Chapter 12

"As long as you help me take photos, I will definitely earn enough money to pay you back, okay?"

She put down all her dignity and begged, thinking of the misfortunes of her family in her previous life, her heart was like a knife twisting, with tears gleaming in her eyes.

When Huo Shao Ting heard her say this, he was a little annoyed, but seeing the tears in her eyes, he felt a little uncomfortable somewhere in his heart.

He couldn't help reaching out and stroking her hair by her ear, his voice mellow and gentle: "Okay."

"Thank you!" Rong Dai almost cried out, filled with gratitude for Huo Shao Ting, and her impression of him also changed, all negative thoughts disappeared.

But this was an extremely rare piece of Hetian Biyu jade, even if it was a dead person's possession, its collection value was immeasurable.

The Biyu jade was pure black inside and out, dense and lustrous, the color was rich and dripping. Even if one was not a connoisseur of jade, they could see at a glance how precious this piece of Biyu jade was.

What was especially precious about this piece of Biyu jade was that it could not actually be called a jade pendant, it would be more accurate to call it a jade ring.

But this piece of Biyu jade was a double ring overlapping, this shape was rare, especially in ancient times, such exquisite craftsmanship was basically only seen in imperial palaces.

What was even more difficult was that there was no carving on this piece of Biyu jade ring, which greatly preserved the essence of the Biyu jade, making it even more valuable as a collectible.

Rong Dai looked at the jade ring under the spotlight, her hands couldn't help clenching tightly together. Only she knew that there actually were carvings on this jade ring, just hidden and difficult to notice. 𝐟reπšŽπ˜„πšŽπ›πš—o𝚟el.cπ¨πš–

Moreover, the words were in the script of the Upper Yuan Kingdom, even if discovered, it would be difficult to recognize their meaning, because according to her research, there was no historical record of the Upper Yuan Kingdom in later ages.

Seeing her gaze fixed intensely on the jade ring, as if it were a long lost treasure she was eager to regain, Huo Shao Ting's eyes involuntarily deepened.

Did this woman recognize this piece of Biyu jade?

"One billion! Good! Boss Huo is indeed wealthy and generous! Bidding one billion, is there anyone else bidding?"

Seeing Huo Shao Ting raise his paddle, the auctioneer's eyes lit up, and his tone was delighted.

Rong Dai's expression changed. One billion!

It would take her years to pay it back. But if someone else bid it away, she would never have a chance to get it back.

So she gritted her teeth and secretly swore to herself that she must earn money, a lot of money!

This piece of Biyu jade was top quality, but only had collectible value, no value for wearing. This price was already sky high.

Moreover, everyone present recognized Huo Shao Ting. To compete against him was asking for trouble.

Rather than offend the Huo family, it was better to concede defeat and give him face.

In the end, this piece of Biyu jade was sold with a bid of one billion yuan. Rong Dai's heart settled down.

"Thank you, Shao Ting." There were still tears in Rong Dai's eyes. She turned to look at Huo Shao Ting and thanked him sincerely.

Huo Shao Ting was very puzzled. It was just a jade pendant, why was she so emotional about it? Could this jade pendant have some special meaning?

"You can say that again after you've paid off the auction price." Although he had many questions, Huo Shao Ting held back.

This woman's mood swings were too drastic. He was unsure, so he decided to wait and see.

Rong Dai had originally been very grateful to him, but thinking of that astronomical billion figure, she felt like fainting.

"Don't worry, I will." She nodded heavily. The jade pendant being with Huo Shao Ting was better than someone else bidding it away.

"Go wait in the lounge, I'll come get you." Huo Shao Ting saw his assistant Zhang gesturing, and stood up with an indifferent expression.

Rong Dai was startled, quickly smoothed her dress and also stood up. She saw the reporters blocking the doorway.

The flashing lights made her uncomfortable. Although she really wanted to agree, remembering Huo Shao Ting's generosity in helping her win the jade pendant, and that she had accompanied him here in order to maintain the Huo family's image, she said:

"No, I'll go with you." She took a deep breath, instantly concealing her emotions, and regained her dignified and elegant appearance, taking his arm.

Seeing that she didn't resist, Huo Shao Ting didn't say anything more. The two walked towards the hall entrance, where a sea of reporters already waited outside.

"I'll handle everything, just answer what you know, and don't say anything you don't know. Keep smiling like you are now."

Sensing her nervousness, Huo Shao Ting whispered in her ear, lightly patting the back of her hand.

"I will." Rong Dai replied, but her palms were still sweaty with nerves.

Fortunately she had strong psychological composure, and could withstand this kind of situation.

Just as Huo Shao Ting had instructed, for questions she knew the answers to, she responded, for ones she didn't, she just smiled and looked to Huo Shao Ting to answer.

After a round, the reporters had nothing else to ask. Assistant Zhang contacted the organizers, who provided each reporter with a copy of the video recorded at the auction.

Satisfied, the reporters left. The invited celebrities and tycoons also came up to greet Huo Shao Ting, appeased by these thoughtful arrangements.

Rong Dai could only keep smiling and accompany him in meeting these people. By the time they were done, she already felt back and foot pain, especially from these high heels. Her toes were numb.

"Shao Ting!"

She had just caught her breath when Wen Shi Lan's angry voice came from behind.

She instinctively let go of Huo Shao Ting's hand, remembering his generosity in helping her earlier. Rong Dai was grateful, she ought to give them a chance, otherwise it would be too ungrateful.

Huo Shao Ting was instantly displeased, but Rong Dai had already spoken, "I'll wait in the car, explain things clearly to Miss Wen, don't let her misunderstand."

Misunderstand? What was there to misunderstand?

Huo Shao Ting was annoyed inwardly, but Rong Dai had already hurried away, her retreating figure looked like she was being chased by ghosts.

Little did he know Rong Dai had left so quickly because her feet hurt and she wanted to rest sooner.

"Shao Ting..."

"What is it?" Wen Shi Lan finally got to him, and he looked at her coldly, his tone flat and cold.

Wen Shi Lan's face turned pale, her beautiful eyes brimming with grievance. "Shao Ting, what's wrong with you? Weren't we fine before? Did I do something unsatisfactory?"

The Wen family was also prominent in Shengjing, although its enterprises were not as spectacular as before, the foundations built by previous generations still stood. They certainly had a place at such a high-profile charity auction.

She never imagined Huo Shao Ting would bring Rong Dai to attend. She had seen clearly all the interactions between them in the hall!

She never thought Shao Ting would spend a billion for that woman to buy a useless relic!

What bothered her was not how much that jade pendant was worth, but that Huo Shao Ting was willing to spend so much money for Rong Dai's sake!

Huo Shao Ting frowned. When had they ever been fine? He didn't remember at all.

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