The Dungeon Monsters Keep Offering Sacrifices – 153

EP.153 Shifting Dungeon

“Everyone, gather around.”

Celia’s voice echoed through the dungeon. After confirming the changes in the dungeon, she gave orders to the skeleton knight. Rumors about the dungeon were still spreading throughout the kingdom. Soon, adventurers who heard the rumors would come to the dungeon. To prepare for that time, Celia gathered the monsters.

“Ah, tell Riche not to come and to continue planting the plants.”

Everyone was needed except for one vampire who shouldn’t come.


The skeleton knight saluted with his left hand and dashed out. Shortly after, all the monsters, except for those defending the dungeon, gathered in Area 1 of the second floor.

“Hmm. I’ll speak separately with Sir Necros and Sir Death Knight when they arrive.”

Necros had become the master of the satellite dungeon and was independent. Death Knight had been dispatched to work on the construction of the satellite dungeon, so neither was currently in the dungeon. However, it was an important matter, so they were summoned. There were limits to communicating through shadows.

Celia confirmed that everyone had gathered and started the meeting.

“The reason I have called you all here is simple. Adventurers are expected to flock to this place soon, and we need to prepare for that.”

In other words, humans would invade the dungeon. Despite Celia’s words, the monsters remained unfazed. None of them were disturbed or afraid. Their given mission was to protect the dungeon. Guarding the domain of the great one was the highest honor, so they did not fear death. Instead, they were eager to punish the foolish humans who dared to invade the dungeon.

However, Celia’s next words left everyone puzzled.

“But, you must not stop all the adventurers.”


What did she mean? The monsters were visibly confused by the sudden directive. Allowing humans to trespass into their sacred space without stopping them was incomprehensible. Except for the undead, who showed no change in expression, the others looked bewildered.

“Krk, what do you mean by that? Aren’t we supposed to stop intruders?”

Goblin Lord, who led the goblins, unable to understand.

To clarify, Celia briefly explained the current situation. She mentioned that the recent lack of adventurers in the dungeon had resulted in fewer sacrifices to offer to the master. No intruders meant no sacrifices, which could anger the master.

“So, I leaked the location of the dungeon to the humans. Our job is to ensure that humans continue to come to the dungeon.”

The monsters finally nodded in understanding. Offering sacrifices to the master was both a sacred act and a display of loyalty. Not offering sacrifices could lead to misunderstandings and potential wrath from the master, a realization that spread among the monsters.

“Krk! That must never happen!”

The Goblin Lord also grasped the gravity of the situation. With everyone understanding the seriousness, Celia continued with a more relaxed expression.

“So, work hard to fend off the adventurers. But make sure they understand how dangerous and enticing this dungeon is.”

Even though rumors were spreading among humans, it was too early to be complacent. Rumors were like fire. They spread quickly at first but would die down without fuel. Therefore, they needed to keep adding fuel to this rumor.

However, moderation was key in everything. If too many adventurers were allowed to leave alive, what would happen?

If too many adventurers were allowed to leave alive, the rumors would spread even faster. However, humans would underestimate the dungeon’s strength, attracting insignificant pests. Even though sacrifices for the master were needed, Celia couldn’t tolerate unworthy pests setting foot in the dungeon.

“But don’t block them too forcefully.”

If they responded too strongly, the adventurers’ resolve would wane, akin to removing fuel from the fire of rumors. Soon, adventurers’ interest would rapidly decline. There was also the risk of attracting high-level adventurers or drawing the attention of other nations.

Celia desired a balanced approach. They were prepared to fend off any enemy, but her ultimate goal was to offer the entire continent to the master. She aimed for a slow but steady progression. There was no need to create variables by drawing attention too early. She wanted a situation where adventurers continuously challenged the dungeon but couldn’t conquer it, spreading rumors of hope that the dungeon could be defeated.

“So, everyone, think carefully about how to fend off the adventurers.”

Normally, it would be appropriate to discuss this in more detail. However, Celia left it to each individual to think about how to deal with the adventurers. The monsters needed to learn to think and respond independently. At least, that was Celia’s belief.

‘Sir Necros and Sir Death Knight should be fine.’

Death Knight was the mid-boss of Area 1, and Necros managed an entire dungeon, so there wasn’t much concern. More importantly, Celia intended to identify monsters that would stand out from now on.

‘There must be a reason the master created a new dungeon.’

The creation of a new dungeon.

Was this the only dungeon the master had created? Absolutely not. For the future, Celia planned to thoroughly manage the monsters and nurture those who stood out. When a new dungeon was created, another monster would become its master, just like Necros. If their forces were compromised each time, it would mean failing her duties as the general manager.

