Chapter 492 Flee

“Who is that guy?” The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm could not think of an answer. He wondered if he had stayed in the territory of the demon clan for too long and the outside world had changed so much that he could not catch up with the present world.

Then he flew into a rage.

It was because the cultivator of the demon clan in the Ground Immortal Realm flew up to the sky and came straight at him with a sword.

“An arrogant child! You killed my subordinate in the Real Immortal Realm. Do you want to kill me now?” The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm felt that the other side was crazy. Even though the breath of the cyan dragon made him afraid, this cultivator did not have the strength of Taiyi Real Immortal Realm!

Li Ye flew high up in the sky and stopped beside White Wolf. He smiled and glanced at the other side. “Master White Wolf, are you all right?”

White Wolf opened his mouth, but he could not say anything. He also saw what the cultivator of the Immortal Court in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm had seen, and he was just as shocked and confused as the other side. Moreover, because he had previously communicated with Li Ye, he became even more confused.

“Does this guy actually have the strength to kill a cultivator in the Real Immortal Realm?”

“But he is just in the Ground Immortal Realm!”

“Are you a mortal?” the cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm asked. After he took a closer look for some time, he finally confirmed that Li Ye had no Demon Qi and was not using any means to hide his Demon Qi. If it was the latter, the Demon Qi would not have disappeared totally with his cultivation, he could at least sense a little of it.

After asking this question, he shook his head without waiting for Li Ye’s answer. He thought that the answer was impossible. “When did a mortal achieve the Immortal Realm? Every mortal who wants to achieve the Immortal Realm needs the approval of the Immortal Court. And once he achieves the Immortal Realm, he will be a member of the Immortal Court. How could he fight against me?”

His pupils suddenly shrank. “Could it be that he is from the sect of Taoist Dust?”

“But why did Taoist Dust’s cultivator come to the demon clan? And why did I not receive any notice from the Immortal Court in advance?”

“But if he is not Taoist Dust’s man, his identity can’t be explained.”

The difference from the human world was that the cultivators of the Immortal Court did not need to pass the Kunlun Channel to go to the territory of the demon clan, which meant that their cultivation would not be reduced. The territory of the demon clan was an independent world created by Founder Kunpeng and the Demon Kings of that generation. It did not belong to the human world or the scope of heaven and earth.

With this in mind, the cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm looked at Li Ye with doubts, scrutiny, caution as well as some fear.


“Young man, who are you? What are you doing in the demon clan? Why are you going against me?” He gazed at Li Ye and his tone was less aggressive than before.

He could not act rashly now because he was not sure of Li Ye’s identity and he had scruples.

“In any case, he could kill a cultivator in the Real Immortal Realm with his cultivation in the Ground Immortal Realm, so it will not be easy to deal with him. It is very likely that he has a powerful Magic Treasure or some secret means given by the Great Powers. Because of this, he was able to kill the cultivator in the Real Immortal Realm with his cultivation in the Ground Immortal Realm in an incredible way.”

“For example, the cyan dragon.”

At the thought of the cyan dragon, the eyes of the cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm twitched involuntarily because its temperament was very unusual. It suddenly occurred to him that the cyan dragon might have been given by Taoist Dust. In the entire Immortal Court, only Taoist Dust had the same overwhelming presence as the Immortal Emperor.

With the Magic Treasure and means given by a pre sage, it would be very easy to kill him, a cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm!

But wasn’t Taoist Dust imprisoned in the Dongfu Palace?

Even if Taoist Dust did not come personally, the Daluo Golden Immortals of his sect could turn him into ashes with a single Magic Treasure!

While the cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm was deep in thought, Li Ye said faintly, “I should be the one asking you this question. Have you ever thought about the consequences of you bringing people here to do evil deeds and allowing the beast tide to run amok?”

The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm was frightened.

Li Ye’s tone was too righteous, as if he represented justice to judge evil. Of course, he had his own reason for coming to the demon clan and controlling the beast tide, but he could not mention it to others. And not many people in the Immortal Court knew about it. After all, it was under the Immortal Emperor’s instruction. Except for the people involved, the other people who knew about it were real Big Shots.

“Who else can question the Immortal Emperor so righteously, except for the people from Taoist Dust’s sect?”

“What are they going to do?”

“It is no accident that this guy is here!”

“Well, he is asking about the consequences, not the reason. Does it mean that he knows the reason? And now he wants to make it public?”

The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm secretly gritted his teeth. “It must not be made public, or the big plan will be ruined.”

“This guy is really on Taoist Dust’s side!”

“Only those on that side will attack them at the first opportunity!”

The two sides were political opponents. They were competing for the authority to rule over the Immortal Court. Once they grasped a certain weakness of the other side, they would challenge them from the height of righteousness and morality and would not be so soft-hearted!

It was unreasonable for the Immortal Emperor to control the beast tide.

The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm took a deep breath and looked at Li Ye with a gloomy face. “You and I should not get involved in the Big Shots’ affairs, and you don’t have to judge me from the height of morality. You should know that many things are not moral but beneficial to the overall situation. I only ask you, are you really going to fight me to death here today?”

White Wolf was surprised and stunned that Li Ye and the cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm were talking to each other. The atmosphere of the talks was not calm, but not aggressive either.

“What is going on here? How could a cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm talk equally with a cultivator in the Ground Immortal Realm? Shouldn’t he directly whip Li Ye to death when Li Ye appeared?”

White Wolf had some concealed bitterness and looked at the cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm with a strange expression. “When you dealt with me, you were domineering and decisive. Why are you treating this guy in such a mild and restrained manner? I am in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm, but he is in the Ground Immortal Realm. Why wasn’t I treated as well as he was?”

