Chapter 418 Getting Dingzhou

Liu Shouguang was overjoyed. “Great plan, uncle; let’s do that!”

“Follow me to the barracks now!” The general immediately took initiative and ordered two armored guards to monitor the commissioner’s manor. He then returned to the barracks with Liu Shouguang.

His name was Huang Xingqin, Liu Shouguang’s uncle. Not long ago at the border, he had achieved the general of Militarism realm. He just returned to Youzhou to make his report because Liu Rengong had already assigned him the post, commander of the Subaltern force. So he was now full of ambition and drive.

The so-called Subaltern force was the commissioner’s personal guards. They were stationed near the commissioner’s manor. Each soldier was strong and they were an elite group.

The reason why Huang Xingqin was willing to help Liu Shouguang was because they were related. He was worried that Liu Shouguang’s affairs would implicate him, and in turn, Liu Rengong would alienate him. Even his post as the Subaltern force commander might be taken away.

So he made up his mind to help Liu Shouguang take the throne and he, in turn, could go a step further in his career. When Liu Shouguang succeeded, it could be possible that he held the military power of Youzhou.

The chaos in the world was the perfect time for ambitious people to take advantage.

Huang Xingqin returned to the barracks with Liu Shouguang, and immediately convened a secret meeting with the main generals in the army.

Of course, he did not say that Liu Shouguang had committed adultery with his fathers’ concubine and was caught by Liu Rengong on the spot. He only said that Liu Rengong was too old and unprogressive. And that the generals around him did not have the opportunity to build a career, and the generals were stuck in Youzhou. He also defamed Liu Rengong, saying that he had lost the hearts of the people in Youzhou.

Then, Huang Xingqin said that Liu Shouguang was wise and well-loved, and he had high aspirations. It was only right that the son should inherit the father’s chairmanship. The son could lead the Youzhou Army to take over the surrounding states and lead them to a better life.

Half the generals attending the meeting were Huang Xingqin’s cronies. So naturally, they supported him; There was also the group that was on the fence, they didn’t express their opinions and just followed the trend; The rest were loyal to Liu Rengong and did not believe Huang Xingqin’s words, saying that he was plotting an uprising.

Huang Xingqin acted decisively, and immediately ordered the guards to come into the tent and drew their blades to those who opposed him. Although there are many brave soldiers among these generals, they did, however, left their weapons outside before entering the tent. Now they were bare-handed against the guards, so they were killed in no time.

After ordering to take out the bodies, Huang Xingqin looked around coldly, and his eyes focused on those fence-sitters and asked, “Who else is against the succession of the son?”

Still able to smell the scent of blood in the air, none of the generals dared to oppose. All of them immediately held their fists in salute and said, “We support the Childe to succeed!”

Huang Xingqin then ordered the assembly of elite guards. After briefly explaining the operation tonight on the ground, he left two cronies to garrison the camp. He took Liu Shouguang and the generals and headed to the commissioner’s manor.

After Liu Rengong killed his concubine, his anger lingered for a long time. He was sulking in the study for who knew how long. Then, just as everything was peaceful, he suddenly heard a loud noise outside. It was as though there were hundreds of people fighting, he was instantly furious and shouted, “What’s with all the noise? Guard!”

A moment later, a blood-stained guard ran into the courtyard and reported to Liu Rengong in fright, “Master, it’s not good! Huang Xingqin gathered his men and started a mutiny. They’re attacking the manor and has already entered the gate!”

Liu Rengong was shocked. “Huang Xingqin? How dare he?”

He quickly gathered the men in the manor to fight and sent all the high-level Qi-refining cultivators. After thinking for a while, he decided to send someone to the military camp outside the city to get help. Finally, he ran to the front yard.

When he saw the chaos, his face turned white. The personal guards in his manor had all been killed, and their bodies lay on the ground. Some of the high-level Qi-refining cultivators were also dead, but some actually stood behind Huang Xingqin!

Then, guards and cultivators flooded into the manor from all directions and surrounded him.

