The Eldest Sister Has Space

Chapter 2288: Ma Pingchuan wakes up

Chapter 2288 Ma Pingchuan woke up

Ma Pingchuan opened his eyes, what he saw was an unfamiliar environment, the tip of his nose smelled the scent of medicine, and there was a faint cry in his ears.

He knew that he was still in the hospital.

It's good at the medical center.

He raised his hand and moved, the wound on his body has been treated, and even the medicine was smeared on his face. Although there was still some pain, he thought that although his plan had a little more twists and turns, but everything went smoothly, he felt that this pain was nothing.

"Eh? Are you awake?" The doctor from the hospital came in, saw him sitting up, came over to give him a pulse, and said, "It's nothing, do you think you can go by yourself now? If not, let him Send a letter and ask your family to pick you up."

The smile on Ma Pingchuan's face just rose, and he was stunned when he heard this, "Wait, what do you mean by sending a letter to my family to pick me up? What about the person who sent me here earlier?"

"They left early."

"Go, go??" Ma Pingchuan's face was full of disbelief, how could it be possible? How could they have left the seriously injured self here and walked away? "That old man... where's the old man? The old man who was sent with me with a bruised foot also left?"

"Yeah, he was carried back by his family." After the doctor finished speaking, he saw that he had been hacked, and his face was full of astonishment.

Ma Pingchuan still didn't believe it. He was busy getting off the stretcher bed. As soon as his foot touched the ground, a tingling pain came, and the blue veins on his forehead protruded from the pain.

The doctor was taken aback, "Hey, what are you doing? Slow down and be careful to tear the wound open again."

Ma Pingchuan endured the pain, but he didn't care to answer, he stretched out his hand to open the door curtain in the room, raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the lobby of the medical hall.

There are still a lot of people in the lobby, the doctors waiting for the medicine, the doctor and the drug boy, etc., they are very busy going back and forth.

But he glanced around and didn't see the familiar person.

Ma Pingchuan's face became very ugly in an instant, "Impossible, how is this possible?"

Obviously everything was going well, why did he disappear when he just slept?

There must be something wrong, it must be.

Ma Pingchuan thought for a while, and finally reacted abruptly—yes, the old man was also injured. He was already a lot of age, and his physical fitness was not as good as his own. Maybe he fainted while treating his legs. what happened? Then he was taken home by someone else.

It must be like this, Ma Pingchuan doesn't believe that his kind heart will be fed to a dog.

Maybe the old man fainted, his family didn't know the situation, and he was in a coma, so many things didn't have time to clarify.

Thinking of this, Ma Pingchuan felt slightly relieved.

He decided, wait another day, they will definitely come to him tomorrow. If he goes back now, he will miss out with the old man.

Ma Pingchuan exhaled, slowly backed away, sat on the stretcher bed again, and lay down.

The previous doctor looked a little weird at him. This man suffered from trauma, so he shouldn't have hurt his brain, right?

Ma Pingchuan lay down and said to him, "Doctor, it seems that my wound has just opened again. Don't worry about going back, can I stay here for a day?"

Of course they can live, but the patients are not at ease to leave, and they can’t force it.

The doctor nodded, "Yes, yes, but you have to pay for today's consultation and medicine first."

(end of this chapter)

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