The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2493: Uncle Gu’s weirdness

Chapter 2493 The weirdness of Uncle Gu


Gu Xiaoxi also runs outside every day, and this run, out of Chang Yaya's worry.

After ?? forbearance for three days, Chang Yaya finally couldn't hold back and ran to find Gu Yundong.

"Yun Dong, think of a way for me. Your uncle is nowhere to be seen early in the morning, and only comes back at night. Sometimes he still smells of alcohol. You know that he put all the money with me and gave it to him before. He can use three taels of silver for a month, but now, he can't use it for a day, and every day he comes back, he asks me to get the silver, in my heart, in my heart..."

Gu Yundong felt a little surprised when he heard this, she really didn't know about these things.

"Auntie, are you worried about my uncle, he has it outside, has... another woman?"

Chang Yaya hurriedly shook her head, "No, that's not true, I still believe him, and he doesn't smell of powder when he comes back, but it smells like sweat..."

Gu Yundong breathed a sigh of relief, "What does Auntie mean?"

"Your uncle often goes out with the brother-in-law of the county prince recently. I remember you told me before that this young master Zheng is a famous scoundrel in the capital. He is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. He knows everything about it. I'm worried, I'm worried that it will continue like this, if nothing else, I'm afraid that your uncle will also get caught in bragging and gamble, and spend money recklessly to save face. If this is the case, what will happen in the future? what."

Especially after people become rich overnight, it is easy to go to the other extreme.

Gu Xiaoxi's income has only increased significantly since the book became popular, which is very suitable for getting rich overnight. It's not easy for this person to learn, but it only takes a moment to learn badly.

Gu Yundong frowned, my uncle and brother-in-law Zheng got so close recently?

"Auntie, have you asked my uncle where he has been these days?"

"I asked, but he wouldn't tell." Chang Yaya also didn't want to quarrel with Gu Xiaoxi, especially in Shao's house, she wanted to save face for Gu Xiaoxi.

But she didn't think she was a very smart person, and she was not familiar with the capital city. She really didn't know what to do, so she had to come to Yun Dong for help.

Gu Yundong knew it in her heart. She comforted Chang Yaya and said, "Auntie, wait for me, I'll ask someone to check where Uncle and the others are now."

"sorry to bother you."

"Is there any trouble, no trouble, he is my uncle, and I am also very worried."

Gu Yundong got up, walked out of the room, and handed the matter over to Father Wan.

Father Wan is now in charge of Gu Ji's external business transfer. He is familiar with some of the doorways in the capital, and it is most suitable for him to investigate this matter.

After ?? explained that he went out, Gu Yundong asked Chang Yaya to rest first.

In the afternoon, Father Wan came back.

Chang Yaya immediately followed nervously.

"How is it? Where is my uncle now?" Gu Yundong asked.

"Gu Sanye and Zheng Gongzi are having dinner at Sun's Restaurant."

Just for dinner? ?

Gu Yundong, "Besides them, is there anyone else?"

"Yes, there is another painter." Wan's father returned, "I also found out that not only did they entertain the painter in the restaurant today, but the day before yesterday they also entertained He Xiucai from Liyu Street in the east of the city, and Zhang Xiucai from the west of the city yesterday. They all ate at the Sun Family Restaurant."

This is very strange, Gu Yundong and Chang Yaya looked at each other.

Chang Yaya asked eagerly, "Then, what are the characteristics of the Sun Family Restaurant? Why do they have dinner there for three days?"

(end of this chapter)

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