The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 303 Bull Demon King’s Son

Chapter 303 Bull Demon King’s Son

Hedong was his territory and he was the master of Hedong, so he was furious when he was commanded what to do, even though the other side was an immortal in the Buddha territory. More importantly, now that Li Ye was in front of them, in Li Keyong’s view, it was the best chance to kill him, but obviously, the Dragon-subduing Arhat didn’t intend to do so.

Li Keyong suffered many losses because of Li Ye, so he regarded Li Ye as the greatest enemy of his life. This time, Li Ye led the troops to attack him without any reason. Li Ye was throwing his weight around. The messenger sent to contact Zhaoyi by Li Keyong was killed and was used to claim the credit by Kang Chengqian, which was another insult to Li Keyong.

Now, Li Ye was floating in the air, talking with the Son of God, and commenting on Qinzhou in an imposing manner. He completely didn’t take Li Keyong seriously, and he was really very overweening. Li Keyong was so furious that he wished to eat Li Ye alive.

Although the Dragon-subduing Arhat didn’t look back, since he was in the Immortal Realm, he could sense the changes of Li Keyong’s expressions. He knew that Li Keyong was dissatisfied and puzzled, but he didn’t intend to explain anything because the immortal didn’t need to explain his intention to the mortal.

On Wutai Mountain, Feihong Bodhisattva was sitting in the pavilion and looking at the 50 kilometers of peach blossoms on the mountain. She drank yellow rice wine and wiped her mouth from time to time. Bending over, a frowning monk stood beside her, as if he were thinking hard all the time.

This monk was the Deer-sitting Arhat, also known as Venerable Pindola-Bharadvaja.

Feihong Bodhisattva had been drinking at the pavilion for a long time, from sunset to sunrise. And the Deer-sitting Arhat had been standing beside her all the time. While Feihong Bodhisattva didn’t speak, the Deer-sitting Arhat didn’t take the initiative to speak either, even though he came for something.

In terms of self-cultivation, no one was better than the Taoist sect, but in terms of equanimity, Buddhism was obviously more tolerant of boredom.

Finally, Feihong Bodhisattva spoke without hiding her impatience, “Say it, and then, leave at once!”

The Deer-sitting Arhat said in no hurry, “Li Ye has already arrived at Qinzhou. If we fight together, it will be very easy to kill him.”

Feihong Bodhisattva took back her gaze from the peach trees and looked at the Deer-sitting Arhat who was bending over. She said coldly and firmly, “I told you that I would deal with Li Ye. You don’t need to worry about that!”

The Deer-sitting Arhat was not afraid of Feihong Bodhisattva’s intimidation. He still said in a flat tone, like reading a book, but his will was firm. “I don’t agree that you’re going to avenge your own personal animosity regardless of the overall situation.”

“So what?” Feihong Bodhisattva sneered and no longer looked at the Deer-sitting Arhat. She drank a mouthful of wine and continued to enjoy the mountain scenery.

The Deer-sitting Arhat still didn’t leave.

But Feihong Bodhisattva no longer looked at him.

She just slowly raised her hand and pressed toward the Deer-sitting Arhat through the air.

The Deer-sitting Arhat directly flew backward like a kite with a broken string. All the way, he crushed many stones and trees and disappeared 5 kilometers away.

The Deer-sitting Arhat didn’t appear again because Feihong Bodhisattva’s attitude was clear and wouldn’t change.

A while later, Feihong Bodhisattva’s child came to the pavilion along the winding mountain road and saluted with his palms putting together devoutly. This child was that boy called Sudhana.

Sudhana said, “As expected, the demon clan secretly sent reinforcements to help Li Ye attack Qinzhou.”

Feihong Bodhisattva asked lightly, “Who is the leader?”

Sudhana said, “Pingtian Sage, Bull Demon King’s son.”

Feihong Bodhisattva chuckled. “That stupid cow is always very timid. Why would he be so hurried this time? He dared to show up so soon? Is the Immortal Court already too weak to keep a strong hold on the demon clan?”

Sudhana thought for a while but didn’t know how to answer.

Feihong Bodhisattva began to talk about the past. “That year, the Taoist Immortal Court sent many riding beasts of the immortals and children to the human world to stop the monkey and Xuanzang from traveling to the west. The Bull Demon King’s son also helped a lot and caused a lot of trouble for the monkey. Therefore, he had comradeship with the Immortal Court. With Red Boy’s intelligence and comprehension, if he could convert to Buddhism, he would definitely make a difference. It was a pity that the stupid cow didn’t dare to turn to Buddhism, for fear of offending the Immortal Court, so he wasted destiny.”

