Chapter 49

"Wait a minute," Zuo Ran said happily as she stood up. She picked up the phone from the video and tapped something on the screen. It was several minutes before she put the phone back on the table.

Rong Dai watched her every move closely. By now, she was becoming calmer and calmer.

She had to find a way to contact Huo Shao Ting to tell him her location, otherwise this crazy woman really would kill her if she lost control.

"Okay, we can enjoy the time ahead. Little Dai, believe me, there's no one in this world who will treat you better than me."

Zuo Ran walked over to her and lovingly caressed her cheek, leaving a doting kiss on her forehead.

Rong Dai's skin crawled wildly and she could barely suppress the revulsion rising within her, but she had to stay calm.

"Let's go to the bathroom. I'll be very gentle," Zuo Ran said with a gentle smile, but she only loosened Rong Dai's legs from the chair. Her hands were still tied up.

Rong Dai was in no hurry either. After entering the bathroom, Zuo Ran tied up her legs again. Seeing the bathtub, Rong Dai moved her hands. Fortunately, Zuo Ran hadn't tied the knots too tightly.

"I want to take a bath, with lots of bubbles," she said, looking at Zuo Ran with sincere eyes and a slightly coquettish tone.

Just as she had expected, Zuo Ran indulged her every whim.

But Rong Dai knew very clearly that this was just the calm side of this woman. When she lost control, even she herself was capable of violence!

Not to mention wanting to commit lover's suicide together - where did she even get such an idea? Why not suggest going to see the Buddha together?

She stood in the bathroom doorway, watching Zuo Ran diligently wipe the bathtub and fill it with water and bubbles. 𝐟𝐫eewe𝗯𝐧𝚘ve𝐥.c𝚘𝚖

Her expression was impassive, like a lamb to the slaughter, letting Zuo Ran strip off her wedding dress. But Zuo Ran had quite peculiar tastes - she didn't strip Rong Dai completely naked.

This was somewhat reassuring to Rong Dai. She had already mentally prepared herself to be stripped bare.

"Go slowly, Little Dai," Zuo Ran said carefully as she helped Rong Dai into the tub, unable to stop the light in her eyes as she looked over Rong Dai's fair, delicate, milky skin.

Rong Dai felt nauseous inside. In her past life as a princess, even when bathing she had had servants to attend her.

But she had never felt as uncomfortable and disgusted as she did now, even loathing Zuo Ran's touch.

Yet to survive, she had to endure it.

"Wait here, I'm going to get something," Zuo Ran said after seeing that Rong Dai wasn't resisting. She reached out and touched the ropes binding Rong Dai, speaking reassuringly before leaving the bathroom.

Rong Dai heaved a huge sigh of relief as she watched her go. Sitting in the warm water, she still couldn't feel any warmth at all - only bone-chilling cold.

Taking this chance, she immediately bit down on one end of the ropes on her hands and, moving as quickly as she could, undid the bindings on her hands and feet!

In her past life, her father and brothers had taken her to military camps a few times. These simple rope tricks were nothing to her; others might not be able to undo them, but she could.

After freeing herself from the ropes, she didn't immediately leave the tub. Instead, she wiped the bubbles from her face and held the ropes in her hands, waiting for Zuo Ran to return.

Hearing Zuo Ran's footsteps approaching, her heart pounded wildly in her chest.

"Little Dai, tonight is your first time. I'll make it an unforgettable night for you," Zuo Ran said, holding a bunch of strange items in her hands. She herself was already stripped bare, with only a thin silk robe draped over her.

Looking at the dazzling body before her, Rong Dai felt a surge of nausea.

She forced a smile on her face, making her voice sound coquettishly shy. "I...will do whatever you say."

At the same time, she sized up the bathroom door out of the corner of her eye, mentally rehearsing over and over the next steps of her plan.

Seeing her so obedient, Zuo Ran also let down her guard. She sat on the edge of the tub, gazing at Rong Dai with infatuation as she stroked her cheek and traced her slender, fair neck downwards.

Rong Dai's heart was in her throat, filled with disgust and anxiety.

"Don't be nervous. I'm very experienced, you'll definitely like it," Zuo Ran murmured seductively in her ear, thinking Rong Dai was nervous.

"Mm," Rong Dai responded with a tremble, watching as Zuo Ran turned around. She swallowed hard, her heart practically leaping into her mouth!


A voice screamed inside her. Rong Dai's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with a fierce light. The ropes in her hand lashed out and coiled around Zuo Ran's neck!

Her elbows and knees struck out in unison, hitting the base of Zuo Ran's neck and lower back!


Zuo Ran cried out in pain. Rong Dai was terrified, and did not hold back, using almost all her strength to drag Zuo Ran into the bathtub!

But she had not intended to kill Zuo Ran; she only needed time to get away from here!

Zuo Ran had not expected her to fight back. She howled in fury, reaching out to grab Rong Dai's hair.

Rong Dai was prepared for this trick. After pulling Zuo Ran into the tub, she immediately pounced on her, pressing her down in the water!

Zuo Ran choked down a few mouthfuls of water. With her vision obscured by bubbles, she had no time to react to Rong Dai's quick and vicious attack!

"You bitch..."

"You're the bitch! Shameless old hag with delusions!"

Rong Dai was afraid yet full of hatred. Recalling Zuo Ran's earlier threats, she couldn't help pressing down a few more times before immediately climbing out of the tub.


But her body was still covered in bubbles. Her feet slipped and she crashed heavily, knocking herself dizzy. Still, she scrambled up as quickly as she could!

Rong Dai's mind was focused to the utmost. She rushed out of the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her and looping the rope through the door handle before winding it around the wardrobe handle outside.

All these contingency plans fell within her calculations. She grabbed a bathrobe to put on as she ran outside with the phone from the table!

"You bitch!"

Zuo Ran had already climbed out of the bathtub. Through the bathroom window, she stared at Rong Dai with vicious, resentful eyes.

Zuo Ran's entire body emanated a murderous aura. Her eyes were ominous, her neck red from being choked, her complexion pale. Blood trickled down her forehead where she had hit it, mixing with the droplets of water.

She stood there like a female ghost crawled up from hell. Rong Dai gasped, feeling her entire scalp and the back of her neck go numb and icy cold!

Snap, snap!

Zuo Ran frantically tried to wrench open the bathroom door. Rong Dai was so alarmed that her hands even shook a little. It was the middle of a scorching summer, yet her entire body was chilled as if she had fallen into an ice cellar!


Zuo Ran had actually smashed the bathroom window!

Seeing the flying shards of glass, Rong Dai panicked, breaking out in a cold sweat. Why wouldn't this damn door open?!

Seeing Zuo Ran dripping wet, barefoot and stepping on the glass as she climbed out, the trail of bloodied water - Rong Dai felt like a stream of icy air was blowing right at the crown of her head!

Was this even a person? She was clearly a vengeful spirit crawled up from hell!

Rong Dai was so anxious that tears nearly spilled from her eyes!

Snap, snap!

Zuo Ran was still desperately trying to wrench the bathroom door open. Rong Dai was overjoyed to see the door finally open!

She rushed to run outside.

"I'll kill you, you bitch! How dare you betray me!"

Zuo Ran's eyes were bloodshot as she shrieked, her voice piercing and shrill. She had completely lost her mind, rushing to the table to grab the dagger she had prepared earlier and charged at Rong Dai!

Rong Dai's face was bloodless, but her feet slipped again. Her entire body tumbled out into the corridor, and suddenly one of her ankles erupted in pain!

She had been stabbed!

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