The Duke's Passion

Chapter 729 Give me biscuits

729 Give me biscuits

Since the establishment of the Kingdom of Karo, there was not in the records that someone successfully intruded on the royal palace. Assassinations in most kingdoms weren't new, but in Karo, assassins would die even before they could step out of their sanctuary. The reason everyone's jaw dropped as soon as their eyes landed on the figure standing by the door of the royal court. No one felt her presence until the doors creaked loudly and her shadow stretched to several feet from Heliot's feet. Heliot narrowed his eyes, staring at the familiar petite and small frame of the girl.

"What..." someone breathed out in disbelief. "... who let this woman --!"

The minister, who was just recovering from the shock, was rendered silent as soon as his senses tingled. Not just him, but everyone held their breath, with pupils dilated. Yet, as some knights on standby took a step to drag her away, she took a step at the same time, and everyone just stopped moving. The aura she exuded stilled them on their spot, forcing them to lower their heads. They could feel their hearts pound against their chest, sweating buckets. The only person who maintained his composure was none other than Heliot, keeping his chin up unlike the noble vampires, who could barely keep their knees from falling. Heliot had already felt Tilly's aura in that mansion where the La Crox was settling right now. If he was a little weak, Heliot would share the same reaction just like everyone else at first sight. Now that he thought about it, those people... Samael, Stefan, Fabian, Rufus, Lilou, and even Samael's child didn't seem to feel how intimidating the natural air surrounding this strange woman was. In his mind, it was either Tilly was concealing her aura or they just couldn't feel her. He was certain it was definitely not the former since Tilly carried the same air during their meeting. But he also doubted the latter; they were all vampires and they should at least feel something. Perhaps... it was because they were already used to the suffocating air she carried?

"Cough! Cough!" Heliot glanced at the minister Tilly passed by, watching the minister scratch his neck as if he was being strangled. The minister slowly wobbled to his knees, gasping for air. "Take him out here," he ordered tonelessly, shifting his eyes back to Tilly, who stopped several feet from his vantage point. Heliot couldn't pull an aura on Tilly to fight for dominance because that was akin to suffocating everyone as well. "This meeting had already met a conclusion, therefore, you are all dismissed," he added, keeping his eyes on Tilly. "Now, what is the purpose of this intrusion, my lady?"

The ministers who heard Heliot's order helped each other to rush out of the royal court. In this royal palace, Heliot was known as the strongest vampire — stronger than his father, the King. With the appearance of another powerful pureblood, the noble vampires could barely leave them alone unless they all wanted to suffocate to death. However, as everyone rushed outside to leave Heliot to deal with her, they halted and looked back as soon as her tiny voice echoed in the royal court. "Give me biscuits." Tilly opened her palm at Heliot, blinking innocently. "Claude said I should ask His Majesty for some and he was certain you are keeping a few."


The ministers, who were supposed to have fled the scene, looked at her back in disbelief. Her aura was still the same, but her voice and what she had uttered contradicted that domineering air she naturally exuded. Meanwhile, Heliot's brows furrowed, narrowing his eyes. "Biscuits?" he asked, and she nodded almost immediately. "You snuck inside the royal palace, intruded on the royal court, and interrupted our meeting because of biscuits?"

Tilly blinked twice and looked around, only to realize there were other people. "Oh." She looked back at Heliot. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry...?" Heliot let out a dry laugh, glancing at everyone around. He then waved at them weakly. "Leave."

"Uh, yes, Your Royal Highness!" With that being said, the ministers rushed outside lest the two fight. It was strange for them to leave someone as important as Heliot all alone with the enemy, but that had been Karo's way. Heliot's orders were absolute; if he ordered them to leave him, they would leave him no matter how dangerous the situation was.

When everyone left the royal court, leaving the door wide open, Heliot set his attention back to Tilly. A shallow breath slipped past his lips.

"I supposed you misunderstood the person who gave you this idea," Heliot broke the silence between them. "It seemed he was talking about His Majesty Stefan La Crox."

"Ah..." Tilly blinked twice and nodded in understanding. "That made sense."

Seeing her lack of reaction, but at the same time, obvious realization, another shallow breath slipped past Heliot's lips. He studied Tilly as the woman looked back at him with clear crimson eyes. "Very well. I will ask Stefan." Tilly immediately turned on her heel without going through any proper greetings whatsoever. She didn't speak another word as she sauntered off soundlessly.

Watching her retreating figure, Heliot cocked his head to the side. This woman was definitely strong, he thought, but he couldn't help but wonder if she was dense. "You've already traveled here," he spoke, stopping her steps. "Follow me. I'll ask a servant to serve you some."

Tilly turned on her heel immediately and took hurried steps in his direction. This time, she only stopped when she was a step away from him. Her expression remained unchanging, but her eyes were gleaming eagerly. Heliot arched a brow. "You really came for biscuits?" he asked one more time and Tilly just nodded profusely. "What a strange and shallow reason to intrude a royal palace," he mumbled before turning on his heel, walking at his own pace to the other exit in the royal court. As they sauntered off, he glanced over his shoulder to see her following closely behind him.


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