Chapter 107: 77’s Opinion

This meeting didn’t really do anything.

The big guns only knew one thing – that Tuesday was a threat to American security.

And they had the power to make a mess of America.

And the key thing – the internet – they couldn’t shut it down.

So they had to listen to Tuesday.

They knew how important it was.

So it became top secret in the United States.

The president of IBM, who knew about it, and some of the people who knew about it, were under control.

If it got out, it would hasten the beginning of the war.

And mcclane, who didn’t know, was pleasantly surprised.

Because the 13th had arrived.

Oh, no. Maybe he should be called a shepherd.

The crazy one was the 13th.

And the sane one was the shepherd.

There was no small talk between the two men. The Shepherd had only two demands.

One: Give me a highly authorized laboratory.

Two: I decide whether or not the 77th stays or goes. You Don’t interfere.

As for what America gets, mcclane had a long list.

So, Nasi’s director directly agreed to Shepherd’s request.

He just didn’t understand why a sheep herder would bring a crazy woman with him.

Sheep Herder had no idea about 77’s information.

What country she was from, what field she was good at, how old she was this year, and what caused her mental illness..

Logically, such a person wouldn’t be taken away by a sheep herder.

However, this woman could always say something when the sheep herders were stuck.

And just because of that one sentence, his problem could be solved.

Based on this point, the sheep herders would take her away no matter what.

Moreover, although this woman would be abnormal from time to time, even if she was abnormal, she was very quiet.

As long as she was given an extremely profound book, the problem would be solved.

For sheep herders, his life was all about research.

His first priority was research, and his second priority was the country.

So, his first thought was to look for mcclaren.

Because only the United States could get him started on research as quickly as possible.

After arriving at Nasi, the sheep herders didn’t take a break. They immediately made a request and decided to start his research.

What Raymond had done was too shocking.

Even if it was sheep herding, he had to continuously explore the principles in the verification.

But mcclaren did not agree.

The reason he had agreed to the sheep herding request was partly for the sake of the development of the United States.

But on the other hand, it was for his own sake.

He really had too many doubts about what Raymond had done.

Scientists at his level understood similar things.

Shepherding was different. Even though he had been away for a few years, his ideas and opinions were still above his own.

This was the truth. mcclaren knew it very well.

In fact, as a scientist, one of the most important things was to have a clear understanding.

If he couldn’t even understand his own abilities, then this scientist was basically useless.

“Shepherd, don’t be anxious. Look at my situation first. I’ve already asked them to prepare your laboratory.”

“Don’t worry, your laboratory will definitely be arranged according to the highest level, and it will be expedited…”

“Yes, that’s the problem. We need rare gases to use plasma, but Raymond actually…”

Speaking of his own topic, mcclaren began to give a long speech.

The shepherd directly extracted the main question in his words and immediately began to watch.

Number 77, who was beside him, also put down his book.

Silently, he approached mcclaren’s desk.

This desk belonged to mcclaren himself.

In order to operate better, this desk was completely touch-controlled.

On the left was the blueprint that Raymond had drawn, and on the right was mclaren’s opinion.

Watching the sheep start to think, mclaren also shut up.

Although the sheep were not afraid to disturb, mclaren still habitually did not speak.

After looking for more than ten minutes, the sheep seemed to have his opinion.

But he did not notice that key point.

A flash of inspiration was a common thing in sheep herding.

The key was how to extract the idea.

As long as he extracted the idea, the problem would be solved.

Just as the sheep was thinking hard about the key point..

Number 77 suddenly said, “Bernoulli’s theorem!”

These few words sounded like thunder in the sheep’s ears.

His stuck problem was immediately solved.

Bernoulli’s theorem was actually not difficult.

Many things in life use this principle.

Gasoline engines would be one outcome of such a theory.

The motor in the body drives the impeller in the vortex shell to rotate, and the air velocity at the air inlet in turn increases, so the pressure at the air inlet is less than the pressure outside the air inlet. Oil is sucked into the air inlet under the effect of the external pressure, so the cycle would start.

The plasma engine just did the opposite.

It uses the ejected electrons to drive other objects in space and move at a high speed.

At the same time, it also causes the Coanda effect.

With both effects in play, its ability is greatly enhanced.

After realizing this, Shepherd stopped talking.

The process of explaining was not difficult.

After a while, McLean understood.

“So that’s how it is?”

“I understand, I understand!”

“Raymond is indeed amazing. He can combine common scientific principles with complex principles. This is something I can’t ever do…”

Seeing McLean was as happy as a child, Shepherd smiled and shook his head.

Even I can’t compare.

Then, the Shepherd looked at 77.

The woman had gone back to reading.

However, Shepherd’s understanding of her had deepened.

Perhaps she was the most powerful person here!

Unfortunately, her condition was unstable.

Otherwise, many problems could be quickly resolved.

In NASA, there was no day and night.

Only rest and research.

However, to keep this group of fanatics alive, the authorities have given them a specialized dietitian.

These dietitians did not only keep track of their nutrition, they also hounded them about their sleep.

If the level of rest was not up to standard, they were not permitted to work.

A good body, for the sake of the country.

That was the bottom line.

Even McLean could not disobey it.

Well, Shepherd and 77 were not subject to such jurisdiction.

That was good for them.

Raymond was a mystery.

He skipped the theory-crafting and prototype stages.

He just got things working from the getgo!

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