The Duke's Passion

Chapter 580 - It Was A Good Life, Sam

Chapter 580 - It Was A Good Life, Sam

It wasn't even a decade yet since I first met my husband. Eight years wasn't the promised forever... that was not what I believed forever was. It was too short. In those eight years, we separated longer than we're together. That wasn't enough. I felt like we were still in the getting to know stage.

I couldn't let him die... not before my eyes — especially not before my eyes.

The hands of the clock trembled as it paused from clicking, freezing in time as I watched the dark glow appear on Maleficent's tip. My husband stayed still, watching that glow of judgment strike him. As I held my breath, our eight years of togetherness rewound before my eyes.

From that night when a stranger whose name I didn't know proposed to me out of the blue, to the time I came home with someone waiting for me home; the time he cooked — reheated the food he stole — for us to share for the first time, how my life spiral around when he came into my life, his voice that would whisper sweet nothing, his kisses, touches that I never knew I would yearn, our shared laughter. Those good days where we laugh until we're in tears... and those bad times where we console each other to stop each other's tears.

All those memories with Sam were akin to a glass, shattering right before me.

If I did nothing... those treasured memories we built together would be forever lost. I can't. I wouldn't lose him. I didn't allow that. That wasn't what he and I promised each other. We had reached this far. So, it was only natural that after all this destruction... we should both heal together.

Like always, we should do it together. I wouldn't heal if he died here; it would forever damage me.

"Fabian, no...!" I yelled but the gust of wind was more powerful than my command. I clasped my hands into a fist, gritting my teeth as I covered my face with my arm. Deep down, I was aware that Fabian's only orders from Sam were to end his lordship if he berserk and became a threat to everyone.

I couldn't understand just how dangerous Sam; even though he nearly snapped my neck. But I didn't judge Fabian because my heart knew ending Sam was something he hoped he wouldn't do in this life.

"Farewell, my Lord."

When I heard that quiet voice, along with the piercing sound of silence, my heart stopped beating altogether. My initial thought was, 'no, Fabian, don't do it,' but his expression told me he must do it. He would do it. He would end my Sam, my husband, my friend, my savior, the father of my son.

"Fabian...!" My voice shook as I ground my teeth, channeling every bit of my strength to get up and leap towards them. I didn't think. All that was in my mind was I couldn't let Sam die.

Maybe it was an adrenaline rush or the fright of losing my husband permanently that I reached him right on time. My limbs wrapped around Sam almost at the same time Fabian swung his spear down. After a second, I felt this sting across my back that made me grit my teeth subconsciously.

But... more than the pain, I was relieved.

"Sam or Hell. You can be God or the devil... the emperor or a peasant." I breathed out, but inhaling right after felt like my lungs constricted. "I will love you the same... my love."

A subtle smile appeared on my face as my eyes softened, looking up at the thinning dark shroud above. Was it over? I wondered. If so, I was relieved. My eyelids felt heavy as they drooped, watching my short life flashback in me.

'Ah... it was a good life, Sam.'


Samael's eyes dilated as soon as the woman he almost killed secured him in her embrace. He couldn't recognize this woman until now, but somehow, his heart broke when she took that attack for him. Time was frozen in time as he subconsciously settled his palm on her back as her limbs around him loosened.

"Sam or Hell. You can be God or the devil... the emperor or a peasant. I will love you the same, my love."

When she uttered those words, his eyes, which could only see red, slowly showed clarity. He withdrew his hand from her back, gazing at the blood on his palm that made his hand tremble. Before she could collapse, Samael instinctively caught her waist and pressed her body against him.

"Lilou." He choked, placing his palm on her back as a tear rolled down his one eye. "My wife... Lilou."

Samael wrapped his arm around her, pressing his hand on her bleeding back to stop it, but to no avail. The wound was too large for his entire sleeve to cover.

"Lilou, ah..." he clutched her back as he dropped to his knees, not blinking even once as he gasped for air. "Lilou..."

For a long time, her name was the only word he could speak in between his ragged breathing. "My love, hey... wake up." Samael patted her back gently to wake her up, but she wasn't moving anymore.

He tried... and tried and tried and tried. But Lilou didn't respond as her weight in his arms grew heavier.

"Ah..." His breath hitched as he looked up at Fabian. The latter was staring down at Lilou, wide-eyed as if he hadn't grasped the situation yet — just like everybody else.

All eyes were just on the two of them, kneeling on the concrete. Staring at Samael embracing his wife with wide eyes as Lilou took the hit that was meant to subdue Samael — a hit that was meant to end him.

"No, my lady." Fabian dropped Maleficent as he staggered back.

Samael's brows wrinkled as he winced, eyes sweating as he buried his face on her shoulder while clutching her back.

"Why... did you love me?" he asked through his gritted teeth, soaking her shoulder with tears. "Why... me?"

There were many questions and confessions he wanted to tell her, but those questions just escaped his mouth. Why did Lilou love him that she would exchange her life for him? Sure, that was what he wanted from the very beginning. For her to only love him — all of him. But now... he wished she loved him less.

If so, then... life wouldn't slip away from her grip.

"Lilou, you can't..." Samael trailed off as he froze, seeing her hand drop to his rear.. His eyes fell on her dirty palm, lying motionlessly.

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