The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 305 You Had to Fight for Your Rights

Chapter 305 You Had to Fight for Your Rights

Instinctively, the Holy Child got a bad feeling.

Just when this thought emerged in the Holy Child’s mind, a tremendous force surged out of the Luke Sword like tides before he could take any action! It was a surprisingly mighty force, which was several times more powerful than the power of Li Ye’s previous attacks, so there was no way for the Holy Child to resist it. Li Ye stroke when the Holy Child was unprepared and the force hit his Long-flames Sharp Spear first. It trembled fiercely in Holy Child’s hands and nearly slipped out of his hand!

The Holy Child’s face instantly became ghastly pale.

But he took this tense situation calmly. After forcing himself to take a deep breath, he managed to hold the spear and was intended to do something. However, breathing irregularly, he was unable to do what he wanted very much as his arm holding the spear was continually shaking.

The Holy Child was struck dumb with amazement. With his gloomy eyes, he looked at Li Ye. Of course, the Holy Child knew that Li Ye had deliberately hidden his strength before. This time, Li Ye took him by surprise because he wanted to win the fight by one move! Li Ye was truly insidious!

Thinking of this, the Holy Child slighted lifted his mouth corners, smiling coldly.

It was true that Li Ye had unparalleled cultivation power, which was rare for a Yang Spiritual Master. Thus, the Holy Child had to admit that he feared Li Ye. At this time, Li Ye was nearly going to break through the Holy Child’s defense line when he almost finished pouring out his power. The Holy Child knew full well that he would have been waiting to die if he missed the only chance now.

This idea flashed past the Holy Child’s mind. But when he was about to fight back, his pupils suddenly narrowed, and the cold sweat burst out upon his back.

The Luke Sword and the Long-flames Sharp Spear hadn’t yet separated, which meant that Li Ye and the Holy Child were still having the trial of strength. Right at this moment, a sonorous dragon’s cry abruptly sounded upon the Luke Sword, and a green-white dragon of Qi emerged on the sword as if it had just darted out from another world. Then, it charged right at the Holy Child!

The Holy Child’s face had changed dramatically because the enormous green-white dragon of Qi was coming at him with a terrifying force. Now he felt the roaring force waves as if he were at a very rough sea. Merely by his cultivation force as a Yang Spiritual Master, he could never contend with the Qi dragon with ease! Unconsciously, by force of habit, the Holy Child was nearly going to wield his Magic Treasure to save his life, and at the same time, he even wanted to use his True-fire of Samadhi to burn up the Dragon Qi in front of his face!

However, just when this idea emerged from his mind, the Holy Child killed it by himself.

Because the Holy Child disdained to go back on his word, which was an insult to his dignity as a demon. In this critical situation, after uttering a growl, the Holy Child took his Long-flames Sharp Spear back and put it before his chest. Then, his Spiritual Qi became solid around him. It was now a barrier to block against the impact that the green-white dragon Qi brought!

With rumbling waves of Spiritual Qi, the green-white dragon Qi swept past him with a formidable, destructive force. In the end, the Holy Child’s Spiritual Qi Shield failed to resist it and was directly smashed. Even the Holy Child was pushed back for more than a hundred meters, and finally, he managed to stand steadily.

“My king!”

“How are you, my king?”

The demon clan’s members that the Holy Child brought with him quickly gathered around to check on him.

Covering his chest, the Holy Child spat a mouthful of blood, but the rosy color had already come back into his cheeks. It seemed that he was not badly hurt. Then, raising his head, he fixed his eyes on Li Ye, who was right before him.

“This guy hurt our king!”

“Avenge our king! Let’s go to cut this guy!”

In righteous indignation, the group of demons rushed out with a lot of noise. Surrounding Li Ye with fierce looks, it seemed that they were going to flay and swallow him alive even when they heard a single jarring note in conversation.

Among them, there were more demons had reached the Immortal Realm other than the Holy Child. If they started a fight together, they would tear Li Ye into pieces even if he had possessed super power.

