Chapter 60

"Ah ah ah......I'm so angry I could die, this bitch!"

The hospital room was quiet as Rong Dai was lost in her own thoughts. She was taken aback when she suddenly heard Huo Mei Shu's angry roar. Turning back to look at her, Rong Dai saw that she was quite furious.

"May I take a look at what made you so angry?"

"You're better off not seeing this. She's just a bitch! She hates the rich and can't stand to see you married well!" Huo Mei Shu was nearly exploding with rage.

Rong Dai laughed helplessly and gestured for her to hand over her phone. Huo Mei Shu was sweating with anger as she simply handed her phone to Rong Dai and went to pour herself some water.

Rong Dai looked at the comments on the screen. They were quite malicious indeed, using extremely vulgar language to shred her to pieces.

She let out a soft sigh and started typing on the screen. After thinking for a bit, she sent the other person a line of poetry: "Shut your door to the moon in your yard, and tell plum blossoms to spread on their own."

"Sister-in-law, don't let her get to you. Let me handle this." After drinking some water, Huo Mei Shu was ready to continue the fight.

But Rong Dai just shook her head with a faint smile. "It's fine. I hope she doesn't die of anger instead. I can't afford the medical bills."

"What?" Huo Mei Shu was curious and leaned over to take a look. Her eyes lit up instantly.

Right after Rong Dai sent that line of poetry, the other side immediately retorted, directly mocking her for pretending to be learned by using ancient poetry.

"That bitch! When you have no skills, all you can do is spew nonsense everywhere! She probably thinks everyone else is as trashy as her!" Huo Mei Shu raged. "Sister-in-law, let me handle this..."

"No need." Rong Dai shook her head. It had been a long time since she did something so childish.

She started typing on the screen: Confucius said one cannot speak without learning poetry, nor stand without learning manners. You are but a dwarf watching a show, having never seen the full picture, merely echoing others' judgment of right and wrong. Since you do not know me, how can you judge me?

Huo Mei Shu was stunned as she read along. Before the other side could reply, Rong Dai continued typing: It pains me deeply to see your misfortune. I offer you the "Inscription for the Mouth", hoping you will grow into a phoenix and my heart will be comforted. When peach and plum trees are bare, the pheasant still cries deep in the catalpa grove. Go to sleep, I will teach you another day.

"Sister-in-law... Your rebuttal is amazing! That bitch has a foul mouth, thinking everyone else is just like her. Let me handle this..."

Huo Mei Shu only understood parts of it, but she knew Rong Dai was mocking the other person. She couldn't help but applaud.

Rong Dai just smiled and handed her the phone. "Simply put, it means disease enters from the mouth, and misfortune comes from the mouth."

She paused and explained to Huo Mei Shu after thinking for a bit: "If she keeps scolding you, just tell her 'like mouse has skin, people need manners'. Without manners, how does one live? Or you can tell her to 'hang herself on the southeast branch'. Doesn't she want me dead? Tell her to lead by example on how to die properly."

Rong Dai spoke indifferently. She did not take trash like that seriously at all. She was only humoring Huo Mei Shu by mocking the other person twice to vent her anger.

"Hahaha... Not bad. I didn't expect sister-in-law to be so talented! Classical Chinese is obscure and difficult to understand. Few people our age are willing to study it diligently. Just picturing that bitch's confused face, I feel so relieved!"

Huo Mei Shu laughed heartily, looking at Rong Dai with admiration in her eyes.

Rong Dai just smiled without replying. Apart from poetry, she wouldn't be able to come up with vulgarities from this world either.

When Huo Shao Ting walked to the door of the hospital room and heard the cheerful voices inside, a trace of smile flashed across his eyes before he pushed the door open.

"Big brother."

Seeing him come in, Huo Mei Shu immediately restrained her laughter and became guarded.

"You go back. I'll stay here. The nurse will come tomorrow."

His face was still cold as he loosened his tie after putting down the thermal food jar, and said to Huo Mei Shu.

Seeing Huo Shao Ting return again, Rong Dai's heart started pounding uncontrollably once more. She took several deep breaths before she managed to calm it down.

"Big brother, I don't have anything to do these days either. We don't need a nurse, do we? Besides, sister-in-law and I get along very well. Having a stranger come might make her uncomfortable, right? Isn't that so, sister-in-law?"

Huo Mei Shu breathed a sigh of relief. Noticing his tired face, she couldn't help but speak up again.

Rong Dai also saw the dark circles under his eyes. Her heart ached slightly - "Shao Ting, I'm fine. You should both go back and rest. I can call the doctor if anything comes up."

"I'll sleep on the couch. Staying up is bad for a girl. Or can your face afford to be worn out?" Huo Shao Ting ignored her and looked to Huo Mei Shu instead.

Huo Mei Shu was startled. She touched her cheek, realizing she indeed hadn't rested well these days due to Rong Dai's accident.

Rong Dai knew women cared about looks. Huo Shao Ting had made up his mind, so Huo Mei Shu was helpless against him.

"Mei Shu, you should go back and rest." Rong Dai said. Only then did Huo Mei Shu leave the hospital room.

After she left, the room became quiet again, but the atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

Rong Dai wanted to avoid her own wandering thoughts. As for Huo Shao Ting, he really wanted to chat more with her, but didn't know how to start.

"Drink some soup first. The chef just made it."

Unable to make conversation, he opened the thermal jar and poured out the simmered pigeon soup. He carefully blew on it to cool before handing it to her.

"Thank you." Rong Dai had just eaten congee and was still a little full, but the pigeon soup was good for her wounds. Not wanting to waste his kind intentions, she slowly drank the soup sip by sip.

After she finished drinking, Huo Shao Ting cleaned up and went to lie down on the sofa. He was quite exhausted these past two days.

Looking at his tall figure curled up on the sofa, Rong Dai thought she was no stranger to intimacy, and in her current state, she also believed in Huo Shao Ting's moral character.

This was a new world, not ancient times. Things weren't as conservative here. Moreover, they were still legally married, so sharing a bed wasn't too improper.

"Shao Ting... Come sleep on the bed, the sofa isn't good for your back." She spoke softly. Although knowing she shouldn't have stray thoughts, her cheeks still couldn't help turning red.

Huo Shao Ting had just lied down when he heard her words. Seeing her make space on the bed, his heart softened instantly.

Seeing him remain motionless for a long time, Rong Dai thought that with his matters and company to handle, she shouldn't make a fuss over such things after narrowly escaping danger this time.

This was a new world, not ancient times. Things weren't that prudish here, and they were still legally married. Sleeping together wouldn't be too inappropriate.

"I'm...scared. Can you stay with me?"

After thinking for a bit, she simply changed her phrasing. But as soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them and wanted to slap herself.

Why did she have to say it so...melodramatically?

"Alright." Huo Shao Ting replied after a few seconds. He got up and walked over to her. Seeing him approach, Rong Dai's heart raced wildly, but she had already said those words and it was too late to take them back.

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