Seeing Huang Xingqin and Liu Shouguang, Liu Rengong understood what was going on. He pointed to them and roared, “You ungracious child! First, you commit adultery with your father’s concubine, then you start a mutiny, you’re a delinquent! I’m gonna kill you!”

As he said those words, Liu Rengong rushed at Liu Shouguang to kill him. His cultivation was of the Spiritual Master Realm, so he had the ability to kill the head of the enemy in a chaotic situation.

However, Liu Shouguang was not just going to stand there. His cultivation was only a tad below Liu Rengong, but now Huang Xingqin was by his side. So he gritted his teeth and ruthlessly began fighting with Liu Rengong.

The battle of father and son didn’t last long before Liu Rengong was seriously wounded in the siege. He was then captured by Huang Xingqin.

Huang Xingqin breathed a sigh of relief because after all, a mutiny was not exactly right, and he started the mutiny with a hot head. He was also afraid that the army outside the city would arrive before he caught Liu Rengong. Then Liu Rengong would be able to recover. He was lucky that Liu Rengong did not focus on breaking through but fought face-on, so he was able to easily capture him.

Liu Rengong’s mind was already messed up because his son had committed adultery with his concubine, and his most trusted general gathered together for mutiny. His heart was bleeding. Even after being seriously hurt and his hair all messed, he was still cursing them.

Liu Shouguang was not ashamed at all, but he didn’t want to hear Liu Rengong continue to curse him. After all, so many people were watching, the scene was ugly, so he immediately ordered Liu Rengong to be taken away.

He wasn’t completely inhuman, at least he didn’t kill his father, and he just imprisoned him.

Huang Xingqin thought that Liu Rengong should be killed to avoid future consequences. But Liu Shouguang refused. “There are many generals in the army, all of whom are close to father. If I kill him, they will not be pleased, and they will use this to cause trouble. So I’m keeping father alive to restrain them.”

Huang Xingqin thought that it was reasonable, so he didn’t persist.

Thus Liu Shouguang issued a notice overnight saying that Liu Rengong was seriously ill, and passed the position of commissioner to him. And As the new commissioner, he ordered the armies to stay in the barracks and not leave without permission. Or it would be treated as treason.

After a hectic night handling various matters, Liu Shouguang did not feel tired at all. Since now he had become the owner of Youzhou, the restraints and scrupulousness of the past no longer existed. No one could tell him what to do anymore and he could sleep with any woman he pleased.

When he thought of this, Liu Shouguang also felt a bit regretful. After all, Liu Rengong’s concubine, with whom he had committed adultery, was already killed. He still missed her scent.

But it was too late, and Liu Shouguang was not too sad, after all, there were plenty of women.

Huang Xingqin was now entrusted by Liu Shouguang with all the power of the military. After going around the battalions, he returned to the commissioner’s manor and immediately came to Liu Shouguang to discuss plans.

“I just got wind that the Prince An has subdued Chengde. I’m afraid that he will come up north to Youzhou.” Huang Xingqin was serious. “Now we have to deal with it.”

Liu Shouguang’s face changed, he couldn’t stop his eyes from revealing a hint of fear.

Everyone knew that Li Ye settled Huang Chao and captured Hedong with almost no effort. When his accomplishments came up in conversations, some might think that if they were in Li Ye’s shoes, they could do the same.

However, when they heard that Li Ye was coming their way with his army, they’d be scared beyond their wits. Only then would they realize how far they were from Li Ye.

Upon examination, you would know just how big and powerful Li Ye was. Compared to him, others were just ants. No one was even qualified to fight with him.

Liu Shouguang trembled and said, “I heard that the Prince An is actually benevolent, and the commissioners of various states know that as long as they obey his orders, they will have no trouble. We might as well learn from the states of Henghai and Zhaoyi and actively show our loyalty, what say you?”

Huang Xingqin obviously did not agree with this, and he said coldly, “You just became the commissioner. Do you want to just hand it over to the Prince An and allow him to ride you and order you around?”

Liu Shouguang thought for a while and decided that he couldn’t just accept handing over his new status as commissioner. Since he was now the owner of Youzhou, he wanted to do what he liked. But now if he had to take Li Ye’s orders and allow Li Ye to run amok in Youzhou, he was not willing to accept it.”

