be an anomaly, someone who would be hated by the whole world once his Gift got revealed, but it was the opposite.

He would be loved beyond compare by the Royalty once his Gift was revealed.

They would actively help to make him stronger.

And even if that went wrong, it was fine, his clone was secretly there outside in the world, if his Main body dies, he will revive it once his clone reaches an unbelievable level of strength.

If he can be Transmigrated once somehow, if he was strong enough, he could do it again.

But Valeria added, her voice much graver: "But I also found another fact, You 'Blasphemous Children' go through unexpected Disasters like Time, Space, and stuff – and that all three before you died sooner or later due to that."

With that, she also understood the underlying cause of his 'Coma.'

Harry turned silent, his heart suddenly thumping violently, sooner or later?

"Grandma, what Stage did these predecessors of mine reach?"

"The academy ancestor reached Stage 4, the rest both died at Stage 2. And it is also briefly mentioned in that book that there might be some more who were just Stage 1 who died before they were revealed to our information networks."

Gulping, Harry suddenly had a whole other perspective on Disasters, he had missed this point till now.

For one, had he not had the System, he would have died multiple times in the Disaster Timeline.

For example, the System was the sole reason he could go on a marathon and evolve to stop his soul from crumbling after the encounter with the Eternal.

So, there were people who complete these Disasters without any such help?

He was sure they didn't have a system like his!

Closing his eyes tightly, he calculated everything and calmed his troubled soul. Why were all these people in the academy so sophisticated?

He wanted to destroy that whole place to avoid all these confusions.


Clearing the intrusive thoughts, he muttered, "Let me plan what I will do, I might reveal my Gift in the battle... But maybe, that is also a wrong decision."

He had many enemies who will aim for him once he was revealed to be a big gain or something special. The one who poisoned him and the First King was just the start, the problem if the Academy ever came to know was another.

He will have many assassins on his back, not that he was sure he already didn't have any.

But at the same time, if he played it well, he will also have the strongest, the King, as his bodyguard.

No, I need to plan this more clearly and not rush it...

In this ordinary moment in an ordinary day, inside his own room, Harry calmed down and thought about the future of this world, his thoughts rushing around in his head.

'In the end... Before I start anything, I have to take measures to protect my family.'

For a man of ambition, the danger was just normality, but he was a Man of ambition with a family to protect. So he needed to plan it from the start till the day it was supposed to fruit.

Even the plucking had to be planned or everything would be for shit.

'Hmm...but this is indeed far more intriguing and simpler than my first plans, even though I will have a lot of competition to handle...

Mmm, and I also have to prepare myself to win against the Monkey brat, it would all be hilarious if I lost on that first step...'

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