Chapter 901 Care

After this thought tumbled in Gu Yundong's mind for a while, she temporarily pressed it down.

No hurry, let Tong An get well first, and ask him after he wakes up.

With his contribution this time, it is not impossible to eliminate slave status.

Doctor He temporarily settled in Gu's house. Mrs. Cui packed the guest room for him and came out. After a day's journey, Dr. He stopped after dinner.

In the early morning of the next day, under the earnest expectation of everyone, he carried the medicine box and concentrated on giving Tong An a shot.

In the room, except for Tong Ping who beat him up, everyone else was waiting outside.

Yunshu and Yuanzhi squatted on the ground, staring at the door with **** eyes. Gu Yundong watched from behind, knowing that the two children were in a hurry, so she didn't persuade them much.

After most of the day, there was a slight movement in the house.

Tong Ping opened the door, and Doctor He walked out while wiping his sweat.

"Doctor, how is Tong An?" Cui was the first to ask.

Doctor He said, "It's alright, if there is no accident, I will wake up at night."

A look of joy flashed across the faces of everyone, and Yun Shu and Yuan Zhi let out a long sigh of relief and completely laughed.

Since Tong An is fine, everyone else is no longer in the room.

Gu Yundong sent the two children back to the room to read, while he went to the workshop in the village.

I was in a hurry to come back yesterday, and I was worried about Yunshu and Tong An, but I didn't go out.

Tong An is in charge of the workshop now. He was unconscious, so she naturally went to see it.

There are now more than 100 workers in the ?? workshop. Since the last time we recruited 50 more long-term workers, the workshop has become very lively.

In particular, many people came from other villages, and it was inconvenient to go back too far, but the row of dormitories at the back of the workshop was used.

When Gu Yundong passed by, many people immediately gathered around and asked about Tong An's situation with concern.

"Master, is Tong Guanshi all right?"

"Master, has the perpetrator been caught?"

"Master, if you need any help from us, just say it."

Most of the questioners were the long-term workers from earlier, who knew her well and dared to speak in front of her.

Although the people who were summoned from behind were also concerned, they still stood at a certain distance.

Gu Yundong answered the questions one by one. She watched everyone in the workshop busy in an orderly manner. Even though Tong An was not there, no one seemed to be lazy.

It seems that Tong An is really well managed.

After passing the jam area, Gu Yundong went to the dried fruit and preserved fruit, and finally, to the sugar making room.

Since the sugarcane has matured this year, the production of white sugar has naturally been put on the agenda.

This time, she didn't do it herself, and she didn't put the last step in Gu's backyard.

At the very beginning, Gu Yundong predicted that the production of white sugar would be monopolized within two or three years, and it would definitely become more and more common in the future. Now that the imperial court controls it, no one dares to blatantly trade sugar.

But Qin Wenzheng told her that someone in the capital had already made it secretly. It's just that under the eyes of the emperor, these people only use it for their own use, and they don't dare to sell it.

This kind of petty trouble, the emperor also opened one eye and closed one eye.

Although Gu Yundong never thought that it would always be in his own hands, but at present the production of this aspect is still in the hands of trusted people.

In the ??white sugar area, all the people working are the Zeng family and the group of people who first worked with him as part-time laborers.

(end of this chapter)

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