The Duke's Passion

Chapter 640 - The Faint Scent Of Danger

Florence wasn't even surprised that Rufus came to her that day to talk about official matters between the Karo Kingdom and the empire. Their discussion didn't last that long.

It had been three months since then.

It was amusing how the days went by in a blur for her. For four months, Florence could count the times she had seen her husband. If not for the fact that they have to eat dinner together at least once a week, they wouldn't see each other at all.

There was a benefit for not meeting Rufus that much, though.

Florence got used to their setup and was able to focus on her duties as the empress. Although she still tried to have a good relationship with her husband, it felt like pounding against a thick concrete wall with bare first.

"Your Majesty, I am surprised that you participated in the hunt." She turned to Silvia, who was fixing her sleeve. With her ebony hair tied up, revealing her slender neck, and giving a refreshing sight of her stunning face, Silvia was even more stunning in her hunting suit.

"Well, it is better to encourage the women in the high society to take part in such activities." Florence smile. "You look even more beautiful, Lady Silvia. Ladies and men alike can't take their eyes off of you."

"Your Majesty, they were simply adoring you in your hunting suit."

Both of them exchanged flatteries, showing how they had grown close for the past months. It was not that Silvia looked better or Florence looked better than her. If anything, both women were gorgeous in their own way.

With Silvia, looking like a war goddess; strong, stunning, and capable. Her beauty could rile up anyone's emotion. Florence, on the other hand, was akin to a moon: beautiful yet flawed. Just looking at her brought this soothing sensation to one's heart.

"This humble subject greets the only moon of the empire."

Silvia and Florence turned their head to the side, eyes landing on Heliot, who arrived a day ago in the empire for official matters. He placed his palm across his chest, bowing at his little sister, who was now the empress.

"Good to see you, Your Highness." Florence sported a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Meanwhile, Silvia still curtsied to Heliot.

"Greetings, Your Highness."

Heliot smiled subtly, darting his eyes between Florence and Silvia. He didn't say anything, which only made the air around them awkward. Well, not that Heliot knew what awkward was. He simply approached them for formality.

"I am glad that you took part in the hunt, Your Highness. Will you indulge with me once the hunt starts?" Florence broke the brief silence, keeping her smile as she had been meaning to have a talk with him.

"It is my honor."

Just then, voices from the crowd at the outdoor banquet, where ladies who didn't participate, volume up. The three obviously shifted their attention to the source and instantly understood the peaceful commotion.

The emperor had arrived with Dominique.

They were already in their hunting suits, talking to a few nobles who approached them. Horses were being guided to a place, some were already coming out from their tents. The noble ladies handed out handkerchiefs or handmaid trinkets to their chosen knights.

The usual sight one would see during a hunt. The ladies would gift their chosen knight with a handkerchief or a trinket. In turn, the knights would offer their trophy hunt to them. The one who hunted more would be the victor of the season's hunting competition.

Although that was still a tradition until now, women could also now participate. The numbers were smaller, though. But it was still better than the previous hunting season.

Silvia, Florence, and Heliot approached Rufus to greet him. They had to, especially the empress, to show to the public she had a good relationship with her emperor.

"Greetings to the shining sun of the empire." Florence curtsied. Behind her were Silvia and Heliot, who also performed a curtsy and a bow.

Rufus smiled, closed-lipped. "It's good to see you doing well, Empress." He then shifted his eyes to Silvia and then to Heliot.

"I didn't know you are participating, Your Highness. I thought you will rest since you just arrived last night."

"I thought it will be rude to refuse Your Majesty's invitation."

"You're still..." Rufus trailed off when he heard Kristina not far away. He glanced at where her voice was coming from, sporting a disdainful look as soon as he caught his aide.

"Kyah~! My husband! I will surely win this season's hunting competition and offer the trophy to you~!" Kristina, from being a fearsome knight, suddenly had a complete change of attitude. She was fawning on her husband, the Duke of Whistlebird, Noah Remington.

Noah chuckled gently, blushing as he felt a bit embarrassed at his wife's energy. "Wife, please keep it down. His Majesty might hear... you." He froze as soon as he caught Rufus' eyes on him.

"Let him," Kristina mumbled, hooking her arms around him. "Since my husband isn't taking part in the competition, your wife will bring honor to our house."

"You shouldn't taunt him like that." He leaned to her side as they approached the emperor to greet him.

Silvia couldn't help but chuckle seeing the two approach their standpoint. In many people's eyes, Kristina and Noah's relationship was also abnormal. Obviously, that was because Kristina was a remarkable knight. Something like participating in this type of competition that the duke should take part in. But the duchess participated instead.

"This humble subject greets His Majesty." The two of them bowed as soon as they greeted Rufus. They then shifted their attention to Florence and greeted her as well.

Florence's eyes softened. Her first time seeing Kristina lose her composure with her husband's presence.

"I wish you luck, Duchess." She tilted her head down slightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Rufus let out a shallow breath and cleared his throat. "Empress, I will have to excuse myself first. I'll see you on the hunting grounds." He then set his attention to Heliot.

"Prince Heliot, indulge with me for a while."


With that being said, Rufus turned his back against them while Heliot followed. At this point, Florence was already used to watching her husband's back as he headed to his tent. So, she smiled and refocus her attention on Kristina and Noah.

Meanwhile, Silvia's eyes remained on those two's backs. 'There's something wrong,' she thought, knowing Rufus was being secretive. She could ask Kristina, but the latter wouldn't just tattle an important matter to others, even if they were friends.

'I have a bad feeling about this.. I should ask him later.'?

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