Chapter 76

When Huo Mei Shu heard him ask this, she became more awake and opened her eyes to glance at her phone.

She had a sly smile on her face. While turning on the speakerphone, she searched through her phone for the wonderful video she had recorded last night.

Last night, she hadn't expected this Second Brother to end up in such a sorry state. She had to keep this video - such a thrilling piece of footage, she would have to put it to good use.

"Second brother, last night you..." Huo Mei Shu deliberately drew out her words.

As soon as Huo Shao Jie heard this, his heart leapt up and the stinging pain in his butt made him even more panicked! f๐š›๐—ฒ๐ž๐ฐe๐—ฏn๐—ผv๐—ฒ๐š•.๐šŒo๐ฆ

If he had really lost his virginity last night, he would make sure that person could never have children again!

"Mei Shu, quickly tell me, don't joke around with me."

Hearing the panic in his voice, Huo Mei Shu's smile deepened.

"Second brother, you know what you're like when you're drunk, right? I don't need to explain further, do I?"

Huo Shao Jie felt his hands and feet go cold, and his scalp tingled.

Could it really be true?

"Why don't...I show you something? I've made several backup copies for you."

Huo Mei Shu smirked wickedly, then hung up and sent Huo Shao Jie the video before quickly turning her phone off and pulling up the covers to go back to sleep.

Huo Shao Jie was filled with trepidation. By the time he had watched the video, his whole body was stiff.

That really was his own mother! His big brother!

He had utterly humiliated himself.

Lying in bed, he was filled with hopeless despair. Just then, Lu Ye happened to call. Huo Shao Jie, with a belly full of grievances and nowhere to vent them, immediately turned Lu Ye into his punching bag.

Lu Ye had simply wanted to ask about the finalized clothing and props. Although they had already selected them, Huo Shao Jie had said just yesterday that he had even better options. So Lu Ye was just anxiously asking him a few more questions about it.

What was with this guy, eating gunpowder first thing in the morning?

"Humph, I can't be bothered to talk to you. Uncle Jiang secretly came to Jingcheng, so I have to go pay him a visit. I went to a lot of trouble for this drama production."

Lu Ye gave a cold snort, vexed by Huo Shao Jie's sudden fiery temper.

Rong Dai and Huo Shao Ting arrived at Yulou Jinqu, an area of standalone villas with private gardens and a river running through, willows swaying gracefully on both banks, giving an air of tranquil elegance.

"There are places this elegant in Jingcheng?"

Ever since her rebirth, Rong Dai had only seen the hustle and bustle of this modern world, with its crowded streets and towering buildings. A refined, secluded place like this seemed somewhat out of place compared to the flashy exterior.

"If you like it here, we can buy it. This area was recently developed, away from the city center, but the greenery and environment are well maintained. There are plans to develop many new facilities around here in the future, so property values will continue to rise."

As soon as Rong Dai said this, Huo Shao Ting immediately responded.

He didn't have any particular requirements - the Huo family already owned plenty of properties in Jingcheng, and their old residence was large enough for the few of them.

He also had his own apartment at the company, where he usually slept more often than not.

But now, he wanted them to have a home of their own, a home that belonged just to the two of them.

Previously, he couldn't understand what it felt like to have a lamp at home burning just for you. Now it seemed he was starting to grasp that feeling, so he very much wanted a little home of their own.

Rong Dai had just casually suggested it. She had no idea about real estate in this modern era, and knew buying a house wasn't as simple as just saying you wanted to buy one.

Besides, she still owed nearly 2 billion yuan in exorbitant debt. If Huo Shao Ting splurged on buying a house on top of that, she would have no choice but to sell her body to him for life.

"No, no, no, I was just saying casually."

She was badly frightened, lamenting and envying in her heart. As expected, money talks.

Pennilessness was torturous, even for her, a former empress.

When would she be able to regain the extravagant lifestyle of flinging money around like dirt that she had in her previous life?

Seeing her rejection, Huo Shao Ting didn't push the matter further. He could tell Rong Dai's momentary panic and unease just now.

Although he felt a bit let down inside, he had enough patience to wait for her to trust in him and rely on him.

When the couple arrived at the villa where Jiang Ling was staying, Rong Dai insisted on getting out of the car.

She had already embarrassed herself in front of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, so better to be impolite just that one time. Being rude repeatedly would show she had no manners.

She still needed to show proper respect in front of elders - others might not care, but she couldn't lose her own dignity.

She didn't want people to see her as frivolous. Behind closed doors, she and Huo Shao Ting could be as intimate as they liked, but in public she had to pay attention to her own conduct.

This was about giving herself sufficient respect, and giving others a good first impression that she deserved respect.

Respect yourself before respecting others - this was what her mother in her previous life had taught her.

It was a pity that in the end, she had failed to respect herself first in front of the Emperor.

"You're here."

Jiang Ling was practicing tai chi in the yard. Seeing the couple arrive so early, and Rong Dai dressed so properly and modestly, his gaze towards her held a bit more approval.

Some people simply gave extremely good first impressions.

With Jiang Ling's experienced eye, he could basically tell at first glance what kind of person someone was.

This kid has good taste - he found himself an outstanding woman.

"Good morning, Uncle Jiang." Following the greeting style here, Rong Dai's every word and action were proper and modest, not frivolous at all.

"Have a seat first, you two can drink some tea first. This old bag of bones needs to get some exercise in if I want to live a few more years."

Jiang Ling nodded at them, then went back to practicing tai chi in the yard.

Huo Shao Ting escorted Rong Dai to sit under the flower arbor in the yard. The housekeeper brought over freshly brewed tea.

Out of habit, Rong Dai gently sipped the tea and set it down in the manner of her previous life.

"What's wrong? Don't you like this old man's tea?"

Noticing Rong Dai's slight frown, Jiang Ling raised an eyebrow and asked.

Rong Dai quickly shook her head. "The tea is good, this is excellent Mingqian Longjing, this year's new tea. Mingqian tea is a rare treasure among green teas."

"You seem to know a thing or two, go on."

Jiang Ling was immediately intrigued. Old folks like them loved such nostalgic, ordinary old things.

Rong Dai felt a bit nervous. This was just habit for her. In her previous life, everything she ate, wore and used was only the best. Even during those ten years imprisoned in the cold palace, she still never deprived herself.

These things were ingrained in her very bones. It would be difficult for her to change them immediately.

Sensing her unease, Huo Shao Ting promptly reassured her with a firm gaze.

Only then did Rong Dai relax slightly and continue speaking: "The Tea Classic records that for the water, use mountain spring water, river water, and well water. Although the water used for this tea is not bad, it is still not the optimal."

"There is also the temperature - the 'three boils' mentioned in the Tea Classic refer to the brewing temperature. The water used and temperature are both important factors, the slightest deviation can impact the flavor."

"This is Mingqian tea. Too high a temperature is unsuitable as it will make it bitter and turn the leaves yellow. Once the bitterness comes out, the tea's fragrance is lost."

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