Chapter 137 Eager to Learn

Li Ye triggered his Spiritual Qi to burst out a flame anchor on the top of his index and middle fingers. He pointed his fingers forward. Then, the flame anchor flew at the yellow-robed Taoist. Li Ye’s ability to aim was perfect and unquestionable. However, the flame anchor disappeared halfway to the target as if it had entered into another world.

He had never seen this formation before his transmigration.

There were lots of differences between the two worlds. Even Li Ye could not know everything.

“It is useless! In the Immortals-Killing Great Formation, all the actions of cultivators and all their technical attacks are ineffective. You cannot move forward or backward, nor can you attack or defend. The only thing you can do is wait for your doom!”

The yellow-robed Taoist man’s eyes were full of ridicule. His tone was like he was announcing the truth without the possibility of refutation. He had finished his Invocation and suddenly pointed at Li Ye. Then the green Invocation flew at Li Ye.

The green Invocation disappeared halfway and appeared again. It was far from Li Ye at the beginning but had gotten much closer to Li Ye after it reappeared. The small Invocation became three meters in length. It fiercely sparked the green light and suddenly shot a stream of light at Li Ye.

Li Ye tried to avoid it but it was ineffective. The green light of the Invocation formed a rectangle that covered Li Ye precisely!

At the same time, Li Ye discovered that his surrounding world had changed again. Many spires appeared in the dark space and fully filled the space and whirled continuously, making Li Ye feel dizzy.

He was feeling sick in his head and stomach without doing anything!

“Mind-Losing Spell?” Li Ye recognized the green Invocation. To be precise, it was not an Invocation, but a spell.

The so-called Mind-Losing Spell was used to put cultivators into a condition of mental disorder, whose abilities to distinguish and judge were lost and power to defend was largely weakened!

The yellow-robed Taoist laughed out complacently. “You know the Mind-Losing Spell? That’s a bit knowledgeable. But it’s useless anyway. Knowing the name of the spell will only make you die without puzzles in your mind!”

Then the yellow-robed Taoist grunted, “Five Thunder Spell!”

The dozens of grey-robed Taoists opened their eyes together and sparked out scary light. Then they pointed their fingers together at Li Ye. The green Invocations in front of them flew at Li Ye from different angles like a bundle of arrows!

Because of the spires in the dark space, the Taoist men’s bodies were twisted, much more twisted than those in a distorting mirror, and looked fake. Therefore, the incoming Invocations’ positions were hard to predict!

It became clear to Li Ye soon after. There was a mirror-like barrier between him and the Taoists, who were behind the black spires. His body was covered as if he were in a glass bottle. The spires appeared on the glass and the Taoists were behind the glass bottle!

Although he did not know about the formation, Li Ye’s understanding of formations was good enough to comprehend through analogy since all changes were according to the basics of formations. Finding out about that knowledge, Li Ye looked down at the ground covered with the green mist, which was whirling like crazy. Just one glance made him dizzy!

Suddenly, he realized that there was indeed a formation under his feet, which was a small formation different from the great formation. It was quickly whirling in a certain ingenious way. Directions were interrupted by this whirling. Whenever Li Ye took one step, the whirling formation would send him back to the starting point. Therefore, no matter how he moved, Li Ye was always in the same position!

“There is a small formation concealed in the great formation. That is interesting.” Li Ye was not anxious about it. Instead, his mind was peaceful and he even smiled.

At this moment, the intention to kill reached its peak. The dozens of Invocations disappeared in the “sky” and there came a fierce fluctuation of Spiritual Qi from the whirling black spires, which was sensed by Li Ye. Then, a flash of purple lightning smashed down upon Li Ye’s head!

“Take the Five Thunder Spell!” The yellow-robed Taoist man’s body was also twisted. His mind-shaking voice was from all directions.

The flashes of purple lightning came down at Li Ye one after another from not one but countless black spires all throughout the sky!

Li Ye tried to avoid them by moving, but it was useless. The purple thunder hit him on the body. One. Two. Three... There seemed to be no end to these attacks, the roar of which was also endless.

Li Ye was like a little blade of grass in front of the purple lightning. It was hard to see his figure amongst the lightning attacks, which lit up the space around him. The extremely white light covered everything!

Under such non-stop attacks of thunder and lightning, even a huge building would collapse into ashes with nothing else left, not to mention a blade of grass.

The Taoist men were pleased at the sight of their victory. It had cost them a lot of effort to trigger the great formation and utilize the techniques. Now they were very relieved.

They were aware of the power of the Immortals-Killing Great Formation, which greatly strengthened the power of the Five Thunder Spell. The power was too great to be endured by an ordinary cultivator!

However, all of them became stunned after the white light dispersed.

Because Li Ye was still standing there!

Li Ye held his hands behind him. The sizzling sparkles of lightning kept coming out of his body as if earthworms had sparked and darkened him all over. His hair was curly as if it was permed. However, his clothes remained clean and tidy without being messy or having any crease.

Li Ye’s eyes were slightly closed at this moment. He inhaled deeply and even had a look of pleasure on his face!

“That’s right! I haven’t enjoyed the taste of electrotherapy in a long time.”

To the astonishment of the grey-robed Taoists, Li Ye twisted his neck a little and looked back at his hair. Then his smile got bigger. “Nice hairdressing. But the power was not high enough to properly activate all my muscles and bones.”

