The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3375: The end of the second room

Chapter 3375 The ending of the second room

Gu Baoer did not go back to Lao Gu's house. So far, the married daughters of Lao Gu's family have not returned.

Jia didn't care about this daughter for a while. Gu Fa'er's imprisonment was a huge blow to her. Coupled with the excitement of Li and Li, she almost didn't go crazy.

She was still trying hard to find the Li family, to find a way to help Gu Fa'er, and she couldn't care about anything else.

When she came back to her senses, she found that Gu Dahe had stolen all the money from the family and went to the casino to gamble. Jia couldn't believe that, in this situation at home, he still had the heart to gamble!

And Gu Baoer was sold by Gu Dahe to be a concubine without her knowledge. She kept this matter from the dark, and by the time she knew it, it was too late.

The family didn't have a penny. If it wasn't for the house deed and the land deed, she would have hidden it, and she would have been stolen by Gu Dahe.

Jia Shi severely beat Gu Dahe, but this did not stop him.

Neither of them knew that Gu Dahe would be addicted to gambling because someone did it on purpose. This man was the son of a merchant in the county town. He could be said to have fallen in love with Li Shi at first sight and wanted to marry her beautifully as his wife.

It's just that the family didn't agree. The young master finally persuaded his parents. When he was about to come to propose marriage, he learned that the Li family was going to marry Gu Fa'er.

Young Master was disheartened immediately, and was very decadent for a while.

It wasn't until recently that he heard that Mrs. Lai's innocence was ruined by Gu Fa'er, and then he had to compromise and marry. That young man was so angry that he kicked his chair over. How could he be reconciled when the girl he was thinking of back then was ruined by such a beast?

Gu Fa'er was in the prison, and he couldn't reach in.

But the son did not teach his father's faults, so the son-in-law set his eyes on Gu Dahe and planned him to go to the casino to gamble. In the end, he lost his pants. The daughter sold it and owed the casino more than 20 taels of silver.

The thugs from the casino came to the door and beat Gu Dahe, directly interrupting his left leg, which forced Jia to take out the land deed of three acres of land to pay the debt.

However, no one knew that after the thugs left, Jia became ruthless, holding a stick and slamming Gu Dahe's legs hard, breaking all the bones before he was willing to give up.

Isn't he going to gamble? With no legs, he can only lie on the bed for the rest of his life. She sees how he still gambles.

Their family has only five acres of land in total, and now they have lost three acres. If they continue to lose by him, they don't have to live anymore, they just throw themselves into the river.

Anyway, Gu Dahe can’t lift heavy objects with both hands and can’t do any work, so just don’t go out, that’s fine.

Jia's feelings for Gu Dahe have been wiped away. As long as the person is not dead, it doesn't matter if he lies in bed for the rest of his life.

From then on, in order to avoid Gu Dahe going to the toilet, Jia only gave him one meal a day and a bowl of water, which was enough to keep him alive.

Daughter was sold, his son was imprisoned, and her husband was abolished.

But there is still a glimmer of hope in her heart, three years, as long as three years, Gu Fa'er will still be released from prison.

However, after Gu Fa’er had been in prison for two years, news came from the Fucheng Yamen that he had a dispute with others in the cell and accidentally strangled another prisoner.

Lord Kang therefore exiled him to Linxun Island, and the mother and son never saw each other again in this life.

Jia's spirit was completely lost, and he was getting older.

(end of this chapter)

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