The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 489 There’s No Way to Realize It

Chapter 489 There’s No Way to Realize It

The little girl was silent for a moment and leaned her face against White Wolf’s back. Her face darkened, and she murmured, “A few months ago, my parents suddenly disappeared. I searched all over my mother’s drug shop and the restaurant of my father but still couldn’t find them. Later, people in the town who built my parent’s tomb said that they had gone to Penglai Island on the other side of the sea. So, I wanted to go to the sea to take a look...”

Abruptly, White Wolf stopped walking.

The little girl raised her head and asked in confusion, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” White Wolf continued on his way, but he said with a much softer and gentler voice. “Don’t worry. I won’t add chili.”


Under the vast and endless sky were blue waves of the sea moving up and down in the last glow of reflected sunlight. When winter came after fall, White Wolf and the little girl finally came to the seaside.

When they landed on the beach, White Wolf put the little girl down from his back.

“Wow, sea!” The little girl stretched out her small arms and left a row of tiny footprints on the beach. She ran excitedly to the sea waves. “Finally, I see the sea!”

White Wolf stood there silently, watching at the slender figure running into the sea. The bottom of her trouser leg was dripping wet from the spray. “She seems not to care it at all.” White Wolf thought. He wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say. Only that the coldness in his eyes had disappeared, leaving only a trace of grief there.

The little girl cheered and shouted at the sea as if someone on the blue waves could hear her.

After a period, the little girl calmed down, staring at the sea in a daze. A drop of crystal tear slipped down from the corner of her eye.

She didn’t cry, or at least she didn’t cry out loud.

In front of the boundless sea, her thin and lonely figure was as small as dust. All she could do was look at the waves and listen to them rushing against the shore.

She, who had always been cheerful and optimistic, didn’t move or make any sound for a long time.

White Wolf came behind the little girl and hesitated for a moment. Finally, he could not help but say softly, “Hong Xiu, your parents...”


He didn’t finish his words because he just couldn’t do it. For the little girl, it was a brutal truth.

“I know.” Hong Xiu, however, lowered her head and muttered, “My parents died long ago. People in the town made up the lie just because they were afraid that I would be too sad...” She wiped the tears from her eyes and looked once again to the end of the sea. “But I still want to come here to see the sea such that I may get closer to them...”

White Wolf fell silent.

The two figures, one big and one small, quietly stood by the sea, watching the setting sun gradually melt into the sea.

When stars showed up, the little girl turned around and opened her arms to White Wolf, her innocent smile coming back to her face. She looked up and said, “Now, Master White Wolf, you can eat me!”

“...” White Wolf said nothing in return.

He turned around and walked away from the sea at a slow pace. “I don’t have a good appetite today. Let’s talk about it when I regain my appetite.”

“Ah?” The little girl struggled to walk out of the sea and then trotted to catch up with White Wolf. “Where are you going? Wait for me!”

At night, a bonfire was built in the forest by the sea. The little girl fell asleep, leaning against a bamboo basket—what a peaceful atmosphere.

White Wolf sat by her side and gloomily chewed the white radish that he pulled up on their way. While eating, he complained grumpily, “Awful! It tastes horrible! It is just plain terrible!”

Although it was utterly unpalatable, he was still eating it.


“Master White Wolf, when will you eat me?”

“When I send you back to the town...”


“Master White Wolf, when will you eat me?”

“Get lost! I am on a diet, so I recently become a vegetarian!”


From then on, White Wolf had never eaten anyone again.


After a long time, Hong Xiu had grown up, and finally, she knew what happened to her parents. When her father accompanied her mother into the mountain to collect herbs, they met a beast tide and died under the claws of these fierce beasts.

Also, after a long time, Hong Xiu finally learned that when Master White Wolf was very young and hadn’t set foot on the road of cultivation, his father and mother were killed in a beast tide, too.


“Master White Wolf is determined to eliminate the beast tide. However, such an ambition is difficult and almost impossible to achieve, for the beast tide will always come back. It is just like the grass that no fire can destroy because it will shoot up again when the spring breeze blows.”

“Last time when Master White Wolf left Liuxi Town, he said that he wanted to figure out why the beast tide would appear. Then, he could find a way to resolve this matter about the threat of beast tide once and for all. Therefore, when I saw that Master White Wolf was in the beast tide, I felt surprised, but I also thought it was reasonable.”

Hong Xiu said so to Li Ye.

Of course, she didn’t say too much about how she had struck up an acquaintance with White Wolf. After all, time was limited. Nevertheless, what she had revealed was enough for Li Ye to understand what she meant.Updates by vi p novel

Li Ye thought for a moment, touching his chin, and then asked, “Then how can he command the group of fierce beasts? And why can you communicate with these fierce beasts?”

Hong Xiu gave Li Ye a smile that seemed to be as pure and innocent as before and then said, “‘If you know yourself and your enemy, you’ll never lose a battle.’ Since Master White Wolf has made up his mind to annihilate these beasts, he should, first of all, get to know them. Learning how to communicate with them is undoubtedly the first step. Also, it was Master White Wolf who taught me to communicate with the beasts.”

“But when Master White Wolf left last time, he wasn’t able to command the fierce beasts. Now it seems that he has been working hard for the past few years.”

Li Ye nodded.

Whoever lived in this world, a human or a demon, everyone had their hatred, love, pursuits, and things that they wanted to do. Those cultivators, who aimed at achieving the Great Tao, were keen to become strong and earn free lives. Compared with them, White Wolf held a relatively noble ambition.

However, to Li Ye’s surprise, such a proud guy was such kind of a demon.