He glanced at the yellow-robed Taoist, whose face was hardened, and asked, “Any more? Such little thunder and lightning couldn’t satisfy me. You should treat your guests well but not be so mean. Give me more.”

“Bastard! Don’t be arrogant!”

The yellow-robed Taoist became angry from embarrassment. He did not think Li Ye was so “durable”. The Immortals-Killing Great Formation could weaken the defensive ability of cultivators and strengthen the spell’s power at the same time. With such a difference, Li Ye should have been doomed in theory even if he were high in cultivation. But now, Li Ye was safe and sound. It was beyond his expectation and it made him shocked.

Li Ye’s words greatly humiliated the yellow-robed Taoist. The “durable” ability was unexpected, and his smart mouth had surprised him even more. The yellow-robed Taoist could not stand it. He said with a sinister face, “It was only the first round of attacks of the Five Thunder Spell. What’s the point of being arrogant? Let’s see how you deal with the second round!”

Under the order of the yellow-robed Taoist, all the other Taoists began to draw the Invocations again. This time, all of them looked serious and stern rather than relaxed.

Li Ye had a smile on his face. Watching them drawing the Invocations, he was also observing the great formation at the same time. The black spires were still all throughout the sky. And the formation was still whirling quickly. Li Ye shot out a stream of Spiritual Qi. As soon as the stream hit the spires, it vanished as if it were being swallowed by the spires. On the other hand, it was hard to spot the structure of the formation, which was shining in green light.

The yellow-robed Taoist had finished the Invocation, onto which he sprayed a mouthful of bloody mist after biting the tip of his tongue. It showed that he had used all his strength. Pointing at Li Ye, he shouted, “Spirit Separating Spell!”

At the same time, 20 grey-robed Taoists struck the Five Thunder Spell again!

Li Ye held his hands behind his back as he watched the Spirit Separating Spell disappearing in the sky and reappearing in front of him. His eyes twinkled when he caught the path of the Spirit Separating Spell!

The effect of the Spirit Separating Spell was similar to that of the Mind-Losing Spell. The difference was that the Spirit Separating Spell was designed for attacking cultivators of higher levels. The attacks were meant to be in-depth and were more powerful as a result.

The Spirit Separating Spell fell down to in front of Li Ye with a sliver of light. A sudden blackout struck his mind, and Li Ye felt as if he had lost all consciousness.

But Li Ye had prepared well enough to recover soon afterward.

After the Five Thunder Spell disappeared, the black spires in different positions began to whirl faster. Li Ye discovered that those were the exact spires that had shot out the purple lightning. As expected, the accelerating spires shot out more powerful flashes of purple lightning!

Li Ye had another shower of the purple lightning. Amongst the extremely white light, his figure looked blurry again.

The Taoist men opened their eyes wide without avoiding the dazzling white light. They closely watched the position where Li Ye was, all of them holding their breath tighter with hearts beating faster. They were full of expectation and a little nervousness as well.

In fact, the white light was not filling the entire space when seen from their angle. But for Li Ye, who was trapped in the light of the formation, the light was like a huge transparent glass bottle, in where there was all light.

When the light dissipated, Li Ye’s figure could be seen. All the grey-robed Taoists and the yellow-robed Taoist were in shock. It was unbelievable to them, some of whom were even in a panic.

Because Li Ye had left where he had been. He jumped up and smashed his fist on the “bottle”.

“Crack!” A cracked circle suddenly appeared on the “bottle”, after which the “bottle” broke completely, while Li Ye had rushed out from the “bottle”!

Li Ye had really gotten out of the Immortals-Killing Great Formation!


The Taoist men could not believe what they had seen!

Then they saw Li Ye’s smile.

Soon afterward, a huge green fist wave smashed along, blowing a fierce wind and obscuring their vision.

The grey-robed Taoists who were hit by the fist wave all flew backward, vomiting blood. Then they fell onto the ground in front of the temple, on which they formed numbers of holes. Their limp bodies were embedded in the holes and could no longer move!

The hands of the yellow-robed Taoist were shaking. In shock, he pointed at Li Ye with his eyeballs almost falling out and his voice trembling. “How... how could you walk out of the Immortals-Killing Great Formation? How could you break it?”

Li Ye grabbed the neck of the yellow-robed Taoist and curled his lips. “Did you really think that your formation could trap me? I just thought the formation was not bad and wanted to study it because I’d never seen it before. Hasn’t your master told you that you should remain eager to learn about the unknown to enjoy sustainable development?”

“You... you...” The yellow-robed Taoist failed to finish his sentence. But his face revealed his thoughts: He could trust nothing Li Ye had said!

Li Ye stepped onto the stone stairs, still holding onto the neck of the yellow-robed Taoist, and threw him heavily onto the gate of the temple. The gate was forced open with a bang. The Taoist man began to vomit blood and was left aside. Li Ye walked through the gate with his hands held behind him.

He said peacefully, “I have finished studying the Immortals-Killing Great Formation. On ordinary occasions, I would play with you to show my appreciation. But not today, since I need to go back for dinner.”

The power of the Immortals-Killing Great Formation was superb. However, the cultivators who were running the formation were far lower in cultivation compared to Li Ye. As a result, Li Ye was able to break the formation with his strength alone even though he did not see through it.

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