Chapter 142

Lu Zheng subconsciously looked at Rong Dai in puzzlement.

Rong Dai could barely make out what was said, but when she noticed her mother-in-law's gaze, she was also very confused.

"You must be tired from looking at houses today. Rong Dai, I've cooked bird's nest for you in the kitchen, go drink it."

Lu Zheng could clearly see that her eldest son brought this up and it had nothing to do with his daughter-in-law.

Rong Dai was puzzled in her heart, but did not inquire further. She obediently nodded and went in to carefully sip the bird's nest soup.

"What did you mean when you said that to Mom just now?"

What you said sounded rather suggestive.

Huo Shao Ting glanced at her and used a tissue to wipe the corners of her mouth. His voice was light as he explained, "Father passed away early, and she has been a widow for many years. Grandma has urged her many times that even if she remarries, she would still be part of the Huo family."

Rong Dai suddenly understood. When she thought about it carefully, her mother-in-law really had not had it easy.

Her husband died young, and the Huo family had gone through such upheavals. Although life had always been comfortable, some things could not be resolved with just money.

The lack and emptiness of emotional needs were the crux of the problem.

However, she did not intend to meddle in this matter. Shao Ting was her mother-in-law's son, so whatever he said about this had nothing to do with her.

Moreover, the ethos of patriarchy did not exist in the environment she had lived in during her previous life.

In addition, her mother-in-law's family also seemed to have an impressive background. As long as she wished, even at this age, she would still be very popular.

"But this kind of thing cannot be rushed. Mom should have her own considerations, so don't rush her too much or she will be upset."

Rong Dai put down her bowl and reached out to tidy his tie. She gently admonished him.

Lu Zheng had just been about to step into the kitchen when she overheard these words. She quickly drew back her foot, her eyes instantly turning red, and hurried upstairs.

Rong Dai and her husband were both fond of cooking. The two of them worked together in the kitchen to prepare a sumptuous dinner for the large family.

"Mei Shu, how are the preparations for your music recital coming along? I'll be going to Hang City's film and television city for my new drama in a little over twenty days. If you need any help, just say the word."

After dinner, Rong Dai did not cling to Huo Shao Ting. He had not gone to work today, but company affairs still required his attention.

Because the new drama was about to start filming, Huo Shao Jie had been so busy these past few days that sometimes he could not even make it home for meals.

Her mother-in-law also had her own things to deal with. It was this young auntie who was sitting on the sofa looking distressed.

Rong Dai assumed she was running into difficulties organizing the music recital, so she went over and sat next to her to ask.

She was very fond of this young auntie's personality—bold in love and hate, direct and sincere.

Huo Mei Shu listlessly leaned against the sofa and tossed her phone aside.

"Don't even talk about it. I sent out all the invitations today, and everyone replied except for him!"

Huo Mei Shu was completely dejected.

"Is it the boy you like?"

Rong Dai was perceptive. She remembered that the young auntie had admitted to liking someone before.

If he did not show up for the recital, the young auntie probably would not have any enthusiasm left to organize it.

If this was her previous life, she definitely would have scolded the young auntie for debasing herself.

But after understanding the openness and inclusiveness of this era, she knew that the young auntie was like girls of fifteen or sixteen who were just experiencing the first stirrings of love in her previous world.

Huo Mei Shu nodded gloomily. Her whole being was like her spirit had been drained away.

"Let's think of a way for this. Maybe he's just busy and hasn't seen it yet."

Rong Dai gave her a faint smile and patted her hand before standing up. "Come with me, I have something to give you."

Huo Mei Shu sighed. Although she still felt very down, she could not bear to reject Rong Dai's kindness and followed her upstairs to the embroidery room.

Rong Dai took out an almost finished dress. In addition to learning from Master Jiang in recent times, she had also been learning the original owner's profession.

Although the dress style was not as elaborate as her previous life, it still exuded a classical elegance.

The light green long dress was embroidered with bamboo leaves in silver thread and gray silk embroidery floss. As the hem and sleeves swayed, it was as if you could see the bamboo leaves fluttering vividly.

"Sister-in-law, you actually made me a dress?"

Huo Mei Shu's previously dispirited appearance vanished when she saw the dress. Her eyes lit up!

Clutching the dress, she stroked the exquisite embroidery work with her hand. Her eyes were full of delight.

"I didn't know what you lacked, but since you study classical music, I made you a dress. I'll finish up the fastenings tomorrow and it'll be done."

Seeing her smile brightly, Rong Dai felt relieved.

Although the young auntie was hostile towards her at first, ever since Left Ran's incident, the young auntie had defended her every step of the way.

As a young miss who never lacked anything growing up, this simple dress was the best she could do.

"Thank you, sister-in-law! I absolutely love it! This dress is so beautiful!"

Huo Mei Shu was extremely excited, unable to resist hugging Rong Dai and jumping up and down a few times.

Rong Dai laughed helplessly. She really was still naive.

Gloominess was fleeting, and so was happiness.

"I'm glad you like it." She gently patted the young auntie's back and said softly.

Seeing the young auntie now reminded her of her past self.

And her present self was like her elder sister back then.

Whenever she was unhappy or depressed, as long as she went to her elder sister, all troubles would vanish.

"I love it! I absolutely love it!"

Huo Mei Shu nodded rapidly, eyes fixed on the dress, unwilling to let go.

She had thought about asking her sister-in-law to help design clothes for her before. After all, her sister-in-law's profession was design.

Not to mention her exquisite embroidery skills. If she could get clothes personally designed by her sister-in-law, and he came too, then her music recital would already be halfway to perfect!

"Sister-in-law, I had wanted to ask you to make me one before. I didn't expect you to secretly make this for me already!"

Huo Mei Shu was extremely delighted.

"Can I go try it on?"

Rong Dai nodded. Watching her run off with the dress, she could not help but smile and shake her head.

She looked at the little embroidery left on the frame and simply continued with it until Huo Shao Ting came to knock on the door of the embroidery room around ten o'clock. Only then did Rong Dai come back to her senses.

"I'll be done soon." Rong Dai did not look up at him but continued to focus on her embroidery.

Huo Shao Ting did not disturb her, only looking at her profile.

Her focused look was like a painting, making him unable to help wondering what she must have been like back then.

He looked at her with an almost obsessive gaze. Huo Mei Shu felt sour when she brought the dress over.

"Big brother, can you please consider us singles? Blocking the door and watching my sister-in-law work is affecting her."

Huo Mei Shu felt very speechless.

She discovered that her big brother was becoming more and more doting on her sister-in-law. At home, she could feel the sour lemon at any time.

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