The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 3028: Cen Lan and Zhou Fuzi

Chapter 3028 Cen Lan and Master Zhou

Shao Qingyuan clasped his fingers on the table twice and narrowed his eyes slightly, "She met Cen Lan and Master Zhou."

Cen Lan, Master Zhou? ?

Gu Yundong was surprised, "What did they do?"

"Master Zhou has been more and more slack lately, especially what he did to Li Fulu when you were out for an outing, which spread to Jiao Yu's ears. After discussing with the two teachers, he felt that he would find someone to replace him. Master Zhou is gone. The teacher was soft-hearted and did not dismiss Master Zhou directly, but only politely told him to leave. Because Master Zhou was in a bad mood, he went to Cen Lan for a drink."

"The place they went to was a restaurant on the way to Gu Ji. In the end, Cen Lan was drunk, but Master Zhou was only slightly drunk. When Master Zhou was helping Cen Lan out, he happened to meet Shao Wen going to Gu. Remember to go. Master Zhou knew Shao Wen and knew that he was my right-hand man, so he wanted to take the opportunity to ask him to talk to me. At that time, he rushed to Shao Wen, but he forgot Cen Lan who was supporting him. He fell directly to the ground, and his head was knocked out of blood on the spot."

It was naturally impossible for Shao Wen to leave Cen Lan alone, so he quickly helped him to the nearest medical clinic.

Master Zhou was really not good enough, so he followed him into the medical center, not caring about Cen Lan who had an accident because of him, but kept entangled with Shao Wen, wanting to stay in the county school.

When Shao Wen was entangled, a little beggar ran to the entrance of the county government office, and when he saw Shaowu appear, he rushed forward and said he was looking for Shao Wen.

also eagerly said that the girl Wang Cai from Gu Ji was in a hurry to find him.

When Shao Wen was not there, Shao Wu naturally went to Gu Ji.

But when Shao Wen got away from Cen Lan and Master Zhou, and rushed to Gu Ji, he happened to hear Wang Cai and Shao Wu's voice, and 'learned' that Wang Cai was insulted by Shao Wu and was pregnant thing.

Shaowen and Shaowu fought on the spot, and the fight became more and more intense. In the end, Shaowen pulled out a dagger and stabbed Shaowu directly.

Wang Cai was greatly stimulated after seeing it from the side, suffering from stomach pain and slipped the tire.

Cheng Xiaosong, who was in the shop in front, heard the movement and hurried to Zheng Quanshui and Gao Zi, who were working in the nearby medical clinic.

Because there were two patients, Cheng Xiaosong also called a drug boy who was a little free in the hospital to help.

When the three of them arrived at the shop, Shao Wu was already dying, with bright red blood all over the place.

Shao Wen tried hard to stop the bleeding, Wang Cai was also carried to the bed in the room, but the blood in the inner room kept wafting out from inside, Qian Shi was taking care of her inside.

Zheng Quanshui hurriedly treated Shaowu, while Gao Zi went to the inner room to see Wang Cai.

Wang Cai was 'abortion', and it was not good for her future reputation, so the medicine boy who followed him was pulled by Zheng Quanshui to help.

But Shaowu was seriously injured. Even if Zheng Quanshui tried his best to treat him, and even when Shao Qingyuan heard the news, he rushed over to treat him personally, but in the end he could not save his life.

Shaowu died and was sent back to the county government.

Gu Ji was temporarily closed, everyone came back first, and even Wang Cai was carried back to the county office by a carriage.

Zheng Quanshui and Gao Zi couldn't hide their grief and followed behind. Only the medicine boy, seeing that he couldn't help, comforted the two of them and returned to the hospital first.

As soon as he went back here, it didn't take long for the news about Gu Ji's accident to spread.

(end of this chapter)

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