The Duke's Passion

Chapter 567 - [Bonus ]Were Saved Now

Chapter 567 - [Bonus ]We're Saved Now

Ridiculous was the first word that came up to my mind as I listened to Sam's explanation. Did the two of them actually believe that having more than one heart was the cure to fight their evilness?!

I covered my lips with both my hands, looking at Sam with my eyes full of conflict. I had lost all words to utter to him. I didn't even know whether to find it funny how strangely innocent Sam and Fabian to think that way, or pity them that they had to literally open each other up to get that conclusion.

I already knew my husband and our head butler weren't normal. But this information… made me want to think — even if I didn't want to — that they're definitely crazy. Far crazy than I initially believed.

Sam clicked his tongue as he waved. "It doesn't matter now. Since we already proved that a person's personality had nothing to do with the heart, literally. I still thought of a way to make use of those experiments so we don't undergo the same pain of being operated on without anesthesia."

"And what is that?" I reluctantly inquired, a little confused at myself because I surely didn't want to hear more, but I ended up asking for more details.

"An extension for life." He cast me a side-eye as we continued on our walk. "I sealed Fabian's heart and violent tendencies in his other heart. As you don't know, Fabian is someone who took pleasure in death. If Fabian was a knight and was sent to war, he will be a war hero for sure since blood and death thrilled him. But apparently, he isn't a knight. So… he became a notorious murderer instead."

I pressed my lips into a thin line as he didn't have to speak further details, as I already knew about them. Wars were the best place to unleash the hidden beast in someone. I understood that since I also had unleashed my bloodthirst against my enemies and secretly took pleasure in killing them.

On the battlefield, it would look like an act of heroism and valor. But in normal life, it would be considered a crime.

"Anyway, since Fabian had lost his composure, I might send him far away for a while. I'm sure Fabian already knew that since he doesn't know when he will act up and just go crazy." Sam stopped a step away from the battlefield, cocking his head at me. "I'm saying this so you won't get angry at me once the decision is made."

"Well, thank you. You're so considerate."

Sam let out a chuckle as he peeled his eyes away from me, setting it on the disaster ahead. Thanks to everyone's effort, they managed to defend the gates. However, the fight was still raging on and for some reason, our people were more on fire than ever.

'Was it because of the emperor's flag and the knights marching in here?' I wondered as one could see if they paid more attention.

"Lilou, please brace yourself," Sam uttered without looking at me, taking a careful step as he passed through the open gate. As soon as he did, I clutched my chest as my eyes widened.

The second Sam stepped out of the estate, I felt this sudden heavy weight on my shoulder and the suffocating aura that stilled the air. If he didn't give me a heads up and I didn't react on instinct, I was certain my knees would've met the ground at the pressure.

All I could do was set my eyes on my husband's broad back, watching him strut his way on the battlefield. But… the fierce rumble that was going on moments ago instantly paused. The abnormals and undeads stood frozen on their spot, while the people fighting on our side also stopped in confusion.

"Sam…" I called under my breath, pulling an aura to fight the pressure he was emitting before following behind him. When I caught up to him, Sam halted as he gazed at Jaime and the undead trying to take out his heart but stopped.

Jaime's complexion was pale, lying with his elbows supporting him. He shifted his shaking eyes at Sam, who stood beside him. "You — Your Majesty…"

"My god, Count. I am now convinced that evil people truly lived a long life. How the hell are you still alive?" Sam uttered in dismay, crouching down beside him to check the bloody fingers pressing in Jaime's chest. I didn't know what sort of luck Jaime was blessed with, because Sam managed to save him in the nick of time.

"Your, your, your majesty…!"

Sam rolled his eyes as he let out a shallow breath, unfazed by Jaime's tearful eyes. "You're too old to cry." The next second, Sam slowly got up and in a blink of an eye, he used his hand like a sword and swung it on the undead.

The undead's head instantly rolled while Sam just waved to clean his hand. He raised a brow and cast Jaime, who was still on the ground, an indifferent look.

"If I were you, just die, Count. There's no point in surviving tonight since you will get punished in the end." Blunt and straightforward as usual, Sam imparted his wisdom as he turned around to see more people. Some already took advantage of the situation and slewed the enemy, while others — mostly vampires — couldn't move because of the pressure a pure-blooded vampire such as Sam was emitting.

"Do you want to see a magic trick, count?" he asked out of nowhere without even casting Jaime a look. "I'll show you one."

Sam slowly raised a finger and pointed at random undeads while saying, 'dead, dead, dead.' Just as he did, arrows pierced through the undeads' skull while my under-eye twitched. Sam looked back at Jaime, sporting a smug grin.

"See? Magic," he said proudly, but I couldn't help but let out a sigh. What did he mean by magic?! It was obvious Charlotte was paying attention to her emperor! There was no magic in that! It was called skill!

"Haha. I will tell you what's the trick behind that next time." Sam laughed as he resumed his strides to put an end and give these people who defended the estate some rest. He looked so reliable that all I could do was watch him from this distance as he consoled those injured and chat with them whilst beheading the enemy.

"How efficient," I muttered as my husband surely know how to manage his time by multi-tasking. But more than that, I felt relieved. So, relieved I plopped down beside Jaime with a smile on my face.

"Your Majesty," Jaime called in a questioning tone, but I just smiled and glanced at him.

"We're saved now," I said in a weak voice, watching Jaime sported a pained look before he nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty.. Minowa… is saved now that His Majesty is here."

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