The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3053: Receiving nobles out of the city

Chapter 3053 Receiving nobles out of the city

Seeing that the knife in front of him was about to look down, the soldier's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly shouted, "I said, I said."

Xie Zhonglin snorted coldly, "I thought your bones were so hard."

Xiaobing gasped, "I'll explain it honestly, but, but you have to promise me a request to spare my family."

He was fearless at first, and he really relied on Gan Shen to be his own. Gan Shen will definitely save himself, and they promised that if he dies, they will treat his family well.

He knew what Gan Shen Jiang said was true, because he had seen the families of other sacrificed people doing well.

But now, General Gan Shen, who promised to save him and take care of his family, has also been arrested. Then he and his family, I am afraid that they will not end well.

Xie Zhonglin thought for a moment, "If the information you provided has made a great contribution, then the merit will naturally be forgiven. When the time comes, I will also intercede with the emperor on your family's side."

Shao Qingyuan glanced at him, he didn't think the intercession emperor would let go of those who helped Bai Zhiyan to rebel.

But these things are beyond his control.

The soldier opened his mouth, but he also had doubts in his heart.

But now it seems that it is not his turn to choose. He can only believe what Xie Zhonglin said. He has stayed in the barracks for so long, and he still trusts Xie Zhonglin's character very much.

The soldier gritted his teeth, raised his head and said, "Although I'm just a soldier, I am the one who communicates with the outside world. I know that it is not necessarily less than General Gan Shen."

Especially the soldiers of the same tier as him, only his side has a list.

Xie Zhonglin gave Xie Huai a wink, and the latter immediately found a pen and paper and wrote down the list in his mouth.

Xie Zhonglin was somewhat relieved while listening and watching.

Fortunately, there are not many people, except for Chengjun doctor and Gan Shen, there are only three left.

Think about it too, this is the southwest camp. If there are really so many spies, then he, the coach, should just go home and farm.

Shao Qing saw that Xie Huai had finished the memory, so he walked up to the soldier with his hands behind his back and asked, "Have you met Qiu Rong a few days ago?"

Xiaobing was stunned and raised his head in astonishment, "How do you know?"

"Qiu Rong also gave you a note for you to do things, right?"


"What was written on the note?"

Xiao Bing only felt that the person in front of him was very strange, but he had an inexplicable feeling that he couldn't hide secrets in front of him.

He fixedly looked at Shao Qingyuan for a while before he said succinctly, "Qiu Rong really asked us to do things, the note said... In two days, an important person will be sent to leave the border and go to Li Guo. There is someone to answer, we just need to be responsible for transporting people out of the city without a sound."

Shao Qingyuan and Xie Zhonglin looked at each other, "An important person? Who is it?"

Xiaobing shook his head, "I don't know, Qiu Rong just said that Gan Shen will recognize him when he sees it."

"Then what's your plan? When will we meet? How will people be transported out of the city? Where are the people Li Guo received? You have explained it to me one by one." Xie Zhonglin narrowed his eyes, thinking that he knew this There is absolutely nothing good about people going to the country.

Xiao Bing swallowed his saliva and said nervously, "I don't know about this, I'm only responsible for passing the news to General Gan Shen, and the rest will be arranged by Gan Shen, I don't need me... "

(end of this chapter)

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