Chapter 85 - Samahell

Uh… my head was spinning. This rocky path we're taking and how I bounced along with every major and minor bump just made it worse.

I felt very dizzy. I blinked, glancing at Sam, who was leisurely sightseeing with my finger in between his lips.

I told him to sip well. However, he'd been sipping from my finger for almost the entire day. He'd take a break every so often and then continue.

It was still surprising I'm still alive. But I'm finally feeling I'm being drained.

Oh, my head. My vision shook a little, and my thoughts had a constant pause.

Goodness… I'm going to faint. No, I can't… I shouldn't…


"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop." I heard Sam's faint, worried voice caressed my ears.

My eyelids felt heavy as I tried to open them. His warm hands stroke my head. Oh, how they're so soothing.

"Please wake up, love." Sam whispered. His voice was low and regretful.

Why did he sound so sad? I'm alright. I could hear him. I'm not dead. Don't make it sound like I'm dead.

"My lord," Fabian's voice came in. "Are we going to make a stop in Cunningham?"

Cunningham? Did Fabian mention Cunningham? Didn't they mention we'd make a detour because Sam wanted to avoid that city?

"I don't plan to, but Lilou needs to rest." Sam replied in the same low tone. "I should've known better."

Listening to them felt like I was eavesdropping on a private conversation. However, I couldn't open my eyes and it's frustrating.

"My lord…"

"Let's be discreet about our entry in Cunningham. I don't want to meet any from the Crawford Clan." Sam ordered sternly.

I didn't know what feeling was this. But, based on Sam's tone, he didn't like the Crawford — whoever they were. Were they his enemies?

Am I going to burden Sam about this slumber? Even with all that heavy breakfast I ate, it didn't help. I still fainted.

I should've eaten more... Why am I thinking about food at moments like this?

"But their knights securely guarded the entrance of Cunningham. We'd surely had to state our identities. They must've heard about you, my lord."

"F*ck…" To my surprised, Sam let out a low curse as if he was gritting his teeth.

Was Cunningham that dangerous? Sam would go on a long detour just to avoid this place.

I needed to wake up. I should. Wake up, Lilou. Wake up!

Just as I was screaming internally so I could wake up, I felt like I was going deeper into my sleep. Deeper and deeper, trying to reach out for help, but I couldn't.

"You can't… just yet." Suddenly, a woman's voice suddenly rang in my head.

Her voice sounded soothing, like a lullaby putting me back to sleep. She hummed in my head, and my consciousness started fading into the darkness.

I felt like a newborn being cradled to sleep. What a pleasant voice. It was as if humming was meant for her voice.

Soothing… I could fall asleep peacefully like this. What a nice voi…

"No!" I gasped as I suddenly forced my eyes to open. My heart raced restlessly, as if I got saved from the brink of death.

I was just sleeping, but I felt that if I fell asleep, I wouldn't wake up again. The thought and feeling it enveloped my heart felt traumatizing.

I panted for air as I unknowingly patted my chest. Goodness, what was that?

"Lilou." Suddenly, my gaze caught the pair of deep crimson eyes hovering over me.

Sam's eyes softened as he heaved a sigh of relief. I've never seen him this worried. No wonder he sounded so sad… he looked regretful.

"Sam," I breathed, and forced a subtle smile onto my lips.

I was sleeping on his lap. Hence, I tried to sit up upon noticing the dark surroundings around the carriage.

However, Sam placed his forefinger on my forehead and pressed it down. "Rest. Don't force yourself."

"But, Cunningham…" I argued, rubbing my throat as it felt parched.

"Cunningham?" Sam slightly furrowed his brows. "How did you know we're near that place?"

Uhh… I swallowed down my saliva to salivate my throat, but my mouth also dried up. I felt like I just lost all my moisture.

"Because…" I cleared my throat. "I heard you."

Sam frowned and let out a sigh. "Here's your water."

But he didn't explain his dissatisfaction as he assisted me up and handed me the waterskin for me to drink. When water touched my lips, relief enveloped my heart.

"Careful." Sam beckoned, seeing me chug down the entire water as if it was my first time drinking for a long time.

When I felt full and satisfied, I smacked my lips as if all my vitality had returned all at once. Since when did I feel this satisfied drinking water?

Immediately, I turned to Sam and smiled. "Let's make a detour!"

I proposed, but Sam's face was deadpan. He slowly leaned back and let out a sigh.

"It's too late. I knew it. It's strange for you to faint when I'm just licking your finger." Sam clicked his tongue annoyingly. "Those bastards…"

"Huh?" I blinked, confused.

"I barely sipped blood from you, love. I only licked the blood that's dripping from your finger." Sam cast me a side eye as he gradually returned to his old self.

What's this sudden coldness? Instinctively, I tugged his sleeve.

"Are you mad at me?" I blurted out, which I immediately realized.

"Huh?" Sam raised his brow and gazed down at my fingers clipping his sleeve. "Heh. No."

He chuckled shortly and shook his head. But I could see he wasn't entirely happy, too. Couldn't we turn back? I'm fine now.

"No. We can't." Sam answered, pointing at his temple. "I can hear you again."

"Oh…" I pursed my lips into a thin line as the carriage halted. "Are we in trouble?"

Hesitant, but that's what I've been wanting to ask. The answer was obvious, but I still asked just to confirm.

"Are we stepping into an enemy's territory?"

"It's worse than that." Sam uttered solemnly. My heart instantly skipped a beat out of nervousness.

What's worse than stepping into an enemies' territory? Just then, I heard a knock from the closed window.

"Your Grace," Fabian called out. "They've given us entry to Cunningham."

"You want to know what's worse than stepping into an enemy's territory?" Sam raised his brow. Without thinking twice, I nodded my head profusely.

Just a moment ago, I felt like dying. But now, I'm back to normal. Strange.

The carriage started moving again, as Sam's eyes never left me. "See for yourself."

Suddenly, Sam slid the window opened. I perked up and peeked at what's outside. My eyes instantly went wide, seeing tons and tons of people cheering as if there's a parade going on.

"What…? Are they that happy to see an enemy?" I mumbled in disbelief.

"Cunningham is the land of the self-proclaimed worshipers of Hell. It a land of cults." Sam informed as he let out another weary sigh.

"Cults…?" I repeated under my breath. "Worshiper of Hell?"

"Welcome to Cunningham, Your Grace!" The people outside cheered, waving in delight.

"Are they welcoming you?" I cast Sam a look and saw him let out a sigh once again.

I've never seen Sam sigh so much in a row. What's going on?

"Mhm. I told you they're cults. My loyal worshipers."


Taking notice of my bafflement, Sam massaged his temple.

"Worshipers of Hell. Me. Sa. Ma. Hell."

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