In the near distance, the Holy Child stared at Li Ye, the expression on his face changing. He knew that he had already lost to Li Ye.

Li Ye did not deliberately go to see the reaction of those demons, nor did he place himself on guard. Unexpectedly, he even sheathed his Luke Sword. With his hands clasped behind, he looked at the Holy Child, saying coolly, “I heard your vow clearly. Well, you don’t have to be a slave for me. But you guys should listen to my orders. Oh, right, You Daxiao is the demon clan’s chief. You should listen to him.”

When members of the demon clan heard these words from Li Ye, they were unable to contain their anger and began to rant and rave. Some people even tried to attack Li Ye, but the demons next to them kept them from rushing out.

Clenching his teeth, the Holy Child remained silent with a gloomy face. His eyes shining with murderous light, the Holy Child looked at Li Ye as if he were going to kill Li Ye 10,000 times.

The Holy Child finally figured out what had happened. From the beginning, Li Ye worked out this scheme to deal with him. In all fairness, Li Ye was not his opponent at all. But the Holy Child had reduced his cultivation power to the level of Yang Spiritual Master Realm. After that, he was no longer Li Ye’s opponent.

After quite a while, words with intense killing intent jumped out through the Holy Child’s gritted teeth. “But, I will never take orders from that little bird!”

It meant that he agreed to be at Li Ye’s command.

Greatly shocked, the group of demons turned their heads to look at the Holy Child in disbelief as if they were waiting for him to announce that they had misheard him. The Holy Child was the greatest one in the demon clan’s younger generation who even dared to fight with the Monkey King a hundred years ago. But now would he be under the command of a mortal young man?

However, it seemed that the Holy Child had no intention to explain anything. Those furious members of the demon clan felt quite helpless about the Holy Child’s decision, but they had to accept the reality.

It took those demon clan members a long time to calm down, and finally, they were ready to accept their fate. However, the next sentence that Li Ye said made them over-boiled once again. In a light but unquestionable tone, Li Ye said to the Son of God. “You Daxiao has made countless contributions. I myself have appointed him as the chief of the demon clan. Anyone of the demon clan who is in my army should be under the command of him!”

“It is impossible!” The Holy Child stared at Li Ye with a furious look on his face as if his tempers might flare at any time.

Those demons he brought also started to argue. “Our king is the greatest youth in our clan. How can he listen to the orders from that big bird!”

“That big bird is no match for our king at all. Why should our king follow his orders?”

“This is an insult not only to our king but also to all of us!”

“We will never agree with that!”

With his hands clasped behind, Li Ye stood among the group of demons. Facing those aggressive demons who kept roaring, he looked on them indifferently. Not to mention fear, he did not even bother to explain anything, which illustrated that, in his opinion, there was no room for negotiation.

Such an attitude of Li Ye undoubtedly poured oil on the demon group’s flames of fury. Raging and roaring, they were going to tear Li Ye to pieces at any time.

You Daxiao wiped the sweat on his forehead off because this scene brought him an enormous pressure.

As the Son of God of the demon clan, he was very clear that those demons were not pretending to be angry. They would jump on Li Ye for real. But You Daxiao was the demon who knew Li Ye the best. Thus, he was very clear that Li Ye wouldn’t flinch even an inch at this time.

If he could, You Daxiao would try to make peace. He wanted to tell Li Ye and the Holy Child that the Holy Child didn’t need to follow his orders, or even he was willing to be under the Holy Child’s command. However, he could not do that because Li Ye would never allow him to do that. Li Ye did that not merely because he wanted to protect him but because he had his own considerations.

In the noisy crowd of demons, Li Ye looked at the Holy Child, who was burning with anger and reproached with an unhappy look. “Holy Child, your army is in disorder. A real army will never behave like that! When your army arrived at my military camp, I certainly will strengthen the discipline. I should remind you first: the military law in my army is merciless. No matter who violates military law, I will never show any mercy!”