“It is unreasonable!”

In fact, not only was White Wolf surprised, but Li Ye was also confused.

He intended to come up and have a fierce fight. Unexpectedly, the other side seemed to be afraid even before he moved his fingers, which confused him. “You are in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm, but I am in the Ground Immortal Realm. Even though I killed a cultivator in the Real Immortal Realm just now, you don’t need to act as if you were facing a formidable enemy, do you?”

“Seeing that you look as if you are treading on thin ice, I almost think that I have used some awesome skills again!”

But Li Ye was a sophisticate, after all. What the other side said was a little strange and contained a lot of information. He knew nothing about “the Big Shots” and “the overall situation”. “Is there any deep mystery in the matter of the beast tide?”

As for the height of morality... Li Ye originally thought, “As a cultivator of the Immortal Court, you are causing chaos in a place with the fierce beasts. If the Macaque King knows about this, he will not just sit by idly. It will have a serious consequence!”

Mingyue could testify that Li Ye’s original intention for getting involved in the beast tide was really simple. He just wanted to establish fame and gather a group of cultivators so that he would have great momentum when he went up to Macaque Mountain... If he could collect some treasures from the fierce beasts in exchange for some Magic Treasures to feed his Luke Sword so that it could upgrade to the nonpareil processed Magic Treasure early that would be the best thing for him.

He did not want to get involved in anything else.

Li Ye looked at the cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm several times and was keenly aware that there seemed to be an opportunity to defeat the enemy without the need to fight. So his mind was working fast. He suddenly remembered that he also had someone in the Immortal Court. “What is the existence behind Su Emei and Wei Xiaozhuang called? Taoist Dust?”

Li Ye began to put on an act. He snorted and pretended that he had a strong backing. He said proudly, “Don’t you know whether I intend to fight to death against you? Do you need to ask me this question? You should ask yourself!”

Do not be too fast to take a stand when you do not know what is going on. Putting on an enigmatic look and kicking the ball back to the other side could sometimes yield unexpected results. Li Ye understood this.

After saying this, Li Ye looked righteous again. He found that he recently had used this righteous look so often that he was extremely familiar with how to put on an act with high proficiency.

The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm became serious. “As expected, the guy did not come here by accident, but had a purpose!”

“Damn it! What should I do now? Should I try to kill him? No, if he has any Magic Treasure, I may lose my life when I start a fight. He is just in the Ground Immortal Realm, so if he has no backing, how dare he talk to me like an elder?”

“What’s more, his cyan dragon is very weird and powerful.”

“Why did he sneak into the campsite on the sly? Is he trying to collect evidence? Moreover, White Wolf is in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm, but has a connection with him!”

“If he has no background, why is White Wolf willing to cooperate with a cultivator in the Ground Immortal Realm? Besides, when I fought just now, White Wolf came up to fight me even though he knew that he was no match for me. Is he sure that this guy has such powerful means that can deal with me, so he is not afraid of being killed by me?”

“It must be like this!”

“White Wolf is acting abnormally. All the demons hate the fierce beasts very much, but he associates with them. Did he notice something? So he deliberately went deep among them, and then he will find an opportunity to go undercover next to me.”

“It must be like this!”

The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm took another deep breath and looked at Li Ye with deep fear and had a look of indescribable resentment in his eyes.

“Damn it. What an insidious guy! Taoist Dust and his men are all insidious and cunning. They knew that sending Great Cultivators would attract the attention of all, so they sent this guy in the Ground Immortal Realm to check it out. How vicious!”

“Something has changed. I cannot afford to be careless. I have to inform the others about this and report this immediately! There are unprecedented great changes in the beast tide, so we have to do something!”

“I can’t get entangled with him anymore. I can’t fall into his trap!”

The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm made up his mind.

“But before that, I have to confirm it.”

When Li Ye noticed the other side’s deep fear, he immediately became happy. “There is hope?”

Then he was confused. “It is alright that you fear me, but why do you resent me? It makes me look like I have stolen your Magic Treasure and schemed against you, but I really did not do that!”

“Why don’t you speak?” Li Ye pretended to be very impatient. “My time is precious!”

The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm laughed coldly in his heart. “Your time is precious. You can’t wait to explore more and spoil our plan!”

“Since you are here today, I must kill you!” The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm looked malicious and his momentum burst out. He said aggressively, “Are you ready to die?”

Li Ye’s heart jolted. “We were talking amicably earlier, but why are you going to kill me? Did I overdo it? Was there any flaw in my words? But I did not say anything...”

Li Ye sighed, feeling dispirited. After a long-time confrontation, he still had to fight. Then let’s fight. Anyway, he was going to fight at the beginning. He shook his Luke Sword, and the cyan flame began to burn. “What are you waiting for? Let’s fight!”

As he said this, Li Ye took the initiative to attack first. He suddenly flew forward and wielded his sword down!

“Bastard! You are bold!” The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm snorted. Then he turned and fled decisively.

As Li Ye’s sword hit nothing, he stood there stunned for a moment. After all, the other side was in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm and his speed was absolutely fast. In the blink of an eye, his figure became as small as a grain of rice.

“Why did he flee?” Li Ye was confused.

The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm did not look back. “Hehe. If I don’t flee, will I be waiting for you to smash me to death with your Magic Treasure?”

“You are just in the Ground Immortal Realm, but you dare to fight me, a cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm. Do you still want to say that the Daluo Golden Immortals did not give you Magic Treasures and secret methods? Do you still want to say that you were not sent by Taoist Dust?”

“Do you want to kill me? Hehe. You have to catch me first!”

The cultivator in the Taiyi Real Immortal Realm fled at top speed.

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