Chapter 561

"If you can't handle it, I'll cut off your potion supply. You're just a half-successful failure." Professor's hoarse voice was a little cold.

To him, this matter was something he was very sure of, otherwise he would not have invested in such research in his life.

Since he was able to experiment Xin Ziqing out, then as long as the data comparison is successful, others will not be a problem.

If Xin Ziqing was not still useful now, he would not spend time and effort on a failed product.

"I have other things to do right now, don't catch people back for the time being, just keep an eye on her."

The professor commanded.

Although Xin Ziqing was unhappy in her heart, in her previous life it was her who commanded and ordered those lowly servants to do things.

Now that she has come to this ghost place, she has to listen to a smelly old man!

But she had no choice, she had to go back to Shangyuan! So she had to listen to this smelly old man.

This ghost place was simply unlivable!

"I will, Professor."

She answered softly.

"I'll call Bertelen over there and tell him specifically how to help you guys, go talk to him yourself."

The professor's cold voice came, not caring if Xin Ziqing had anything else to say before hanging up.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Xin Ziqing felt particularly annoyed!

"What did the professor say?"

Seeing her look bad, Lan Qian asked.

"The professor will notify them, let's wait."

Xin Ziqing gave her phone back to her, relieved in her heart.

Lan Qian didn't ask her again, and the two waited in the hotel for a call from Duke Bertelen's Mansion.

After half an hour, a phone call finally came in.

The call was naturally from Duke Bertelen's Mansion to meet the two.

As soon as the two left the hotel to go to the Duke's mansion, the message reached Rong Dai's ears.

"If Bertelen gets involved, Bameng Media may really not speak up."

Mo Jinsen explained with a frown. The matter seemed simple, but it involved local aristocrats.

Although France no longer had a monarchy, the former nobility was still retained, and these nobles had intricate power structures.

Especially Duke Bertelen's Mansion, offending them would make things really hard to say.

Rong Dai took a sip of red tea while looking at the history of Duke Bertelen's Mansion.

The power of this family was indeed huge, and ordinary people would not easily offend them.

But she used to be an aristocrat too, so even if they were not the same kind of people, she still understood the ways of the nobility more or less.

"Bertelen will send someone to meet me and guarantee it with his reputation, asking me to reconcile with Xin Ziqing."

"In the end, the only one who can be sacrificed is Bameng Media, because they caused this incident."

"Bameng Media is now a street rat. Although Bertelen is upper class among the nobles, a single tree is hard to support."

"It's better to offend me than to offend these nobles."

Rong Dai said lightly.

"I'm just very curious. According to Bertelen's respectable family status, they shouldn't have offered to help, right?"

This made her even more certain that the Bertelen family had intervened because of the person behind Xin Ziqing.

Xin Ziqing's information came from Country Y, so she had no connection with France.

"Big Brother Ji!"

As she and Mo Jinsen were analyzing these things, she heard Song Xuechun's voice.

She saw Ji Zheng and Jing Chen following behind Zong Che. The spacious living room suddenly seemed a little crowded.

Ji Zheng nodded, looked at Rong Dai, then fell on Mo Jinsen: "How is the progress of things?"

"There is no hurry with things, we can still control the current situation."

"You just arrived, go freshen up and eat something first, your rooms have been booked."

Rong Dai said. Now that things had reached this point, she was no longer so eager to end them. She wanted to see Xin Ziqing's reaction.

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