The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3378: father and son last

Chapter 3378 The last face of father and son

Gu Chuanzong also heard Gu Dahu's voice. He was lying on the bed in a lifeless manner and complained about himself, but now he hastily stumbled to the door and looked this way.

"Xiaoxi..." Gu Chuanzong was still a little happy.

Gu Xiaoxi silently stopped in front of him, put the quilt in his hand aside, and said, "I just came to see you."

Gu Chuanzong heard it, he just came to see him, not to save him.

He glared at the son fiercely, "You either save me out, or get out of here, what are you doing here now? Why don't you speak for me in court, why don't you let Gu Yundong let me go?"

Gu Xiaoxi really wanted to calmly say a few words to him.

Who knew that as soon as he came, he was provoked by Gu Chuanzong, he put the food box on the ground, and stood up suddenly, "Why did Yundong let you go? You are going to sue her father!! You have ended up like this, She has already raised her hand."

Gu Chuanzong was also very popular, "You are too embarrassed to say, why didn't you tell me earlier that Dajiang is now a fourth-rank official, and Gu Yundong is the county master? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I said, you are going to pester the big brother and the others. They finally lived a peaceful life, and I don't want you to spoil them."

"Destruction??" Gu Chuanzong's eyes widened, "I am his biological father, he should honor me."

"Isn't it enough for me to honor you?" Gu Xiaoxi gritted his teeth, "You said you wanted to live in Fucheng, and I brought you here. You said you wanted to eat better and live better, so I rented a house and let my daughter-in-law cook for you every day. Can you live such a life in Gujiatun? The result? You asked Gu Faer to come here, not only that, but also to keep the second brother, the third brother, and the family.

"Why can't I ask Fa'er to come over? You thought I didn't know, you wanted to send me back to Jiatun, right? It's just that I didn't find an excuse."

Gu Xiaoxi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly, "Yes, I want to send you back. I can't live in Yongning Mansion all my life, and I can't take you away to trouble the big brother and the others. But even so, I have already done it for you. You have made up your mind in the future. I will buy you a house in the county seat, buy two servants, and give you some pension money, enough for you to drink and eat meat every day, and live a comfortable life with someone serving you. You can do whatever you want. Well, even carrying a bird cage to walk around with other old men, those people in Gujiatun who are about the same age as you, who can live such a life?"

Gu Xiaoxi really planned it for him. It doesn't take much money to buy a small yard in Jiangyu County. He doesn't eat much every day by himself, and he has new clothes to wear all year round.

He still has a lot of money in his hand, and it is enough to take care of an old man Gu.

"But Dad, you are always dissatisfied. You say that Yun Dong is cruel, but you were not cruel to her when she was a child? I don't believe you don't know what the life of the eldest brother's family used to be. Beans get beans, you made it yourself."

Gu Chuanzong pursed his lips tightly and did not speak for a long time.

Gu Xiaoxi couldn't help shaking his head, "That's all I said, Dad, I brought you quilts, food, and ointment, take care of yourself, I'm gone, maybe I won't come back."

Gu Chuanzong raised his head suddenly, "You..."

Gu Xiaoxi had already stood up, took one last look, and walked out of the cell without looking back.

"Xiaoxi, Xiaoxi, you come back, come back..."

(end of this chapter)

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