‘This is also a test.’

Celia nodded slightly with a determined expression. It was her duty to always understand the master’s words and intentions. Therefore, she decided to make some changes to the dungeon’s system.

“Next, we will select a candidate for the guardian of the first floor.”

Of course, Celia didn’t have the authority to appoint a floor guardian. She could only make recommendations to the master. With Necros now the master of a new dungeon, the guardian position for the first floor was vacant. Leaving it vacant was not an option for the future, so she reached this conclusion.

First, she planned to select a candidate for the guardian and then recommend them to the master.

“Goblin Lord, I appoint you as the candidate for the guardian of the first floor.”

Celia’s choice was naturally the Goblin Lord. When she, as the overall manager, was absent from the dungeon, the Goblin Lord had taken on the role of managing the dungeon. Moreover, the reconnaissance team patrolling the forest around the dungeon and the fire brigade established for emergency situations were both composed of goblins.

Since goblins were responsible for most of the first floor, it was fitting for the Goblin Lord to be the guardian. However, this would leave the mid-boss position of Area 2 on the first floor vacant.

“Goblin Lord, please start considering a successor from today.”

The most likely successors were the half-goblins. They were the only 4-star goblins and had an exceptional amount of magical power, being born from humans. The only downside was that the half-goblins were still young. Perhaps it was because they were born from humans.

ssThe growth rate of the half-goblins was noticeably slower than that of regular goblins. However, once they matured, they would be a significant asset to the dungeon.


The Goblin Lord spoke with a solemn expression.

“And as for Area 3….”

Area 3 still had a vacant mid-boss position. Originally, Baalzerith was supposed to take that role, but Celia had not allowed it. It wasn’t out of jealousy. Even the great master had not placed Baalzerith in the mid-boss position. If it had been necessary, the master would have done so long ago. There must have been a reason, so Celia excluded Baalzerith from being the mid-boss of Area 3.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Celia called for Aren.



Aren responded brightly to Celia’s call.

“Aren, you will manage Area 3 from today. In return, you can freely eat the bloodsucking butterflies.”

Technically, Aren wasn’t part of the dungeon, so this was impossible. However, Aren had been a great help to the dungeon for a long time. Also, the bloodsucking butterflies reproduced endlessly, so offering this benefit was feasible. Celia appointed Aren as the honorary mid-boss of Area 3.

“Great! Butterfly friends are tasty friends!”

Aren exclaimed joyfully, pulling out a squirrel friend from her pocket. Elf Nariel frowned at the sight.

“No, Aren. Squirrels are not for eating…!”

Before Nariel could finish her sentence, the squirrel was already in Aren’s mouth. With Aren as the honorary mid-boss of Area 3, all areas now had a semblance of order. Celia continued speaking.

“Next, I plan to establish a new unit.”

Currently, the reconnaissance unit was actively operating. However, their primary mission was to scout the forest and detect threats in advance, making them a defensive unit. With more adventurers expected to come, the reconnaissance unit alone would not suffice. Thus, Celia contemplated creating a new unit with a different nature.

“I will name this unit the Assault Corps.”

Unlike the defensive reconnaissance unit, the Assault Corps would focus solely on offense.

“I appoint Werther as the leader of the Assault Corps.”

Werther was a 4-star monster who had become a Dullahan after being killed by Death Knight. As a being that pursued only strength, he was well-suited to lead the Assault Corps.

“Sword… Demon… Sword…”

Werther’s head, held in his hand, muttered something. Though he didn’t seem in the best condition, he had a clear goal of seeking power.

“Sigh, Werther, you can keep the equipment of the adventurers you defeat. Who knows, you might find a demon sword among them?”

Just like with Aren, Celia offered Werther a benefit. Although it was unlikely that ordinary adventurers would possess a demon sword, Werther was different.

“Demon sword! Mine…!”

As soon as Celia finished speaking, Werther’s head twisted into a grotesque smile and he headed out of the dungeon.

“Demon sword! Mine!”

Seeing Werther’s crazed expression, Celia felt assured about the Assault Corps.

“We will need to reinforce the Assault Corps soon.”

The Assault Corps would be composed of skeletons and zombies. Undead monsters, who would charge into enemy lines without hesitation, were the perfect soldiers for the Assault Corps.


Having conveyed all the major points, Celia clapped her hands lightly. It was time for everyone to return to their respective duties.

“This concludes today’s meeting. Remember what I said and think carefully about how to handle the adventurers.”

With a smile, Celia watched as everyone began to return to their areas.

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