The Duke's Passion

Chapter 678 [Bonus chapter]Just about time

Chapter 678 [Bonus chapter]Just about time

Stefan had taught Lilou how to read and write, but also made her read books for her to learn about etiquette and the sort. Still, never once since she came with Stefan, did she ever dress up luxuriously — at least, not this luxurious as to wear a grand dress adorned with sequence and pieces of jewelry that illuminated the sparkle of the chandeliers hanging up in the banquet hall.

It was more of a little upgrade as she didn't have to wear ragged clothes and she could bathe because Stefan was a "little" concerned about her hygiene. But after he received that letter — an invitation — three days ago, things had spiraled to a 'concerning' turn, as the two of them had been busy preparing.

Well, mostly, she was busy staring at the dress that arrived Stefan procured without her knowing, while the latter was preoccupied with something else. Stefan often stayed in the study and barely made time for her until the last day before tonight.

Lilou looked around, staring at the lavished dresses and suits, through the mask concealing half of her upper face. It was a masquerade party hosted by the royal Von Stein family. Thus, they got in easily just by showing the invitation by the knights outside the vestibule.

"Nervous?" she flinched when Stefan leaned to her side, making her shift her eyes at the twinkling luxury filling the banquet hall to the man walking beside her. "Seems so."

"I feel a little… out of place," she admitted under her breath, laughing awkwardly as a failed attempt to shrug off her nervousness. "If not for this mask, I would've fainted."

Stefan chuckled and put her hand around his arm. "You'll be fine."

"I wish!" she raised her brows. "But I'm certain things like this are something I will never like."

He laughed because even ten years later, Lilou disliked banquets and tea parties as well. She was a woman who grew up in the street and even if her life would change significantly, she was more inclined to other things but banquets.

"I'm here." He tapped the back of her hand that was clinging to his arm. "You don't have to mingle with everyone since we came here for another reason."

"Right…" she sighed, glancing at the hand that was patting her hand. Somehow, his gentle hand calmed her slightly, before she noticed they were walking through the crowd on the side. "So, where are we going?"

Just before he could answer, someone in his formal suit approached them. He walked beside Stefan, keeping his voice low only for Stefan to hear.

Lilou saw the latter nod before she heard him say, "lead the way." He then turned his head to her, leaning toward her.

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"To meet the prince," he answered her query, making her nod.

The two of them didn't particularly stand out, since everyone was wearing masks and lavish dresses to suit the occasion. She held onto his arm, eyes at the person's back, who was leading the way. Unlike the brightly lit banquet hall where they came from, the hallway leading to the chancery was rather dark and gloomy; there weren't also people they bumped into.

Their light footsteps echoed as Lilou was nearly tiptoeing to match these two trained men — Stefan and the one ahead of them — feather-like footsteps. She even heard her own swallow before the person leading the way stopped in front of the door.

"He's waiting for the two of you inside." The masked person motioned his hand towards the shut doors. He tilted his head down when Stefan nodded.

Without any more words uttered, Stefan walked towards the door and unhooked her hand around his arm. He shot her a look briefly, seeing her raise her brows before he smiled meekly.

"Let's head in," he announced, opening the door before standing on the side. "After you."

"Such a gentleman…" she mumbled, as it was unlike his usual character, but she didn't dwell on it as she entered the lodging room. Lilou stooped midway, her eyes falling onto the towering figure standing in front of the window. His back facing her.

She kept her eyes on his figure, watching the man turn around and faced her. At this point, Stefan already walked past her and approached the set of settees to the side. Just as he was a few steps away from the long settee, Stefan looked back at her, only to see Lilou staring at Heliot. He glanced at Heliot's figure on instinct and saw him looking back at her.

"What?" he broke the silence, causing Lilou to snap her eyes. "Haven't you settled your arguments the previous time?"

"No." Lilou shook her head and marched in his direction.

"Apologies." Heliot also expressed, trudging forward to join them. When he perched on the host seat while Lilou and Stefan sat down on the long couch, he rested his leg over the other and set his eyes back on Lilou once again.

"I was simply a little taken aback as your partner for tonight is… quite stunning."

"Lilou had always been…" Stefan furrowed his brows, turning his head to where she was perching on, only to see her hang her head low. He knew Heliot, so he was aware he was the person who would express his thoughts honestly; regardless if they would be misunderstood. But also, Stefan knew Lilou and her body language caused him to narrow his eyes slightly.

"It seems she's a little uncomfortable with the compliment, but it is well appreciated." He sported a smile at Heliot.

"Apologies if my honest thoughts brought her discomfort."

"It's alright." Stefan waved. "So, where are they?"

"By 'they', you mean…"

"My brother and his entourage." Stefan didn't beat around the bush, knowing it was better to delve into the matter instead of idle talk about Lilou's appearance. "You said in your letter that they've entered the Karo Kingdom."

There was a moment of silence that fell into the room. The longer Heliot remained silent while tapping his fingers against the armrest, the more Stefan furrowed his brows. Lilou, on the other hand, kept her head hung low, staring at her fist on her lap.

"I did say they entered — intruded the Karo Kingdom." Heliot broke the silence but his tone was laced with danger. "Although we kept a neutral relationship with the La Crox, His Grace had led a horde of enemies in our land, Your Majesty."

His eyes glinted dangerously, not concealing his slight displeasure at the trouble Samael had brought with him. "I respect you as the king of your own nation. However, I don't think I can have a friendly relation with His Grace and his explosive and devious logic." He paused, keeping his pair of solemn eyes at Stefan.

"We'll arrest him and if you opposed it, then our deal together will be null. I hope you understand, Your Majesty."

Lilou slowly raised her head, keeping her mouth shut. She darted her eyes between Stefan and Heliot, assuming this was a situation that Stefan wouldn't like to be in. Much to her dismay, Stefan nodded.

"It's alright. Seize them if that is what you think to protect your land. I have no power over Karo, but I appreciate you for informing me." She scrunched her nose up, wondering if Stefan sold his brother out just like that. "I'm glad that our deal will proceed."

Heliot nodded in satisfaction. "I, as well —" he looked up at the door when someone suddenly knocked and entered. It was the person who guided Stefan and Lilou, stopping beside Heliot's chair and whispering to him.

Lilou tilted her head, seeing that Heliot's dashing face sported a dark expression. "Just about time," he muttered which somehow sent a shiver down her spine.

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