Chapter 89 - Dejavu

I'm not a smart person, neither I was wise. My instincts weren't keen as well. But ever since Sam came into my life, I knew something changed deep within.

When we set off to the Capital, I get to learn new things every moment. From Grimsbanne, to Whistlebird, and now, here in Cunningham.

No matter how little they were, this knowledge had changed my perspective on certain things. What more? The major information passed on to me. Until now, I couldn't confidently say they were gifts or a curse to know too much.

After my brief stroll with Lord Cameron, Fabian came to me to tell me to eat. Sam wasn't there; Fabian told me he just had to do something important.

Even after our late supper, even Sam's shadow was not seen. I wonder if what's so important that until now that I finished bathing and ready for bed, he still hadn't come.

A sigh slipped past my lips as I gazed outside the window. The guest chambers they accommodated me in were almost at the top of the castle. That's exaggeration, obviously.

But from this height, I looked up and smiled. I felt closer to the moon. This moon that only appeared at night never failed to comfort me.

"The king…" I whispered and sighed. "I wonder what he is actually like?"

From what I had heard so far, my impression of him was not very pleasant. However, if I parse their words, he seemed he's the least hypocrite among everyone.

I know. I might get hate and odd glares from thinking like this. However, back in Whistlebird, I realized people often decide for others.

Although the reason was acceptable, part of me felt… sad.

Noah Remington had to hurt his friend just because he wanted Teddy alive. Even though humiliating Teddy and his wife was cruel, he did that to keep the two of them alive.

But did Lord Noah ask Teddy for consent? That betrayed and hatred look in Teddy's eyes told me he knew nothing. I wondered if Lord Noah asked Teddy, would the latter agree to the former's methods?

Sam did the same, and it disappointed me. When he erased a part of my memory that I'm still bothered deep down until now, my disappointment was genuine.

Now, here in Cunningham, things just got more odd. A pure-blooded clan who devoted their lives to someone they didn't know. They now see me as some kind of God, but I'm only human.

I wouldn't save their lives even if they pray for my name. I'm just not cut out for that. I knew my limits and my capabilities.

But what's more disappointing was that they were devoting their lives to someone for reasons unknown. The King abandoned them? But they're still living in silence?

I would believe them if Cunningham was just like Whistlebird. I don't believe there's a neutral side in this kingdom.

You either oppose the king or let him be. The Crawford didn't oppose the king, but their actions didn't seem they're letting him be as well.

They twist their words just to make them feel good. If that wasn't hypocrisy, I didn't know what was.

Well, who am I to judge? I'm also a hypocrite. That's why I said the king might be the least hypocrite among everyone.

The king seemed to be the person who knew what he wanted. From what I heard so far, he seemed very much alike Sam… and not at the same time.

He knew what he wanted and very clear about that. They didn't conceal their intentions regardless if they would look villain.

Perhaps it was because they're siblings? Why am I thinking of the King I haven't met yet?

Was it because I would meet him in a few days? I'm… uncertain of the answer.

"I wonder what was Sam doing? I'm having so much strange thoughts without him around." I murmured and let out a sigh.

Just as my sigh escaped my lips, I jolted back upon the sudden swoosh of air from the window. My eyes went wide, blinking in shock as my shaking vision settled on the figure on the window.

Sa — Sam?

I gasped, staring at Sam kneeling on his one knee on the windowsill. His other palm on the jamb. His hair a bit disheveled as if he just came out of a tornado.

Did he jump from below?

"Goodness. What a persistent bunch of people." Sam panted as he clicked his tongue. He then peeked outside the window before he immediately hopped inside to hide.

Didn't he notice me? My eyes blinked countless of times as I watched Sam peeked outside with his hands on the windowsill.

Was he being chased? Did he jump here not because he knew I was here, but because it was opened?

"Uh…" I couldn't articulate my words at the moment.

When Sam heaved of what it looked like a sigh of relief, he spoke as he slowly turned around.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I was being chased. I didn't mean to…" Sam trailed off upon meeting my gaze.


This… it appeared so romantic as a first meeting in a fiction story. However, what if Sam snuck in another woman's bedchambers?

Obviously, I wouldn't be pleased. Am I over thinking things to make myself jealous? I'm having strange scene playing in my head I felt like crying.

Goodness… am I going crazy from all this excessive thinking? My brain was never meant for thinking, after all.

Now I missed the days I didn't need to think. I strangely missed the days I could only think of labor work.

"Oh my, Lilove." Sam smiled as he trudged towards me with open arms. "I think we're really meant to be. Of all windows, I ended up landing in your room! Is this what they call fate?"

Before Sam could embrace me, I raised my palm and placed it on his chest to stop him. With a raised brow, I said.

"You stink, my lord."

Oh… how did I feel like this had happened before?

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