Seemingly to think of something, Hong Xiu added, “One time when I went into the mountain to collect herbs, I got injured because my cultivation was still very low. Luckily, Master White Wolf saved me with his blood. From that time, I can vaguely feel his aura, which will bring me the restless feeling as I had experienced in the past. I lost my parents since I was a child, so I treat Master White Wolf as my father.”Updates by vi p novel

In fact, after returning from the sea to Liuxi Town, White Wolf had been taking care of Hong Xiu. He taught her how to cultivate and took her to a road that was completely different from the ordinary people’s lives. In fact, he regarded her as his daughter.

Li Ye glanced at Hong Xiu and suddenly thought of one thing. The way that White Wolf dealt with the beast tide was to find the root cause of the beast tide. Then, he could try to control the fierce beasts. Up to now, he had achieved some results. But what about Hong Xiu’s way of revenge?

When Li Ye arrived in Liuxi Town the first time, he killed a fierce beast that had the same realm as him and hence showed his strength. Immediately after that, Hong Xiu started worshipping him with passion, calling him a hero. At that time, Li Ye only felt that she was too naive. Though her hero chasing acts were much better than the star chasing actions that those innocent girls on the earth did, these acts of her were a bit too extreme.

However, Li Ye now understood that he might be what Hong Xiu had been pursuing.

Women’s way of thinking was different from men’s. White Wolf dared to risk his life to do something dangerous only because of his high cultivation. As for Hong Xiu, she wanted to find an existence that had the potential to defeat the fierce beasts. That was to say, she wanted a cultivator who could defeat the fierce beast of the same realm with him. Then the cultivator could lead the group of cultivators to confront the beast tide.

In short, this idea of her directly affected Hong Xiu’s standards of choosing a spouse.

That was why she was suddenly animated as soon as she saw Li Ye. Moreover, she instantly fell deeply in love with him and just couldn’t withdraw.

Realizing this, Li Ye couldn’t help casting a few more glances at Hong Xiu.

For him, those women who were either excessively innocent or easy to go to extremes in everything were the most terrible existences. In the past, he had been speaking harshly to Hong Xiu. But now, after he learned her experience and the reason for her impulsive acts, he no longer thought that she was that much annoying.

Hmm, but it didn’t mean that he began to like her.

“Kids, you two have been whispering for a long time. Are you done yet?” White Wolf came over and reminded them unhappily. The way he looked at Li Ye also changed. With sharp vigilance, he glanced at Li Ye as if he were the wild boar trying to eat the cabbage that he planted.

White Wolf, who was not stupid, brought up Hong Xiu, so he certainly had perceived that Hong Xiu had a special feeling toward Li Ye.

Li Ye coughed twice and was about to call everyone together to discuss what to do next. Just then, he heard an exaggerated laugh from the sparrow. No one knew when this fellow had fallen to the ground again, rolling and laughing.

Li Ye now had gained some understanding of the sparrow. This fellow was very cheap. Every time it laughed so exaggeratedly, there must be something bad going on, which, most likely, was related to Li Ye.

“Shut up!” Li Ye was not in a good mood. “What’s so funny? If you laugh again, I’ll pluck out your feathers!”

The sparrow sprang up from the ground and grandly stopped laughing, but it did not shut up. “Your Highness, I used to know that sisters would fight for one man, and some unofficial history even had weird records saying that a mother and a daughter shared a husband. However, a father and a daughter take a fancy to a man at the same time. I’ve never seen such a thing. No kidding, this is the first time that I saw such a thing. Hahaha...”

“...” White wolf was speechless.

“...” Hong Xiu also fell silent.

In an instant, the sparrow saw that three pairs of sharp eyes fixed on him. Apparently, the three of them wanted to cook it. Startled, the sparrow jumped up and flew away, with no time for laughing.

With a snort, White Wolf raised his chin and said proudly, “In all seriousness, you’d better leave as soon as possible. Through several years of unremitting efforts, I am able to control some fierce beasts now. I thought that I might force the beast tide to retreat. But now, there are some exceptional circumstances. Taiyi Real Immortal near the central campsite who came from the Immortal Court can control these beasts much better than me. I can’t come with any good solution at present, so it is too dangerous for you to stay here!”

Speaking of this, he looked at Hong Xiu and said gently, “Take Childe Li and this group of idiots away first. When I find out the way of the immortal controlling the fierce beasts, I will find an opportunity to discuss the countermeasures with you.”

Hong Xiu gently nodded, feeling that it was a good idea.

It could be considered as the easiest and most effective method to deal with the vicious beasts, immortals, and even the beast tide.

Li Ye sighed softly. Earlier, he was curious as to why the fierce beast could advance and retreat in good order and even ambush. Now, he knew that these beasts could do all of this only because Taiyi Real Immortal was behind to control them. However, he was still not sure what the immortal was up to by making trouble in the demon clan at this time.

“This idea of Master White Wolf is excellent, but it’s a pity that there is no way to realize it now,” Li Ye said with a tone that sounded not so optimistic. He looked toward the center of the campsite and began to mobilize the Dragon Qi in him.

“He’s right. You can’t leave. You’re all going to die here tonight!” An overbearing voice came from the central campsite. Then, a mighty pressure from Taiyi Real Immortal enveloped the whole campsite like a dark cloud.

Soon, a figure in a robe rose into the air and landed his sharp eyes on Li Ye and the other cultivators with lightning speed. “White Wolf, I had given you a chance to live, but you didn’t cherish it. Now you even cooperate with others and wishfully hope to launch attacks from inside. You must be tired of living!”

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