The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 952: Everyone’s New Year’s Goods

Chapter 952 New Year's Goods for Everyone

He is not short of quilts, but he really doesn't have any that weigh ten pounds. This quilt is very beautiful.

It's just right, my daughter is about to get married, this quilt is a dowry, but it's a big face, and the color is also festive.

And that wine, that tea, but they are all good things. What to do, when his daughter got married, he was reluctant to drink it.

But he also quickly said to Gu Yundong, "Master, thank you very much."

Gu Yundong waved his hand, "Since I like it, then I can rest assured. Put things here first, and when you go back, you can ask someone to help you carry them back together."


The two of them didn't even touch it, after all, they were reluctant. My hand is too rough, what should I do if I touch it?

But when they returned to their positions, the people next to them gathered around, all of them were very enthusiastic, and they all said they wanted to help carry them home. In fact, I just want to take a closer look and touch it.

The voice below ?? was very noisy, and they were so happy about winning the lottery.

Whether it is the first prize, the second prize or the third prize, they are all envious.

Originally, Gu Yundong was thinking about whether the first prize should be awarded to a cow or a donkey. After all, many companies in Hyundai have annual awards for cars.

After thinking about it, forget it, they are just a small workshop, and it is the first year to hold an annual meeting.

If you reward cows, donkeys and donkeys now, what will you do in the future?

So after thinking about it, let’s give something practical.

Judging by their reactions, they should be very satisfied.

"Okay, the lottery is over. Next, there are New Year's gifts for everyone."

As soon as Gu Yundong opened his mouth, the people below instantly became quiet.

As soon as they heard that the New Year's goods were released, everyone immediately sat up.

After all, these are really in their own hands, and it has nothing to do with others, and there is no need to envy them, so it is more important to receive New Year's goods.

Soon, Tong Antongping came over with a scooter.

The top is full of meat, and everyone's eyes lit up in an instant. Even though it's just been a while after the big meal, now I can't help swallowing hard, and several ways to cook pork have flashed in my mind. .

"Two catties of meat per person, don't worry everyone, everyone has a share."

Gu Yundong brought the Gu family and pieces of pork, and everyone shared it.

Even the two little fellows, Yun Shu and Yun Ke, were eager to help, with their calves upside down, and hummingly carried the meat into the hands of these villagers.

When the meat is finished, it will be released again.

followed by sugar and finally pastries.

There were four items in total, and everyone’s hands were full, and no one was left empty.

Everyone was very excited, chatting and discussing. During the Chinese New Year, many things do not need to be bought, which saves a lot of money.

Gu Yundong waited for them to finish the discussion before continuing, "The New Year's goods are finished, and finally, this month's wages."

Tong Shuipao brought up a basket again. Most of the people were issued copper plates, so they had no choice but to use a basket.

Gu Yundong took pen and paper and account book, sat behind a table, and said to everyone, "Now come up one by one, and you can go back after receiving the completion money. You have worked hard this year, and continue to work hard next year to earn more money. wages."

"Okay!!" The voice below was exceptionally loud, and everyone was very excited.

Gu Yundong nodded with satisfaction, opened the account book, "I'll call the name."

(end of this chapter)

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