Chapter 618 Owl Guild

"Aish...! Why do you keep on following me?!" Penny clicked her tongue, annoyed at Claude, who was following her like a tail. Although he kept a good distance, he was like a puppy following his new master. "I told you I don't have anywhere to go. I can pay you just to keep me safe." Claude frowned, watching her gaze at him in disdain. "Please. I can adjust. I just need a home."

"Hah...!" Penny scrunched her nose up. She had already sized up this man, and he wasn't the type of person who should be tangled in this type of world. Although she didn't know what sort of story this young man had, this path she was taking was dangerous. If Penny only knew... how great of an actor, this man was in front of her.

"God... I hate myself." She pinched the space in her brows. "Why am I so weak in these kinds of people? No. How can I not say no to handsome men?" she grumbled, hissing, before letting out a deep exhale. "Fine." His face instantly brightened while she sighed for the umpteenth time. Penny pointed at him, eyes solemn.

"But in one condition. Don't expect me to save you every time you get in trouble. I'm no hero." "You can count on me!" "Ah, God..." Penny looked at him with a poker face before she shook her head. She smacked her lips, turning around as she continued to enter the narrow alley. This time, Claude hurried and followed closely. "Why are you going to this place?" he asked, looking around at the dark narrow alley he had never gone into before. "Going home." His brows furrowed, gazing to her side. "Stop asking before I totally lose it."

His mouth opened and closed, but decided to keep his thoughts to himself. So, Claude simply looked around, memorizing the route they were taking until they reached a back door. Penny knocked on the door lazily. "It's me." The door took several seconds before it opened from the inside. Claude raised a brow, seeing an eye peeking through the small gap. As soon as the person's eye landed on Penny, it dilated before the door abruptly opened.

"Leader!" Claude's eyes popped open, seeing a buffed man with a thick beard and long hair welcome Penny back. But his expression instantly changed to confusion as soon as his eyes landed on the young man standing next to Penny.

The man's eyes dilated as he gasped. "Leader, did you abduct yet another handsome young man?!" "What?" Claude's face distorted, gazing at Penny in dismay.

"Hey, don't slander me, alright!" Penny winced, glaring at the man holding the door. "Let us in first. God! All people just see my actions as bad!"

"Ah, right..." the man snapped, nodding while opening the door wide. As Penny went in, he leaned to her side and whispered as if gossiping. "But, leader, didn't you say you like handsome men? This man is a good catch."

"Shh!" Claude, who was following them from behind and listening to them, bit his tongue. He was certain Penny didn't lure her because he followed her with an ulterior motive. However, why did he feel a bit cheated? 'Just when will these surprises stop?' he wondered, mentally shaking his head as this was unfolding in a predictable way. But just as he thought that this was the end of the surprise, he was wrong. The next moment, after walking through a cramped and short hallway, what welcomed him was a large pub. Claude froze on the spot, eyes scanning the pub or lobby that looked like a pub. The space was crowded; men and women alike were having a drink, sharing loud laughter; some were bickering to the point it looked like they would fight, while the rest fanned the flames. 'What the...?'

"Everyone! The leader is back!" he turned his head to the buffed man who opened the door for them. The latter clapped and the noises in the air slowly subsided.

"Leader!! Welcome back!" "Hello, Leader!"

"Leader, you're even more beautiful today than the last time I saw you!" Greetings and compliments replaced the arguments and senseless jokes. That second, Claude instantly noticed the respect and admiration of everyone in here for Penny. Some even stood from their seat, approaching Penny.

"Leader~ I missed you!" To Clade's surprise, a girl leaped towards Penny and hugged her thigh.

"Haha! Betty, I missed you too!" Penny squatted down with a large grin on her face, picking up the adorable Betty. When she straightened her back with Betty in her arms, Penny faced a woman. "Leader, you got us all worried," said the woman with a relieved smile. "Karen, you should make up a better lie than that. How can you say you're worried about me when everyone seems they were having fun without me?" Penny chuckled, teasing Karen, her subordinate.

"Leader, we just know you're capable, but we are all worried deep down." A lean young man chimed in, standing beside the buffed man who welcomed them. He gazed at the man and cast him a knowing look. "Peter and I even planned to look for you if you don't return tonight."

"Tch. Don't drag my kind Peter here, Gai." Penny shook her head, but the smile on her face was genuine. As they conversed, more people approached Penny to welcome her back. Meanwhile, Claude blinked countless times, trying to get a grasp of what was going on. What was this place? How did this group of people didn't reach the earl's ears? And why do they all call Penny their leader?

Myriads of questions hovered over his head on top of the initial questions he had previously. But just then, he snapped his eyes when Penny spoke.

"Ah, right!" Penny cleared her throat as she cast Claude a knowing look. "This is Third, someone I picked up somewhere. You know I have a kind heart, so I can't turn a blind eye to a pitiful and lost soul."

"Leader! How can you say that with a straight face?! You picked him up because he is handsome, did you?!" "It's not that I am doubting your kind heart, but you're not a saint, leader! How can you lure an innocent young man to warm your bed?!"

"Leader, I'm so disappointed in you!" Penny's under eyes twitched, hearing these blatant slanders from everyone. The vein in her temple protruded before she finally lost it and yelled.

"Damn it! I am innocent here, alright?! He is the one who kept following me!" she panted, silencing everyone with her glare. "Anyway, he is now part of this family. Be kind to him. He said he needs a home!"

Slowly, Penny shifted her eyes to the shocked Claude. The latter watched as everyone set their eyes on him, giving him undivided attention. Before he could speak, everyone already sported a large, welcoming grin. "Welcome to the Owl's Guild, Brother!"

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