The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3273: All village chiefs gather

Chapter 3273 All village chiefs gather

Fortunately, both Li Guo and Da Jin people have the same appearance. If they are obviously different, it will be too obvious that they are mixed blood.

Gu Yundong still hopes that this matter will rot in their hearts.

As a result, she didn't want Song Yan to find his grandfather's home. After all, once he recognizes his relatives, Song Yan's life experience will inevitably be exposed, and his future life is not necessarily better than now.

Shao Qingyuan knew what she was thinking, and nodded when he heard the words, "Okay, as long as he agrees, we will accept him as our adopted son. He is also five years old now. During this time, I am looking for a master to enlighten him, but I have always been No suitable ones were found."

"There are still too few scholars in our county."

In fact, Gu Yundong has taught two children to read and read, but her teaching method focuses on entertainment. What she learns is some basic knowledge, which is completely different from what she learns in private schools outside.

Although Song Yan already knew a lot of characters, it did not match the teaching content of this era.

Professional things should be left to professional people.

Gu Yundong nodded, "I'll also ask someone to ask."

However, Song Yan's master had not yet been found, but news came from the border that Li Guo suddenly attacked a town on the border, broke open the city gate directly, and caught the southwest army by surprise.

The Dajin army hurried to meet them, but the opponent was cunning and changeable. Not only did the Southwest Battalion suffer heavy losses, but even Lieutenant General Bian, who led the team, was seriously injured. He was almost killed when he was stepped on by a horse's hoof.

When Shao Qingyuan heard the news, his expression was very solemn.

Sure enough, Li Guo was so calm some time ago, just to let the soldiers of the Jin Dynasty relax their vigilance and hold back their big moves.

Dajin suffered a defeat, although Xie Zhonglin soon regrouped and recaptured the town himself with his troops, and also seriously injured the opponent's soldiers.

However, this incident spread among the people, and it still caused panic.

Even though Gu Dajiang and the officials of the county under his jurisdiction tried their best to appease the people, there were still many people who escaped from Luozhou with a lot of money.

A lot of people have left in Jingping County, but compared to other places, it is still much less.

In the end, Shao Qingyuan's efforts for more than a year were not in vain. The people of Jingping County trust their husband and wife very much.

But since then, Shao Qingyuan has been more and more busy.

The road that Gu Yundong was going to repair had already been repaired, and before Mao Yong could catch his breath, Shao Qing went on an expedition to repair the fortifications.

It is not only the county town that needs to be well-defended, but also the villages cannot be taken lightly.

Shao Qingyuan thought about it, and asked people to gather the village chiefs of each village to the county office to have a good meeting.

These village chiefs were very nervous when they heard that the county magistrate wanted to see them. It's just been two battles, isn't something going to happen?

Therefore, when everyone came to the county office, they were still nervously asking each other.

The village chiefs of Daxi Village and Fangjia Village have seen Gu Yundong and her friendship. When they entered the county office, they immediately took a few steps forward when they saw her, and asked in a low voice, "Mrs. Shao, this Lord Shao asked us to come over. Did something happen?"

Gu Yundong smiled reassuringly, "It's okay, I just want to tell you guys, let's breathe, and better protect our village and villagers. Don't worry, go ahead."

The other village chiefs listened with their ears pricked up, and they felt a little relieved when they heard the words.

Village Chief Xie and Village Chief Fang knew Gu Yundong's temperament to some extent. She said it was fine, then it should be fine.

Sure enough, after entering the lobby and sitting down, what Shao Qingyuan said was basically something defensive.

(end of this chapter)

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