But Liu Shouguang still did not dare to stand against Li Ye. He tentatively asked, “But the Prince An is powerful. If he sends troops to attack, how can we cope?”

Huang Xingqin seemed to be confident, he had clearly thought about it. “We can ask the Qidan for help!”

Liu Shouguang froze and said then, “Seek help from the Qidan? We have been fighting them for years. Are you sure they will help us?”

Huang Xingqin snorted coldly. “Times have changed. The Qidan has swept the grasslands in recent years, and they’re becoming a major power. I heard people say that the Qidan has the ambition to go south to the Yellow River. We can use their ambition. We could make an alliance with the Qidan and stop the Prince An from resurrecting the Tang Empire. It’s also what the Qidan wants! After we defeat the Prince An, we will then turn around and attack them!”

Liu Shouguang’s eyes lit up. “Let’s do that!”

But then he was worried again. “But if the Qidan sends too many soldiers south, they might be too powerful for us. In contrast if they don’t send enough, we might not be able to stop the Prince An. What do we do?”

Huang Xingqin replied, “It is not necessary to ask them to send their army, we just need their cultivators to protect you. As for the army, our Lulong army is outstanding, we could rival the Pinglu army. So stopping Li Ye is not difficult. And let’s not forget about Zhu Wen of the Central Plains, who is still lighting the Prince An backyard on fire!”

Liu Shouguang praised him with a palm salute, “Uncle, you are wise; we’ll do as you say.”


After Li Ye arrived in Dingzhou, he received warm hospitality from the Yiwu commissioner.

At the banquet, the Yiwu commissioner declared his loyalty to the Tang Empire in front of the Dingzhou officials, and the Yiwu Army was at Li Ye’s command. All the generals present also expressed their strong support for the Yiwu commissioner’s decision.

It was clear that they had discussed this beforehand, that was why everyone had agreed. Since the opponent was so sensible, Li Ye was very satisfied, so he had to commend them.

Although the Yiwu Army’s allegiance was unexpected, it was also logical.

Before Li Ye conquered Hedong, the Zhaoyi Army volunteered to help after hearing about his conquest of Weibo. Since now Li Ye had even occupied Hedong, anyone in their right mind would know what to do when Li Ye came their way, especially if their feudal prince did not have the support of the four major sects, Confucianism, Buddhism Taoism and Militarism.

Since the Yiwu Army took the initiative to lend their support, Li Ye did not send the Pinglu Army to Yiwu City. His intentions were clear, as long as the commissioners obeyed his orders, he would not take away their authority.

After gaining the support of the Yiwu army, Li Ye stayed in Dingzhou for a day as usual, mainly to watch them post a notice to make the matter public. After receiving a lot of Luck in the night, Li Ye continued to go north after dawn.

His schedule was quite tight because the Xuanwu Army was still attacking the Qing Prefecture. Although there was nothing to worry about for the moment, no one could guarantee that the battle situation wouldn’t change. So it was better to resolve the issue in the north as soon as possible.

When he departed from Dingzhou, the Black Office brought the report on the situation in Youzhou.

According to Li Ye’s previous speculation, he was likely to take Youzhou without fighting based on his friendship with Liu Rengong.

After all, he did not plan to let the Lulong troops follow him into battle. And after the Pinglu stabilized the situation, he would provide Liu Rengong with some money, guards and cultivators to help him guard the border. Liu Rengong would not reject such favorable conditions.

However, Li Ye no longer had the opportunity to tell Liu Rengong his plans.

“Liu Shouguang committed adultery with his father’s concubine and was caught in the act by Liu Rengong. So Liu Rengong beat his son with a stick and Liu Shouguang gathered the Subaltern Officer, Huang Xingqin, and launched a coup. So then he imprisoned Liu Rengong?” After reading the report in his hand, Li Ye didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. He simply sighed.

“Not only that, Liu Shouguang also sent cultivators to the Qidan tribe and intended to beg them for support.” Song Jiao came rushing from Youzhou. She had just gotten here, her beautifully made-up eyes showed a hint of exhaustion. It was clear she had just finished a long journey.

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