Sudhana thought for a while and said, “The gods of the various clans live in the immortal territory, but only the demon clan left the immortal territory and hid in the human world after the battle between demons and witches. In the past thousands of years, the Taoist Immortal Court had been suppressing the demon clan in order to maintain its orthodox position. In its doctrine and its public opinion, the demon clan was always described as the devils who caused trouble in the human world and was slandered hard.”

“Therefore, the demon clan couldn’t get the offerings and the power of belief from ordinary people so that they couldn’t return to the immoral territory. They were always weak and became weaker and weaker. Although there are seven sages in the demon clan, their strength is average except for the monkey’s. The overall strength of the demon clan is far behind that of the Taoist Immortal Court and that of the Buddhist Buddha territory. “This time, the Bull Demon King dares to send Red Boy out either because the Taoist Immortal Court is unprecedentedly weak or because the demon clan wants to try their best to fight.”

Feihong Bodhisattva drank a mouthful of wine and wiped her mouth casually. She laughed. “I’m afraid it’s both. The demon clan has been suppressed for a long time. I’m afraid that if they don’t try their best to fight this time, they will have no chance to fight anymore.”

Sudhana hesitated and said, “Although the overall strength of the demon clan is far inferior to the Buddha territory, their strength won’t be suppressed in the human world. If only Red Boy has come, that will be okay, but if the Bull Demon King...”

Feihong Bodhisattva waved her hand, indicating Sudhana not to be worried. “The seven sages of the demon clan will not appear, nor their senior generals. Otherwise, the Immortal Court will turn to eliminate the demon clan regardless of the war in the immortal territory. The appearance of the Great Sage Roc’s and the Bull Demon King’s son is the bottom line that all sides can accept.”

“In today’s Tang Empire, the Taoist Immortal Court supports Zhu Wen, the demon clan supports Li Ye, and our Buddhist Buddha territory supports Li Keyong. A situation of tripartite confrontation is initially formed, which is acknowledged by all sides. Although the Taoist Immortal Court is unhappy, they cannot maintain their dominant position at present, so they have to endure and continue to fight against us.”

Sudhana was still a little worried. He looked at Feihong Bodhisattva. “I heard that Red Boy’s cultivation...” He didn’t finish his words, but his meaning was clear.

Feihong Bodhisattva didn’t care and said lightly, “Red Boy is just a child, so you don’t need to be worried.”

At this point, she suddenly twitched her mouth slightly. She seemed to think of something funny and said in a teasing tone, “Red Boy is difficult to get along with. It’s hard to tell if it is a good thing for him to go to the Pinglu Army!”

Thinking of this, Sudhana smiled as well. Obviously, he agreed with what Feihong Bodhisattva said.

Feihong Bodhisattva didn’t call on 18 arhats to go to Qinzhou and kill Li Ye because she noticed that the demon clan had already sent reinforcements. If they rushed there rashly, it would be hard to kill Li Ye and maybe, Red Boy and Li Ye would fight side by side when they were confronted with a formidable enemy. Feihong Bodhisattva didn’t want them to have a friendly relationship and become comrades.

Sudhana asked, “Since we can’t kill Li Ye directly, what should we do next?”

Feihong Bodhisattva turned the red cord on her wrist. Her eyes were deep. She said slowly, “Since we can’t kill Li Ye directly, then we let those arhats, who can’t stay idle, go to the battlefield and help Li Keyong’s Hedong Army to defeat Li Ye’s troops! As long as Taiyuan is under our control, we will have the first chance and we will be practically certain of taking the Luck of heaven after it appears!”


Outside Qinzhou, Li Ye sat cross-legged on the clouds, 10 kilometers behind the Pinglu Army barracks.

An imposing young man in bright red armor was standing not far away, holding a Long-flames Sharp Spear. Looking at him, Li Ye felt a little strange.

The Son of God and the nine-tail Demon Fox stood beside Li Ye with an unnatural expression when they faced the arrogant young man who kept his chin up and his chest out. In the demon clan, the Son of God, You Daxiao was a famous second generation of the sage. According to the worldly saying, he was the prince, and no one was nobler than him.

But there were differences among the second generations of the sages. Although You Daxiao had good talent and strength, like the other four second generations of the sages, he admitted that he was inferior to Red Boy.

Red Boy suddenly pointed his Long-flames Sharp Spear at You Daxiao and shouted, “Little bird, come here!”

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