The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3292: Gu Dajiang wrote back

Chapter 3292 Gu Dajiang replied

Gu Yundong naturally welcomes him, she herself has been busy with the outside workshop.

Especially after Duan Qian left, Gu Yundong occasionally paid attention to the situation of Duan's workshop, and became more and more busy.

The backyard of the county government has always been managed by Qi Ma, even though the population of their backyard is simple and there are many trivial matters. The servant girl needs to be trained, the relationship between people should be recorded, and the balance of money and money should be balanced.

Not only that, but she has to take care of Chi Chi.

Madam Qi is getting old, sometimes she is unable to do her best, and fatigue is obvious.

With Shao Yin, Qi Qi became much more relaxed all of a sudden.

Shao Yin was also the daughter-in-law of the Marquis of Huaiyin, and the number one talented woman in the capital, with all the means and knowledge. And Zheng Er's wife Tang Shi is also quite talented, and the two of them can actually talk about it.

It happened that Song Yan's enlightenment master had not found a suitable one, so Shao Yin gave them enlightenment for the time being.

Zheng Er accompanied his daughter-in-law for a few days. Seeing that she was fine and in a good mood, he started to run out.

This person is also a restless person, and in just two or three days, he has figured out all the delicious and fun things in Jingping County.

Later, I went to Gu's workshop and Duan's workshop, saying that I wanted to visit.

After ??, we have to go to the deep mountains.

Gu Yundong thinks that he may be too boring. He has no friends here, and he can't do business with her uncle. When people are bored, their minds start to lose their senses.

She simply took him directly to Gu Ji, "If you really have nothing to do, just help me watch the shop, it happens that my shop is short of people."

Originally, Gu Ji was managed by Cheng Xiaosong and Wang Cai, but when Duan Qian went back last time, Gu Yundong let them go with him.

Since they plan to get married, they should go to see the Cheng family parents.

Cheng Xiaosong originally planned to bring his parents to Jingping County, but now the border is not very secure, so this idea can only be postponed.

The matter of getting married can't be dragged on forever. It happened that Duan Qian took the guys back to Xuanhe Mansion. Although they didn't pass through Dagu Village, they were not far away.

As long as the two of them take a detour in a light car, they can continue to catch up with the team after they meet their parents in Otani Village.

These two are smart, and Gu Yundong also wants them to go out and meet the world, so that they can develop better in the future.

It’s just that after they left, Gu Ji was short of manpower.

But now Gu Ji doesn’t have much business either. The focus of fruit wine business was originally from other prefectures. Occasionally, there will be merchants here to talk about distribution. Now there are fewer such merchants, and few people will run to the border towns.

On the contrary, some local ladies and some students in the past few months like Gu Ji's fruit wine very much. Therefore, although the business in the shop was deserted, it has never been interrupted.

Since Zheng Er is all right, let's go to help look at the shop, lest he roam around.

Zheng Er was quite interested. He had drunk the fruit wine. For someone like him who didn't drink very well, it was simply too appetizing.

"Okay, then I'll sell the fruit wine for you, just as our husband and wife's board and lodging expenses in the county government office."

Gu Yundong sneered, "If you can sell it, let's talk about it."

She threw Zheng Er in the shop and didn't care anymore. Gu Yundong was a little surprised to hear that the sales had actually increased. But when I think of Zheng Er's personality and communication skills, I feel that it should be expected.

And Gu Dajiang's reply was finally delivered to Gu Yundong.

(end of this chapter)

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