Chapter 550

"You, you wicked Oriental woman! Do you know who I am?! How dare you hurt me?! I will make you pay!"

Despite the excruciating pain in her wrist, this did not stop Mei Li from hurling abuse at Rong Dai!

Rong Dai gave a cold laugh, yanked the reins, and moved a few steps closer to her.

Mei Li's face turned pale in an instant, and she instinctively tried to shuffle back, feeling her scalp tingle under Rong Dai's icy cold gaze!

"Wicked? If you hadn't attacked me first, would I have fought back?"

"I did hurt you, so what? It was self-defense."

"Pay the price? This is your price - don't expect to pick up a polo mallet again in future!"

Rong Dai swept her a sinister glance, then spurred the horse on and left like a queen.

"This Oriental woman, I want her dead! I want her dead... Ah, my hand, send me to the hospital quickly..."

After Rong Dai had left, Mei Li only then reacted, tearing her throat as she let out a earth-shattering shriek!

Miki stood by her side like a servant, catering to her every command.

Because of this incident, the guests who had come to participate no longer had any mood to continue playing polo.

Although they had seen the earlier scene of Mei Li breaking the rules of the game and rushing forward to strike at this Oriental woman's wrist.

But in the end, it was Mei Li who fell off her horse and broke her hand.

Even though some looked at Rong Dai with admiration in their eyes, there were more hostile stares aimed at her from the spectator stands.

Rong Dai felt the waves of unfriendliness directed at her.

She removed her helmet, allowing her sleek hair to cascade down, emitting a heroic flair mixed with a hint of charm.

"Dai'er, well done!"

Song Xuechun immediately put away her phone and handed Rong Dai a towel and mineral water, while taking over her helmet.

"That Mei Li deserved it, I didn't expect Westerners could be so vicious when provoked!"

Rong Dai looked at her and motioned with her chin towards the spectator stands, "Mei Li's identity is likely not simple."

"You should understand the logic of different species having different hearts. Today, I'm the one who broke Mei Li's hand."

"Even if Mei Li was in the wrong first, they would still think I went overboard."

"Watch, looks like we'll have to stay in Paris for some time."

"Call Zong Che to come get us."

Seeing Rong Dai gesture, Song Xuechun immediately wiped the smile from her face and glanced at the spectator stands. Indeed there were people with very ugly expressions, even interrogating Huo Ersi.

"Let's go over."

Holding her polo stick, Rong Dai said lightly.

Although feeling apprehensive, seeing how calm Rong Dai appeared, Song Xuechun still followed her over.

"Why do you not dare to question me directly? Why make things difficult for Mr. Huo Ersi ?"

A faint smile lingered on her lips, but her eyes emitted an awe-inspiring chilliness.

Upon seeing her approach, those erstwhile admiring noble ladies and debutantes instinctively shrunk back, looking at her with contempt and slivers of fear in their eyes.

"Mr. Huo Ersi, if you need my cooperation later, I will be available anytime."

"Now I will take my leave, does anyone want to stop me?"

Her gaze was frigid as she did not even cast a single look at Huo Ersi.

She had been utterly taken advantage of by Huo Ersi today!

Huo Ersi: "Madam Huo, let me send someone to..."

Rong Dai gave him an icy stare "There's no need, my people will come for me."

Did he think she was stupid?!

She could temporarily tolerate his using her as a shield to block Mei Li, after all she needed something from him now.

But Mei Li wanted to cripple her hand!

"Regarding today's affairs, my dealings with Mr. Huo Ersi, we're even."

"This time, I thoroughly experienced the gentlemanly manners of your country."

She gave a cold mocking laugh, casually tossing aside the polo stick then headed straight with Song Xuechun back to the dressing room to change.

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