Upon hearing his words, those demons glared at Li Ye as if they were going to kill him. Then, Li Ye waved at the Holy Child, whose eyes were burning with anger and ordered casually as if he took it for granted. “Since you came from afar, you should go to rest in your camp first. Later on, I will send some people here to arrange the training and consolidation of your army!”

When Li Ye finished speaking, he cast his eyes at the Holy Child. His meaning was obvious. If the Holy Child had any problem, he had to mention it quickly. If there was no problem, he should go to the military camp with those demons as soon as possible.

The Holy Child clenched his Long-flames Sharp Spear, and it seemed that his red battle-armor was going to burn. “I am the Holy-child King and the greatest offspring of the demon clan. I am also a master in the Immortal Realm. So what makes you think that I will listen to you? Even worse, you even want to reorganize my troops. Why don’t you just let me lead your horse and hold the stirrups for you?!”

Li Ye lifted his brows. “Lead my horse and hold the stirrups for me? Are you interested in doing that job?”

The Holy Child fixed his eyes on Li Ye, and the murderous light flashed sharply in his eyes.

But steadfastly, Li Ye stood there with his indifferent look.

For the moment, the scene quieted down.

The demons held their breath because they knew that the moment that could decide their fate arrived. The mortal in front of them had been repeatedly humiliated their grumpy Holy-child King. Finally, he could not bear the humiliation and was going to burst into anger.

You Daxiao and the nine-tail Demon Fox stood gazing at each other. Their blood became ice-cold. Now that both of them were ready to go out and fight with Li Ye at any time.

After a long while, the Holy Child who kept staring at Li Ye took a deep breath and asked word by word. “Where is our camp?”

Li Ye reached out and snapped his fingers. “You Daxiao, take Holy Child to the camp!”

You Daxiao’s burly body shivered a little, and his eyes were blinking really fast. It seemed that he had not understood the situation yet. “Did the Holy Child just accept all the conditions? Didn’t he want to put up a life-and-death battle with Li Ye?”

Not only You Daxiao and the nine-tail Demon Fox, but most of the other demons felt incredible. With those anxious eyes, they desperately looked at the Holy Child, wanting him not to obey Li Ye’s order. However, an extremely unpleasant face was all that they saw. The look on the Holy Child’s face showed that he would not go against Li Ye’s command.

Soon, You Daxiao took the Holy Child and others to the Pinglu Army’s campsite. Then, he carved out the spheres of their camps and arranged various chores. As for those specific affairs in the army, there were generals and officers to handle. You Daxiao just needed to show his face there.

When the Holy Child and others left and went to the camp, Li Ye continued to sit cross-legged in the clouds. Looking at Qinzhou City, he lost in thought.

Of course, there was no movement in Qinzhou City, but the calm situation was only limited to the defending army of the city. Monks from Land Buddhism continuously entered into the Qinzhou City. Now many masters in the Immortal Realm had already gathered there. The force of those masters could almost contend with the force that the Holy Child brought.

Su Emei came to Li Ye’s side and sat down with her arms clasped around knees. Holding her face with both hands, she stared at Qinzhou, lost in thought.

When Li Ye was absorbed in meditation, he didn’t like others to bother him. Su Emei certainly knew his habit of him, so she sat quietly aside. The grass was bearing its seeds. The breeze gently shook the leaves of trees while the clouds were watching their shadows on the water surface. We sat together in silence. What a beautiful scene! It was probably the real portrayal of Su Emei’s inner heart at the moment.

Not knowing how much time went by, Li Ye finally took back his wandering thoughts and separated himself from his meditation. When he saw Su Emei sitting next to him, he smiled gently with ease.

Su Emei took this opportunity and asked, “You made stern demands to the Holy Child with a tough attitude, but why was he willing to obey your orders?”

In her last life, Su Emei was Guanghan Fairy, Chang’e. She had a wide range of experience, so she certainly knew that the demons were usually arrogant and unyielding. That was why she felt strange because she worried that it was the Holy Child’s trick.

