The Empress's Transmigration into a Magnate's Wife

Chapter 566: Invitation from the Duke’s House

Chapter 566

The medical staff quickly arrived on the scene. Rong Dai frowned slightly as she watched Xin Ziqing being carried into the ambulance and taken to the hospital.

Xin Ziqing's condition did not seem feigned; this was Yang Wanwan's body.

During their time at the movie studio, Rong Dai had spent some time with Yang Wanwan and had never witnessed her exhibiting such symptoms.

Yet Lan Qian appeared quite familiar with Xin Ziqing's condition. Could it be that Xin Ziqing's rebirth was not the work of heaven, but rather engineered by human hands?

At this point, the organizers came forward to explain the reasons behind the selection of their Jinxiu Alley work in a concise and shocking manner.

After receiving the organizers' explanation, the designers reluctantly let the matter rest.

However, the incident had already been reported by the media present, sparking quite a heated discussion within the local circles.

After the award ceremony, Rong Dai and her entourage returned to their hotel.

"Mrs. Huo."

As they entered the hotel lobby, someone approached and blocked their path.

"Mr. Bertelen has extended an invitation and wishes to speak with Mrs. Huo."

The man appeared to be in his fifties, dressed as a butler-like figure, accompanied by a translator.

Although the man spoke in a gentle and humble manner, Rong Dai did not overlook the arrogance that flashed in his eyes.

Rong Dai knew that the Bertelen family would approach her, but she did not expect them to send a mere butler to summon her at night.

"I apologize, but please inform the gentleman that I am quite fatigued tonight, and it would be inconvenient to disturb him at this late hour."

Without waiting for the butler's response, she brushed past them and entered the elevator.

"Dai'er, is it really okay to refuse them like this?" Song Xuechun voiced her usual concern as they ascended.

Rong Dai shook her head. "They did not treat us with proper respect, merely wanting to resolve this matter quickly and let it rest."

"The Bertelen family is nobility. To summon a guest, they should follow proper protocol, not carelessly send a butler with a hasty invitation."

"If I had gone tonight, it would have given them the impression that I can be easily manipulated."

Song Xuechun's expression changed as she realized, "They are looking down on us!"

Rong Dai smiled faintly, not responding. It was more than just looking down on them; it was outright contempt.

"Has Mr. Ji not returned yet?" she inquired about Zong Che, while Jing Chen immediately began inspecting her room, leaving no corner unchecked.

"He should be back soon," Zong Che replied, glancing at his watch. It was already 9 PM local time.

"I sent him on an errand to meet with Alden and disclose today's events."

"If Bameng Media is not foolish, they will understand the consequences."

Rong Dai's eyes grew deep as she took a sip of water, recalling the events at the venue. She turned to Zong Che and asked, "How do you think we should utilize the incident at the venue tonight?"

As someone with a public relations background, Zong Che understood the implication behind Rong Dai's question.

"I will devise a strategy for this. I have been keeping track of the domestic public opinion, and with the incident at the venue, it could divert some attention."

"Mm, your efforts are appreciated."

Rong Dai nodded. If she had not been confident in Xin Ziqing's years of privileged living, the events at the venue would not have unfolded so smoothly.

Zong Che nodded, and as soon as he left the room, Jing Chen emerged after completing his inspection.

"Keep this under your pillow. It's a portable stun gun. If you notice anyone approaching you, press this button, and it will temporarily incapacitate them."

Jing Chen handed them both devices resembling phones and demonstrated their use.

"I'll be in the next room. The room is currently secure, but no matter who knocks tonight, you must verify their identity before opening the door."

"The safety lock must be engaged. If you can't see the person's face, immediately notify me. Do not open the door."

After cautioning them, especially Rong Dai, Jing Chen finally departed.

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