The Duke's Passion

Chapter 688 Love at first sight

Chapter 688 Love at first sight

"You let Law have a stroll in a place full of enemies? Do you have a death wish?"

"Lilou... what did you just say?"

Lilou furrowed her brows as she paused, looking back at Samael, who wore genuine confusion in his eyes. What did she just say? Lilou reviewed the words that slipped past her lips moments ago and her face crumpled with bafflement as well.

"Who's Law?" she asked as she lifted her eyes back to him and then forced a smile as she felt confused. For a moment, the surge of irritation she felt toward this man to the point she wanted to smack him in the head disappeared. Lilou couldn't understand the source, and neither did she ever feel that sort of anger.

It wasn't a wave of anger she could kill, but more like..., it was disappointing.

"My son..." came out a deep exhale as his eyes glistened with hope, crawling with his hand until their distance lessened. "Our son, Lilou. Our firstborn."

Looking at him up close, her breath hitched for a reason she couldn't understand. Their son? Right... they were married, but they were married in the future, right? For Samael, this was a part of his past. But for her, this was her present. There were myriads of questions that rose in her head at the existence of their son — a fruit of their supposed 'love.'

Lilou bit her lips, but before she could speak, a voice of a boy caressed her ears.


Samael surveyed her expression and sighed quietly. He turned his head and his eyes instantly landed on Law. Standing behind his son was Rufus.

His lips opened and closed, not knowing what to say to his son or to Lilou, since she hadn't agreed to anything yet. Law was already staring at Lilou while his wife had her eyes lowered, frozen on her spot.

"Uhm, Law..." Samael cleared his throat as he drew his head back, forcing a smile on his face. "Right. Lilou, that is... our son."

Lilou didn't realize she was clutching her skirt out of fear. She didn't know where this fear was coming from, but this fear... was something that caused all the fibers in her body to tense up. When she mustered enough courage to raise her head, she caught the conflict filling Samael's deep crimson eyes.

She bit her lip on instinct, moving her eyes to the two figures standing several feet from her vantage point. Her eyes first fell on Rufus, and then on the boy with silver hair just like his father, and those pair of emeralds just like hers. The little boy resembled his father as if he was his younger version, but in her eyes, he looked like her.

No, he didn't look exactly like her. But in her heart, there was this strong sense of make-believe he took after her.

"Mother..." Law called in a voice barely above a whisper as he locked eyes with her, but she heard him loud and clear. Despite the distance and volume of his voice, Lilou heard him as if there was no way she wouldn't hear him, even if he was from the end of the world.

Mother... that word no one ever called her somehow felt familiar.

A tear rolled down her cheek without her realizing it, staring at that boy who brought this inexplicable pain and happiness into her heart. It was as if... this feeling... was akin to something so strong she just couldn't ignore it. It was the same with Samael, but Lilou could stop herself from diving into something she couldn't understand.

But to this boy, this familiarity, and this unexplainable love that resurfaced in her heart at first sight as if she could trade this world for this boy, was something she couldn't dismiss. She loved him at first sight and accepted him with her whole heart. There was no explanation needed or valid arguments to speak.

This boy was her son, her own blood and flesh, her heart.

"Law," she whispered and smiled in relief, picking herself up as she rushed to him. Seeing her action, Law's heart warmed up as he also took steps until he was running into his mother's embrace.

Law was a smart and wise little boy. Even though his father didn't detail to him the situation of his mother, he was aware there was a higher chance she wouldn't recognize him, much more accept him. This brought fear and anxiety to the little boy's heart; the reason he asked Rufus to take him for a stroll was to prepare his heart for his mother's rejection.

Lilou rejected his father last night, and Law was there in the dark corner to witness it. Samael was devastated, so Law could only prepare himself.

Who would have thought his mother would still remember him?

"Mother!" he yelled, jumping into Lilou's embrace as she squatted down and wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Mother!"

"You…" she tightened her embrace while his little arms were wrapped around her neck. Her heart was thudding louder against her chest, but she was more concerned at the beat of this little boy's heart. Lilou's eyes stung as she rubbed his little back, patting it lightly.

She never felt this sense of comfort and relief, embracing someone she just met. Was love even possible at first sight? Lilou never thought that was possible until she laid her eyes on this little boy. It felt like she had loved him even before she met him, and her love for him would simply grow deeper.

"I'm sorry," she blurted out under her breath, as she felt like she had tons of things she should apologize for.

As Lilou and Law embraced each other, Samael breathed out deeply as his eyes softened. He was already standing, smiling subtly. He glanced at Rufus, who was watching his wife and son with furrowed brows.

'There's a possibility…' Samael peeled his eyes away from Rufus and gazed at his wife and son. His eyes blazed with hope and determination. 'That her memories aren't completely wiped out.'

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