Looking at the Qinzhou City, Li Ye said with a slow but powerful voice. “As one falls, another rises, and vice versa—there is always a leader and a follower. It is the essential relationship between people, no matter it is between friends or couples. When you are in a high place, the other has to stay in a low place. But when the other gets a little higher, you will get to a little lower place than before. For the same reason, if you are soft, the other will get tough with you; but when you push hard, the other will yield. This time, the demon clan came here to help us and brought many masters. Moreover, our strength is much less than the strength of the demon clan. Thus, the demon clan should have a higher status than us. But just because of this, I have to be tough and demanding.”

“If I hadn’t fought for us, then we would have become the demon clan’s dependency. Only when I stood out to strive for the power could I change the status quo. Even if the Holy Child’s strength was far greater than mine, and I could never defeat him, I must strive for my power with great confidence. We are the master here. Without the Pinglu Army and me, the demon clan would have no foothold, just like the rootless duckweed. That was why I could show my tough attitude! Besides, I behaved tough enough in the beginning, so they will be very grateful to me when I give them rewards in the future.”

Speaking of this, Li Ye looked at the Qinzhou City with his much deeper and more profound eyes.

Li Keyong was the lord of Hedong, and he was cooperating with the Land Buddhism. However, according to the information that Li Ye got, there was an ocean of differences between Li Keyong’s situation and his. At this period, Li Keyong was living in an extremely oppressed life.

Above the Qinzhou City, Li Keyong stared at the outside of the city without saying anything.

On his side stood the Dragon-subduing Arhat, who also watched his nose only and was thinking of something.

They had no communication at all and had no plan to communicate with each other because neither of them could convince the other. Whoever began to talk would become unhappy. Dragon-subduing Arhat certainly despised Li Keyong, who was a mortal. Li Keyong also didn’t like Dragon-subduing Arhat, for he thought that he was deliberately making a superior gesture.

It appeared that the Hedong Army and the Land Buddhism were cooperating, but in fact, they were going in their own ways.

The eighteen arhats and monks from the Land Buddhism had come to various locations to attend to the garrison duty. But they only went to the place that they like at first glance. None of them knew which location was the key point of the battlefield, and they had never intended to take care of these critical points.

After casting a glance at the Dragon-subduing Arhat, Li Keyong snorted coldly and turned around. He was ready to go back. Today, Li Ye’s army would not attack the city, so he did not have to stay here.

Just when he turned around, his eyelids jumped. On the wall not far away, a long-haired woman in white reclined there. She was gulping down the Daughter in Red from her wine pot as if there was no one around watching.

After a little hesitation, Li Keyong went over to her. Fighting to be patient with her, he said, “Greetings, Feihong Bodhisattva.”

But Feihong Bodhisattva ignored him.

Sudhana, who stood beside the wall piers, said lightly, “The Holy-child King should arrive today. Have you ever seen that, Prince?”

Li Keyong’s eyes fell. He was very unpleasant because she let a child talk to him. It showed that in the eyes of Feihong Bodhisattva, his status was almost the same as that of the child Sudhana, and he was far from qualified to have an equal dialogue with her.

Li Keyong made great efforts to contain his anger and said in a harsh voice, “Just now some people in the demon clan came to meet Li Keyong in mid-air, and all of us have seen the scene. A large number of them can provide great strength, plus they have lots of masters. The demon clan is a match for your army!”

When Li Keyong said his last sentence, he could barely repress his anger.

Feihong Bodhisattva faintly answered, “The Holy-child King and Li Ye met. Have they ever fought?”

Li Keyong replied in a deep voice, “Yes, they did.”

A smile emerged on Feihong Bodhisattva’s face. It was evident that she was quite happy. “Since the Holy Child launched his attack, I guess that Li Ye must have suffered a big loss. Am I right? Did they fall out with each other?”

Li Keyong was stunned a little because he did not know why Feihong Bodhisattva would think in this way. But he still answered her coldly, “Li Ye did not suffer any loss. Instead, he won! What’s more, the Holy-child stated on the spot that the demon clan is completely under Li Ye’s command from then on!”

“What?!” Feihong Bodhisattva froze immediately, and her wine pot fell to the ground from her hand with a bang.

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