Chapter 2631 Zeng Family

Gu Yundong once asked them if they planned to go to the prefecture or the capital.

But they all refused. The most important thing is that Father Tong and Mother Tong are both old and have suffered again before.

They wanted to keep guarding the Gu family mansion in Yongfu Village, but they wanted Tong Ping and his wife to wait by Gu Yundong's side.

It's just that this couple can't let go of the two elders, and the second brother is already in the capital thousands of miles away. If they leave again, if something happens to the two elders, there is not even a filial person beside them.

They can also help the master's family here, and Tong Ping also holds an important position in the Gu family workshop. If he leaves, it is really difficult to choose a suitable person to replace him.

Tong's family came to invite An, and Gu Yundong asked Tong Shuitao and Xue Rong to follow him back.

Tong Shuitao's younger brother is already three years old, regardless of his young age, he walks in a hurry.

Listening to Tong Ping, this little girl looks like her sister Tong Shuitao, and she is very strong at a young age. In the village, there were also a group of little dolls playing around, and the children who were a few years older than him were beaten and screamed by him.

I was very excited when I saw a child like myself, and struggled to play with others.

Gu Yundong could only ask Shao Quan to help watch, and let the two little dolls chat.

Not long after, the Zeng family next door also heard the news. They were still busy in the workshop before. When they heard the news that Gu Yundong and Shao Qingyuan were back, they immediately went back and changed their clothes and ran over.

Zeng Hu is now the steward of the Gujia Workshop in Yongfu Village. The husband and wife manage the entire workshop in an orderly manner.

It may also be because they have been in contact with too many people. They have not seen each other for two years. Both of them seem to be more cheerful, and they are no longer nervous and cramped as before.

Mr. Dong looked at Chi Chi not far away, and said with some emotion, "In the blink of an eye, you are even such an old child. This child is good-looking, and his eyes look exactly like yours."

Now that I think about it, when I first saw Gu Yundong, it seemed like it was yesterday.

At that time, Shao Qingyuan was still a wolf cub who was yelled at and yelled at, and there was no caring person beside him. It was not until Yun Dong's family came, that there was some warmth on his face.

They had a family, and thanks to the two of them, they had a good life today.

Gu Yundong smiled and said, "Yeah, time flies so fast. I heard that Zeng Yue has someone come to propose marriage now?"

"Damn, how old is Yueyue in our family? These people just saw that our family is doing well now, and they are just thinking about it. You don't know, there are people around here who change their ways and want to enter the workshop every day. Do things. But there are only so many people in this workshop, and they are already full. Where can they fit in? No, they want to find another way. Not only our children are missed, but the housekeepers are visited every day. , it's lively."

Mr. Dong was also very helpless when he talked about this. Zeng Yue was only twelve years old, and she was still a little girl who didn't know anything. It was too early to talk about marriage.

"I have discussed with your Uncle Zeng, at least we have to wait until Yueyue is fourteen before we can talk about marriage. Next year, our family Zeng Le plans to take the Tongsheng test. If he passes the test, then Yueyue's marriage will be better. ."

"Oh? Zeng Le is planning to take the Tongsheng test?" Zeng Jia, the eldest son of the Zeng family, was very late when he was studying, but Zeng Le was still young when he was enlightened.

(end of this chapter)

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